#15 Yeah, I am fine

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I heard the sounds of three bullets being shooted

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I heard the sounds of three bullets being shooted. I ducked and waited for the impact but it never came. I turned to see Ethan losing his balance. I quickly held him, only to see him vigorously bleeding. Oh. My. God.

I laid Ethan down, his head on my lap. He was shot. He was bleeding. I pressed his wound so that it would decrease the bleeding. I looked up to see who had done it. And to my surprise, it was the same person who had glared at us. The man saw me looking and started to run away. Stefan ran behind him. I looked at Ethan. But all I could see was red. Ethan's blood was everywhere. I couldn't think of anything. I reached for my phone to call emergency. But my hand was covered in blood. Ethan's blood. I suddenly realised what had happened and I started shivering. My lips were trembling. Tears started to format in my eyes. Ethan had taken a bullet for me. Not one, but three bullets.

I tried to dial 911 but my phone slipped from my hands. I looked around for someone to help. But it was quite early for someone to be walking on the street. Why did I not agree to take Stefan's car!?! Why did I decide to walk!?! It's my fault Ethan is like this. Tears started spilling from my eyes. It was my fault.

I tried to pick the phone up, but it again slipped from my hand, due to the blood. I looked at Ethan. His eyes were drooping. "Ethan! Stay awake! Open your eyes and stay awake." I tried to say. But it barely came out I a whisper, as I was crying. I tried to pick up my phone again. "Don't. I already called for the ambulance." Stefan assured me.

After sometime, the ambulance arrived and took us to the hospital. They took Ethan straight to the ICU and I was left outside. Stefan came up to me and handed me something. "You haven't eaten breakfast. You should eat something." He suggested and my blood started boiling with anger. How could he even think of food right now!?! "Do you f*cking think that I care about my breakfast, right now?" I shouted at him, gaining a lot of glares from the people around. I sat on the seats, held my head in my hands and started crying. Half because I was sad that Ethan was in the ICU and half because I was angry with myself. It was all my fault.

I felt someone sit beside me. I looked up to see Stefan. And again anger consumed me. "Why the hell are you even sitting here!?! You are allowed to go home, you know! You don't like him anyways. So why even stay here!?! Go and have FOOD!" I shouted and then continued crying. I felt a hand, pat my back. "You have calm down, okay? And even if I don't like him, I am sure he will be fine. But first, you need to calm down." Stefan assured. And to my surprise, his words were actually soothing. I closed my eyes and calmed myself. "I am sorry for shouting." I shrugged. "Do you f*cking think that I care about your sorry right now?" He copied me. And unknowingly, my lips twitched upwards into a smile. I sighed.

After sometime, we were joined by Shirley, Selena, Ryan and Ash. I was trying very hard to control my tears. Shirley was crying and Selena and Ash were confronting her. Ryan and Stefan went to talk to the doctor. My parents were on their way back London. My Dad was furious when he heard about it. So I could see I 'wonderful' argument coming my way. Currently, I was pacing up and down in the corridor in front of the ICU, in which Ethan was there, waiting for the doctor to show up and tell me that he was fine.

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