Epilogue: Are you calling me fat?

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Hey guys!!

I finally completed my first book *squeals*

Firstly, Thank you soo much for reading my book...I don't know what in the world made you select my book but I am very grateful...I love you guys!!

Secondly, I know not all the readers Vote or Comment and I am fine with that because sometimes, even I don't like to Vote or Comment in some books...But I would really love to know who read my book...

So, even if you have never Voted, never Commented, please comment here- just the time when you are reading this chapter and your timezone- cause that way, I would know that people actually read my book...

Thirdly, I would love to know what you thought about the book...So please give a small review about the book (I don't mind if you didn't like the book...everyone has their own views)...I also would welcome Constructive Criticism because it would help me improve...

Lastly, Thank you again for reading my book...(I wrote the A/N over here because I know many people are too lazy to read the A/N at the end of the chapter cause I am one of them *giggles*)

Enjoy the epilogue...

"Vanessa Casandra Macbeth" My name was announced

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"Vanessa Casandra Macbeth" My name was announced.

It's been months since I was being held captive by my brother, being saved by my ex-boyfriend and saving my boyfriend with the help of my father who I did not talk to for years. Yeah. Life is weird.

I climbed on the stage to receive my graduation certificate. I shook hands with Mr. Henderson, our principal and he handed me my certificate. I glanced at the people staring at me. My mom and dad had proud look on there faces. Selena, Claire, Tessa and Abby were cheering for me. Ash was smiling while Melvin and Ryan looked like they were bored as hell. Stefan was just smirking at me.

After my dad told me that my mom was alive, we all went to Australia were I actually met my mom. And by 'we' I mean me, Selena, My dad and Anthony. To say I was shocked to see my mom standing, alive, in front of me, would be an understatement. I was on cloud nine and I did not leave her side for the next forty eight hours.

My mom and dad decided to stay in Australia. The relationship between me and my dad has gone back to how we were before I joined the gang. It took time but we got there, eventually.

Talking to my dad was weird at first, but then again, Life is weird. He still feels guilty about making random assumptions about me and tries every way possible to make it up to me. I love my dad.

As for Anthony, he has been on his best behavior. We don't see each other a lot but we still talk on the phone sometimes. The only annoying part is that he still calls me 'Sweetheart'. And let me tell you, Stefan hates it. 

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