#12 Just like before?

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I open my door to move out when my phone starts ringing

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I open my door to move out when my phone starts ringing. I see the name. Josh? Why the hell is he calling me? 

"Hey, Josh! How's the practice going?" 

"Um...Actually not that great. That's why I have called you. We have a problem. We won't be able to play tomorrow." What!?! 

"Kyle got injured and Rick is out of town. So we technically do not have a goalkeeper for tomorrow's match. I was hoping you would know someone. If not then we will have to surrender, tomorrow." 

Oh. Kyle was the goalkeeper of the boy's team and Rick was the substitute. And now, there is no one. So it seems we'll lose tomorrow. 

"Vanessa? You there?" Josh snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, I am there. Just shocked. Um...I'll, see what I can do." 

"Yes. Please. Even the boys are trying to think of someone. Stefan even took some tryouts but no one was capable of blocking a single goal." I could imagine Josh rolling his eyes at the lack of soccer skills in our school's boys.

"If I find someone, I'll tell you." 

"Yep. Thanks."

"Can't you guys just use Tessa as your goalkeeper? I'll paint a mustache on her face if you want." I chuckled. 

"Oh. You think I did not think of using her. But it would be against the rules obviously. And we will get disqualified." He answered. As if I did not know that. 

"I know, Josh. I'll let you know. Bye. I hope we find someone. We can't lose this year." 

"Bye Vanessa. Thanks again." He ended the call. Okay. Now I have to think of someone. Let's see... 

Stefan- already in the team. 

Ryan- plays Basketball so he might be capable. But Stefan would have thought about him before I did. 

Melvin- same as Ryan. 

Ash- Excellent soccer player. 

Ethan- not in the school and the worst soccer player. 

Wait a minute. I quickly run downstairs.

"Do you still happen to play soccer?" I asked Ash. 

I and he used to play soccer when we were young. Selena would never like it when we used to play soccer. She was always a basketball player. 

"Um...Actually, I did play. But then, last year, when I changed my school, they didn't have a soccer team. So I am kind of not in practice. But I can still play." He answered, clearly confused about my sudden outburst.

"Great! I'll help you practice. I know you'll get in shape in no time." 

"But why?" He raised his eyebrows. 

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