#31 I am always right

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To say I am nervous would be a huge understatement

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To say I am nervous would be a huge understatement. I am feeling anxious, edgy, tense, petrified, excited, skittish, neurotic, happy, overanxious, enraptured, horrified, hysterical, timid, fearful, thrilled, frightened, electrified, scared and all other possible emotions which I didn't even knew existed. I mean, I am going to go on my first official date with Stefan. And from what I have heard, first dates don't end up good. But there is no backing off now, right? I could tell him I am sick or something? As soon as that thought popped up in my mind, the bell rang, indicating Stefan was here. Excelente!

 I take a final look in the mirror.

I don't look that bad, do I? Should I change? Should I cancel? Stop freaking out and go out there! My brain reminded me

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I don't look that bad, do I? Should I change? Should I cancel? Stop freaking out and go out there! My brain reminded me. I was snapped back to reality when I heard a knock at my door. "Cupcake? You there?" Ash asked. I did not reply. Maybe he will think I am asleep and tell Stefan that? "I am coming in." He said and before I could reply the door opened. Ash entered and examined me. "Oh My God. Is Vanessa Macbeth, the Gang leader of The Elites, nervous to go on a date with Stefan?" Ash chuckled. "Hey! Lower your voice. He doesn't know about it." I glared. 

"Cupcake. It's just a date. Go out there and be yourself." Ash advised. "Heard that one before." I mumbled. "Look, the person standing out there really likes you. I have no idea how that happened but it did. And even if you go out there, dressed in a garbage bag, he would still like you. I can see it in his eyes. Plus, you look great." Ash smirked. "Since when did you become a expert?" I rolled my eyes. "I was always one. You just didn't notice it. Now, stop procrastinating and go!" Ash said as he pushed me out of my room.

"Hey Princess!" Stefan chirped as soon as he saw me. He was in a black shirt and a black jeans. All black but he still looked hot. How is that even possible? "Hey!" I smiled. "You look beautiful." Stefan commented. "Thank you. You look beautiful too." I smirked, teasing him. I was nervous but I was not going to let him see that. "That's not the word I would use. I prefer hot." Stefan smirked. And suddenly all the nervousness I was feeling vanished. How can one little cocky comment from his mouth do that?

I just rolled my eyes and walked towards Stefan and kissed his cheek. But this is Stefan we are  talking about. He cupped my face and smashed his lips on mine. It was a sweet kiss, but it still had the effect on me. "Okay lovebirds. Out of my house. Now!" Ash said and pushed us out of the door. "Bye Cupcake. Don't have too much fun without me!" Ash shouted. 

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