#33 Calm down!

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Hey guys! 
So here I am with another early update...*pats myself on the back* I just wanted to request you all to go and Vote for my book in the Reader's Choice Award in Primrose Awards by @gemelli_corp . You can find the link in the external links of this chapter...If you don't, you'll always find it on my profile....Thanks!! 
Enjoy the chapter.....*not edited so there might be many mistakes (or not)!!

Why did I ever agree to going to the Winter Formal with Anthony? This is the worst school dance I have ever attended

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Why did I ever agree to going to the Winter Formal with Anthony? This is the worst school dance I have ever attended. My plan of faking to be sick was perfect. Yet here I was, sitting on the benches outside school, with a post-crying mascara smudged face, shivering in the cold. 

If anyone is confused then let me start from the beginning...


"Where's Stefan?" I asked Lena. "He and Ryan are outside." She informed. I nodded and made my way outside. As I neared, I heard both of them talking. "Dude, she is your girlfriend. Of course she will say yes." Ryan told Stefan. They were talking about me. I stepped out and asked, "Yes for what?" "I am going to go." Ryan smirked as he walked back into the house. "Yes for what?" I repeated my question.

"To go to the Winter Formal with me." He answered. Oh no. Why did he had to ask this question? "So...? You are coming with me right?" Stefan nervously asked. I don't want to let him down but what can I do? "Stefan. I can't." 

"Great- Wait. What do you mean you can't?" He asked. "I can't go to the Winter Formal with you." I sighed. "What is that supposed to mean? Are you not going to the Winter Formal at all? I'll stay with you if you want. I was only going because of you." He suggested. My heart melted at his sweetness. How could I crush his heart? I took a deep breath and said, "I am going to the Formal with someone else." 

"What? Why? What that's supposed to mean? Why are you going to the Winter Formal with someone else?" He furiously stared right into my eyes, searching for an answer. I just sighed. "You don't underst-" "Who are you going with?" Stefan cut me off. "Anthony." I stared at the ground, too ashamed to look into his eyes.

"What! That f*cker cheated on you. And now you are cheating on me with him?" He shouted. I was first time thankful for the high volume noise inside the house so that no one could hear us. "Why? Why are you doing this?" He sighed. I stayed quiet, not knowing what to answer. "Stef-" "You never got over him, did you?" He asked. "It's not like that-" I tried to explain but he cut me off. "Then what's it like? Tell me." I squirmed against his intense stare.

"It's just one dance-" "It's not about just a dance. I saw you flirting with him in the morning at the gym. And this dance was going to be my first dance with my girlfriend. And I was really looking forward to it. But Anthony was right about you. You are a slut." He said that and turned around and walked away, leaving me all by myself to think what sin I had just committed. I had just broken the heart of the person I really liked. 


I haven't seen or heard from Stefan since the party. And it was all my fault. He had missed school and I was pretty sure he would not be attending the Winter Formal. I tried calling him but it just went to voicemail. But how was I going to explain the reason of me going to the dance with Anthony? I was snapped back to reality when I felt pain shooting through palm.

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