#4 Deny the Gangleader

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Emma Thompson

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Emma Thompson.

"Thanks, mom." I gave her a small smile.

"Be careful dear. I know how you feel. Don't take any rough steps before you are sure." My mom warned.

"Yes, mom. You know I don't do anything before thinking about it a hundred times." I assured her.

"I know that Nessa. That is the reason why you are the Leader and the gang trusts you with their everything." My mom smiled.

"Thanks, mom." I smiled as I went upstairs to my room and sat on the bed. I opened the file and started reading it.

Name: Emma Thompson

Age: 17 (2001-2018)

Last seen: The Black Warehouse

Reason of Death: Nothing Specific

Seriously! 'Nothing Specific!' That's what they came up with. She was tortured until her last breath! She was r*ped until she couldn't hear her voice! She had cuts all over her body! She was killed with a knife which was directly stabbed into her heart! I still hear her cries in my sleep. I still imagine what she would have gone through. And they say that the reason for her death is 'Nothing Specific'!?! How could they?!

The researchers are supposed to know every single detail and this is what they come up with? I don't care if the researchers are afraid to write the real reason, I am not. I am going to find out who killed her. For some reason, I think I know who did it. I am going to make sure that they get killed in the same way. Last, seen- 'The Black Warehouse' huh? Well...Let's say that they are going to have a visitor today.

Let's say that they are going to have a visitor today

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I showered and got dressed. I packed all my things- the guns, the knives, the mask. I put my on phone on silent so that it won't unexpectedly ring and inserted the tracker in the front zip of my pant. I took my bag and made my way downstairs, only to see my mom waiting for me in the living. She knows me too well.

"Where are you going?" She sternly asked.

"Um...to find out more about..." I trailed.

My mom knew about Emma and what had happened to her. But I could never speak of her out loud with my mom. She understood what I was going to say and the strictness in her eyes was now replaced with concern.

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