#36 I said I am not leaving her!

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Stefan's POV

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Stefan's POV

I was in the hallway, when I started feeling suspicious. Something was not right. Where is everybody? It was too silent around. Suddenly, I heard something roll and I felt it stop at my leg. Hardly had I looked down to see what it was when smoke emerged out of it. It was a smoke bomb. I started coughing a the smoke went into my nose and mouth. I heard some gun shots. Great! We are being attacked.

Trying to see through the smoke, I walked up to the nearest room and opened it, only to see many of my men knocked out. They needed immediate medical help. I quickly called Ryan. "Get the medical team to Room 207. It's code 101." I announced and ended the call. 

Whoever this was, he must be very smart. It is very difficult to get in without being noticed. I quickly picked up the gun which was fallen down and reloaded it. Hardly had I stepped out of the room when the gun was kicked out of my hand. "Hello Thompson." I heard an Australian accent. These are the Elites.

"Hello whoever you are." I rolled my eyes. "I would introduce myself. But the leader of the Elites is all you need to know." She smirked. The Australian accent sound so different yet so familiar. It's like I have heard it before. I should be able to recognize it. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she threw her gun away, which landed beside my gun.

"I have no gun. You have no gun. Whoever gets to the gun first, gets to shoot the other person." She challenged. "I don't hit women." I glared at her. "Well, I hit men." And with that, a punch glanced my chin. I noticed too late that it was a feint, though, when the second punch doubled me over and expelled some of the choked air from my belly.

It was a heck of a shot. I noticed a fair amount of pain with the gut-shot, which was something I wasn't used to. The shot also told me that she was one hell of a fighter. And she reminded my of Princess. How she used to punch me whenever I tried to kiss her.

Get Princess out of your head. You are in a fight. My brain was right. And after all, the Elites and the agreement were the reason I had lost her. "Well, now you are going to pay." I glared at her.

I stood straight, my eyes bulging with rage, and stared at my opponent- the leader of the Elites- only her ocean blue eyes and her pink lips visible through her mask, which was covering the rest of her face, making it difficult to recognize her. Her eyes looked so much like Princess'. F*ck! I really have to get her out of my head. I was snapped back to reality when I felt another punch in my stomach.

"You...are..." I took a lurching step forward with each word. On the third, I swung: "Dead!"

The blow felt too sluggish. I knew the second I had launched it. The spry, smirking female ducked under it. Before I could even register the dodge, however, another body shot, this one to my ribs, sent fresh ripples of pain through my torso. I made absolutely sure I did not fall—but I was a lot closer than I liked. 

She went in for another shot but I shoved her off. Seeing the her scoot back so far against my weight, I realized she was already very hurt. And this wasn't a fair fight. But I don't care. I covered the distance between us and threw three more punches that did land. She fell.

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