#30 You look tasty

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I woke up to the sound of my ringtone

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I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. I tried to reach the phone kept on the side but was blocked by a heavy weight. I looked down to see someone's hand wrapped around my waist. As I slowly came to my senses, a familiar scent filled the air and I smiled. I looked beside me to see a sleeping Stefan- also known as my boyfriend. I still couldn't believe that he had asked me out last night. I was snapped back to reality when my phone rang. Who is calling me so early? 

As I tried to reach the phone, I was held behind by Stefan's arm. I tried to lift it but instead he just mumbled something  in the sleep and wrapped it around more tighter. Forgetting the phone, I just stared at his handsome face. "You are drooling." Stefan said in a sexy husky voice. I could feel my face heat up as I was caught red handed. I quickly turned away. "I didn't mind it." He chuckled. 

"Shut up!" I playfully glared. My phone rang again and this time, I was able to reach it. Selena was calling me? I quickly accepted the call and got out of bed, ignoring Stefan's whines. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping. It is what? 4 am there?" I whined. "Hello to you to." I could see Lena rolling her eyes.

"I couldn't sleep. I really need to tell you something." As soon as I heard that my brain wandered into to the worst thoughts possible. "Don't overthink it. Everyone is fine. Everything is fine. Well, everything except my virginity." Thank God- Wait. "What?!?" I shouted into the phone. Stefan gave me a worried look but a assured him with a shocked nod. "I and Ryan kind of did it last night..." She trailed off. "Wow! Girl, you work fast." I teased her. "Stop it." I can literally see her tomato-red-face in front of my eyes.

"How was it?" I continued my teasing. "Good. He knew it was my first time and he was pretty gentle." She said. "Awww." I cooed. "I told you to shut up." She growled. I just chuckled. I was about to say something when Stefan called for me from the bed. "Princess, come on! I want to sleep. Come sleep with me!" "What the f*ck is going on? Are you guys staying in the same room? Oh My God. Are you guys sleeping on the same bed? Oh No No. Are you sleeping with him?" Selena started.

"No. Why would you even think that?" I groaned. "Well, I saw you two get cozy when Ethan was in the hospital." She said. "That was totally different. Come on Lena! You know me. You really think I would do anything like that." I whined. "Well, miracles happen." She chuckled. "Really? Plus, it is Stefan's job to trouble me. He kind of has a PhD in that." I stated. "Yeah. You are right about that." She finally agreed. "Hey! Am I not allowed to tease my own Girlfriend?" Stefan shouted from the bed. Oh Great!

"Girlfriend?!? Vanessa Cassandra Macbeth. What the f*ck is going on there?!?" Selena shouted into the phone. "Yeah. He kind of asked me out yesterday and I said yes?" It came out more like a question. "You said yes?! Awesome. I am so happy for you!" Selena cooed. "She said yes?" I heard the voice of sleepy Ryan from behind. "You knew?" Lena asked him. "You told Ryan?" I asked Stefan.

"I needed someone's opinion. And he told me that he had learned the 'rules of asking out' from you when you helped him ask out Selena. So..." Stefan nervously shrugged. I just chuckled at his nervousness and directed my attention back to Lena. "Hey. I also called you to tell that Hayley called." She informed. I nodded my head although she couldn't see it and walked out of our hotel room, away from Stefan. "Yeah? What did she say?"

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