#14 Why didn't you tell me

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Why did I agree to come to this stupid party? I am bored as hell

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Why did I agree to come to this stupid party? I am bored as hell. 

I came here with Selena, Ethan and Ash, one hour ago. 

And now, I am sitting on this sofa, surrounded by drunk jocks and some kissing couples. Gross. 

Ash left to meet his team. Selena left with Ryan. And Ethan went to drink. 

I have such great friends. Note the sarcasm. 

The whole house is smelling of alcohol which is making me sick. I got up and went outside, near the pool. People were drinking and playing in the pool. Any other time, I would have loved to take a dip in the pool. But now, that would be the last thing I will do. 

I wonder were Selena and Sean are.

As on cue, Stefan came and stood beside me. 

"Having fun, Princess?" He asked.

"Yeah. A lot." I rolled my eyes and walked away from him. I spotted Abby and Claire talking with each other, both in their swimsuits. I walk over to them. 

"Hey guys!" 

"Come on Nessa. Go into the pool." Claire said. 

"I don't feel like it." I shrugged. 

"And why is that Princess?" Stefan suddenly appeared form behind me.

"None of your business." I said to Stefan. 

"Stop following me." I glared at him and walked to search for Ethan. I am going home.

I felt a strong hand hold my wrist and pull me back. And in a moment I was standing in front of Stefan with only an inch distance between us. I took a step back. 

He stood there, a smirk plastered on his face. He was shirtless, only on his swim shorts, showing off his eight packs. He didn't have much tattoos. Only a single one on his shoulder.

"Take a picture, Princess

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"Take a picture, Princess. It will last longer." Stefan smirked. I didn't realise I was staring at him. I glared at him. 

"Do you know where is Selena?" I asked. 

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