#6 I know you like her

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I woke up to see a familiar room, recognizing it be my own my room

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I woke up to see a familiar room, recognizing it be my own my room. I turned around to see the time- it's 9:30 a.m. Oh no! I was late for school and I had already missed my first lecture. I hate missing classes. I tried to get up hurriedly but I felt a sharp pain in my stomach making me collapse back onto the bed.

I raised my shirt to see familiar bandages on my stomach. All the events from last night came flooding back to my mind- the investigation- the black warehouse- the masked man- the knife- activating the tracker- and then I blacked out.

I still don't understand who that masked man was? His voice seemed familiar. Not that familiar but I am sure that I have heard it before. But currently, I should focus on going to school. I can think about last night later.

I slowly tried to get up but as soon as I did, my stomach started paining and I had to lie back down. Normally I would love to get cosy in my bedsheet but now all I can think of is going to school.

I think someone heard me cause I could hear some muffled footsteps nearing towards my room. The door was pushed open revealing Ethan, with a happy and relieved smile on his face. I wonder what story my mom and Selena have come up with this time.

"You're awake! What happened? Selena told me that you stumbled from the stairs and ran straight into the sharp edge of a table so you got hurt. Are you okay?" So that's the story they have come up with.

"Ethan don't ask her so many questions. She just woke up. Give her some space." This voice belonged to my mother. She was standing behind Ethan. I gave her a small smile.

"Mom, Ethan, I have to go to school. You know I hate missing classes." Both of them looked at each other and sighed.

"Nessa, you have been out for 4 days. It's Saturday, today. You don't have school." My mom explained to me. What!?! I missed school for 4 whole days. No. This can't be happening. I can't miss school. Ethan noticed my distressed look and hugged me.

"It's fine. Selena, Claire, Tessa and Abby got it covered." He informed. I sighed. I love my friends so much.

"To cheer you up, today I am going to give you one of the treats that I owe you." Ethan grinned.

"Only if I'm able to stand." I shrugged.

"That you will be. Mom told me that you will feel the pain only for some time after you get up. Once you are fine, we are going out." That's some good news.

"Okay..." At that moment my mom came in with some medicines and a glass full of water.

"Take these. You'll feel better." I thanked her and took my medicines.

"Ethan, she needs to rest. Leave her alone dear. She needs to get some sleep."

"Yeah, whatever." Ethan sighed. He got up and started walking towards the door. I knew he didn't want to leave me alone. And even I didn't want him to leave. I love being around him. His vibes always give some sort of fresh energy.

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