#3 A painting by my Princess

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cover by @dreamgirl1012 at the side... I love it!! Thank you!!

After eating my lunch, I made my way towards the Art class

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After eating my lunch, I made my way towards the Art class. Hardly had I entered the room when the bell rang. I was just on time. I took my art supplies from the art locker and sat on my regular seat. The professor told us to sketch something that we love the most. I started sketching. I am 'pretty good' at art. And by 'pretty good' I mean that I am excellent. My drawings have been displayed in the whole school corridor.

Most of the walls have my paintings and the remaining walls have the paintings done by Ryan Stanford, one of Stefan's best friends and Selena's long lost crush. He and I are on good terms, unlike Stefan and me. He is like a best-friend-brother to me. We talk a lot during art.

I have even planned to play the cupid and bring Selena and Ryan together. I think that even Ryan likes Lena. The way he looks at her is amazing. And the way she blushes in his presence is incredible. So yes. I am going to bring them together.


The period was about to end, with only 15 minutes remaining, when the professor asked us to show our work. I took a glance at my sketch. It was a portrait of Emma, my ex-best friend. Emma was a junior when I was a freshman. She was the first one to come up to me and say 'hi'. I shared everything with her; everything except about the gang. I have sworn to secrecy for that. She was like a big sister to me. I always wanted one and she was there. But this sister was only for one year.

When she was a senior, she died. Nope. She was killed. I don't know why she was killed. I have an assumption that it was because of me. Someone knows who I am even though I am undercover. She was killed because 'they' knew I was close to her. This is what the rivalry gangs do. So that out of frustration, we take the wrong steps and blow our cover to the whole world and 'they' remain safe. That is why it is important to be undercover. But I will find out who 'they' are and make them pay for what they did.

"Hey!" A voice snapped me back into reality. I turned around to see Ryan.

"That's very beautiful. Who is she? Your sister?" He asked.

"That's Emma. She was my best friend and was very close to being my sister." I answered.

"That's nice. But she looks familiar. I think I have seen her somewhere."

"She was from this school too. You must have seen her here." I shrugged.

"Yep. Maybe."

"Wow!" But that voice didn't come from Ryan. I turned around to see Stefan.

How the hell did he get in? Doesn't he have his classes to attend? Not that it matters to him. He thinks that missing his classes helps him keep his Bad Boy reputation.

"That's very beautiful, Princess." Not again! He was staring at the portrait, something flashed in his eyes. But when he understood that I noticed it, he quickly covered it up with a grin.

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