#8 Challenge accepted

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After the little accident in the corridor, here I am, in the girl's washroom, cleaning up all the mess created by my wounds and Stefan

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After the little accident in the corridor, here I am, in the girl's washroom, cleaning up all the mess created by my wounds and Stefan. My white shirt is totally red at the bottom. I raised my shirt, only to see all the bandages covered in blood. I force of Stefan's hand must have opened the wounds.
I removed the old bandages, cleaned the wound and covered it with the fresh bandages I brought today at school for emergencies. And now my white shirt was a mess. I quickly think of a way to hide the blood. I removed my white t-shirt and pinned up my red checks shirt which I was thankfully wearing over it as a shrug. I tucked the shirt inside my black jeans. All done.

And now I was ready to go back to class

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And now I was ready to go back to class. I quickly throw the bandages in the bin and keep my blood-stained shirt in my bag. I walk out of the washroom to see Stefan waiting for me.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He asked as soon as he saw me coming.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I said as politely as possible.

"Why did you change your top, Princess? What happened? You don't seem to be a girl who changes her clothes for every period." He chuckled. Yes. Some girls in this school change their clothes for almost every period to get attention.

"Well, then you know me all wrong," I smirked and tried to walk away. Key word- tried.

As soon as I walked away, he held my hand and pulled me back again. And now we were so close that I could feel his breath. As an instinct, I quickly stepped back, away from him. He smirked at my action. I just glared at him.

"Now tell me. Why did you miss school and why did you change your top?" He asked again.

"Why are you so interested in my life?" I asked.

"No questions. Only answers." He said.

"I was at Selena's house and I tripped down the stairs and stumbled directly into a sharp edge of a table which pierces through my stomach and I passed out." I monotonously said. Now that I say it out loud myself, this story is so stupid and idiotic. It makes me seem so dumb.

"Seriously Princess. You are so clumsy. You should take care of yourself. And why did you change your top?" Stefan chuckled. Oh god. What's his problem? Why such a sudden interest in my life? But if I don't answer him, he'll keep me waiting and I'll miss class. So it's better to answer.

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