#13 And when the hell did that happen?

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I woke to my alarm blaring in my room

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I woke to my alarm blaring in my room. It was finally the day of the game. I completed my morning routine and rushed downstairs for breakfast. I saw packed and ready suitcases kept near the front door. 

My Mom was going for a trip to London to visit Dad for a week. 

"Good morning Nessa. I couldn't make breakfast today as I am in a bit of hurry. Would you mind buying something for you and your brother?" My mom asked, as soon as she saw me. 

"Obviously mom. Don't worry. Just have a safe trip and enjoy yourself." I smiled and kissed her cheek. 

"Thanks honey!" She hurried outside, where the cab was waiting for her.

"Bye Nessa! Please wake your brother otherwise he'll sleep the whole day. Bye!" She chuckled. 

"Bye Mom." I waved at her as the cab drove off.

I went upstairs. 

"Wake up brother! You didn't even bid mom goodbye. Wake up now." I shouted as I crossed Ethan's room. I changed into my denim shirt and a navy blue jeans, picked up my school bag and headed to see whether Ethan had woken up.

 I changed into my denim shirt and a navy blue jeans, picked up my school bag and headed to see whether Ethan had woken up

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I was going to knock his door but decided against it and barged inside his room to see him still sleeping. 

"Wake up Ethan!" I shouted near his ear. His eyes shot open and he unconsciously slapped me. 

"Ouch! That hurt, you Idiot!" 

"That's what you get for waking me up like this." He glared at me.

"Oh. So do you prefer a bucket of ice over your head!?! Next time I'll take your preferences under my consideration." I sarcastically smiled at him. "You didn't even bid mom goodbye!" 

"She left already!?!" He asked.

"She is not a sleepy head like you." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey-" Ethan was about to protest when the doorbell rang. 

"I'll go get it. Till that time, you should be ready. We have go get breakfast. I am not good when I'm hungry." I glared at him and exited the room.

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