#27 Everything is Fair in Love and War

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It's been almost three weeks since the day when I was skydiving and bungee jumping- the things that I never thought that I would do

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It's been almost three weeks since the day when I was skydiving and bungee jumping- the things that I never thought that I would do. And it's Thanksgiving today. Ethan had been discharged from the hospital last week and has been living with me, at the apartment ever since. My mom is going to be leaving for Australia today after the Thanksgiving dinner. Ethan and my father are moving to London and they are leaving today too. I have no idea how I am going to stay without Ethan. I already miss him, even though he is currently sleeping in the room beside me.

I finally get out of bed to get ready for the day and get changed into a comfortable white top and maroon jeans.

I finally get out of bed to get ready for the day and get changed into a comfortable white top and maroon jeans

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I walk into Ethan's room. "Wake up sleepy head!" He hums in response. "Ethan! It's Thanksgiving! Wake up!" I shouted in his ears. "You know he won't wake up like that." I heard Ash say from behind me. "I know. I am just trying to be polite to him. But I'll be soon bringing an ice bucket." I said, the last part purposefully loudly. "No ice bucket! I am waking up!" Ethan sleepily said. I just chuckled as I made my way out if his room.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked. "Pancakes!" Ash answered as we sat at the table and started eating. "No offense, but after eating Stefan's food, everything kinda seems dull," I commented. "Yeah. Whatever. You are obviously going to like Loverboy's food. But this all you are going to get today." Ash playfully glared at me.

"Yeah! I know that! I also know that I am going to beat you at Coco-ball today." I smirked. "Woah! We are having Coco-ball today?" Ash asked. Coco-ball is a series of different games where coconuts are included. We used to play the game every year on Thanksgiving until we moved here. "Yeah! I heard my mom talking to Selena's mom." I chuckled. "Well, there is no chance you are beating me at that." He smirked. "Beat you at what?" Ethan came into the room.

"Coco-ball!" Ash answered. "Wow! They are really planning on Coco-ball?" Ethan asked. "Yep!" I smiled. "Well, there is no chance any of you is going to beat me," Ethan smirked. "Oh please!" I scoffed. "You have never won a Coco-ball. Ever." Ash chuckled. "Well, there is a first time for everything!" Ethan said and we all burst out laughing. Oh! I missed this!

Finally, the evening came. Its 4 pm now, and we are all gathered up at the Klarks. Currently, I, Selena, and Ash are filling the turkey pinata with confetti and skittles. This was another Thanksgiving family tradition we used to have. "We need to add more skittles!" Selena whined. "This is enough. Otherwise, it would burst before anyone hits it." Ash explained. "But still! I want more skittles! Vanessa, tell me you agree with me!" Selena demanded. "Well, I am going with Ash on this one, Lena! It seems pretty full." I shrugged. "Yeah!" Ash said, giving me a high five. "I hate you both!" Selena playfully glared. "No, you dont!" I and Ash chorused.

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