#32 Show them, Princess

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It's been two weeks since my first date with with Stefan and it has been a blast

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It's been two weeks since my first date with with Stefan and it has been a blast. After that day, I and Stefan went on two more dates. In one, we set up a tent at the beach and spent the night there. And in the other, we had a candlelight dinner. Both of them were better than the previous one. I and Ethan have been facetiming every single day. I even had a talk with my mom. She was happy for me. I had been spending most of my time with Stefan. So to compensate for that,  I and the girls also had a sleepover. 

At school, all the glares in my direction have reduced. Plus, everyone is so engrossed in the Winter Formal preparation that they don't have time to think about my and Stefan's relationship. Even Sarah has left me alone (which was very surprising). 

Today is special. Every year, ten days before Christmas, we have a Pre-Chirstmas mini party. Normally, it would only be me, Lena, Claire, Abby, Shirley, Tessa and Kevin and Ethan being the only boys. It would be held at my house as my dad was normally out of town and Mom used to crash at the Klarks. 

But this year, neither Kevin, nor Ethan would be joining us. Since Tessa and Kevin broke up, I haven't heard or seen Kevin. It's like he vanished. Ethan is busy with college. Plus he is in London. He can't travel four thousand miles for a small party. And I wouldn't ask him too. This year, we are having Stefan, Ryan and Melvin joining us. Ash is obviously going to be there. And we are hosting it at the Klarks as my mom sold our house and Selena's parents are in Australia to visit my mom.  

Life has been very good. But that is what is bugging me. It is too good to be true. It feels like the calm before the storm. The Blacks and the Knights have not made any move. They must have given up or they are planning something big. And my gut is telling me that it is the latter. Or I might just be worrying for no reason. I really hope it is that.

"A little to the left." I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tessa's voice. The whole school was busy with the winter formal preparations and I, Abby and Lena were in the School gym helping them to decorate it as we had a free period. Currently, I am standing on a ladder, trying to hang the Winter Formal Banner in the right place, with the help of Abby. "No. A little to the right." Tessa instructed. "Tessa, decide one thing. My hand is paining." Abby, who was holding the other side of the banner, whined. 

"Stop complaining. Learn from Nessa. She is not complaining." Tessa shouted. "Actually, I go with Abby with this one. Decide one thing." I shrugged. "Ha!" Abby said as she started jumping on her ladder. "Abby stop dancing. You'll fa-" Even before I could finish, her ladder went out of balance and she started falling down, pulling the banner and me with her. I heard Abby scream as I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. But rather than hitting on a hard surface, I felt someone catch me. 

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