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It's been four years, four years of lies and heartbreak....hey guys it's Cat I know your probably wondering what the hell happened well after I had the twins me and August got married everything was great until the week after the kids first birthday, I don't know what went wrong but it all started with a text message and some pictures.

The one thing that he promised never to do was a lie and I was broken. I couldn't eat sleep anything but as the time went on I moved on I got better I threw myself into my modeling and I started hitting the studio more often but I never ever went to the same one where there would be a possibility of me running into August, Zo and AJ shouldn't have to go through this but it's for the best.

I don't miss him as much as I used to but I still love him I'll admit to that it's frustrating when you give yourself to someone for so long and you sacrifice so much for them but they turn around and screw you over. Everything , was a lie, It's weird no one saw this coming no one expected it so when I called my bestfriend crying she was pissed, I did my best to find a place on the other side of town and moved out a day and a half later, but don't think I keep him away from his children because I don't but in order for him to see them I drop them off at my moms house and he picks them up from there and vice versa for the sake of the kids we had our lawyers play messengers for a few weeks and decided not to get a divorce but I don't wear my ring anymore and I'm pretty sure he doesn't either.

I honestly didn't think this is what the future held for me but I guess it was, about a few months after I left I sent the kids with Mama Sheila and went on a little vacation to find myself I damn sure needed it after I spent every night crying myself to sleep for a month straight! When I left I went to Antigua just to clear my head, but there was a mix up on my ticket and I ended up in Long Island.

Do you know how hard it is to be a mom and have your four year old children come to you and try to cheer you up?? If it wasn't for Zoey and AJ I would be lost or probably have really bad depression these kids are my everything, the sunlight on my rainy days my babies are my life. After we first broke up August tried talking to me every way possible he called, texted, and emailed me, but I wasn't having it I was just to hurt and I felt like I was gonna make the wrong move letting him back in so soon.

But besides me working my ass off and paparazzi I haven't really been up to much I don't date I don't talk to anyone, I mean there's guys who try to talk to me I just know better than that there was one guy his name was Andrew Rodgers but we're friends he asked me out and I said no but he was persistent so I decided to just go while we were out we talked about things when I told him about the twins he wanted to meet them but I hesitated before I agreed.

Lets just say Zo loves her uncle Drew he spoils that girl to much not as much as her father but he's a sucker for her little pouty face it's funny. AJ now was a little more hesitant he gave Andrew the stank eye the first time he laid eye on him it was funny to see a 3 year old glaring at a 25 year old. But after a while he warmed up to him every once in a while we all go out just to enjoy ourselves whenever I'm home.

Ive been thinking about moving to New York but I already the consequences of that August would have a heart attack, if I had my lawyer tell him I was planning to move out of the state but the scene here in California is getting a little boring to me but I also know the kids wouldn't like the change, so just for my babies I'll stay in Cali but somethings gotta give I guess.


Sup guys I know some of you probably hate me right now for what I did to Cat but I didn't mean for anything bad to come from it I was on the road and I had one to many drinks, shit got way out of hand.....

I miss Cat like crazy but I had to move on it's been 3 years since I've seen her face like actually seen her face and not just in a magazine or on tv. I don't even see her when I go to pick up the kids she drops them off at her moms house and I pick them up from there.

I eventually pulled myself together after she left and put myself in the studio sometimes days at a time just to keep my mind on something other than her. From what I heard she go with some nigga named Andrew but I know she don't love that nigga just like how I don't like the chick I talk to right now I mean she cute and everything but she's not the person that holds my heart.

Her names Jaileen Justice she's a sweet girl came around about five months after me and Cat split up but I let her know I wasn't ready for a relationship and she was okay with that she stuck around she met the kids after about a year and a half of us just kicking it at first Zoey ain't like her she would never even want to be in the same room as Jaileen.... Just like her mama. Now, she isn't so bad she gets along pretty well with her.

I guess you can say I'm moving on after all this time I still got a lot of love for Cat but I just think it's best to let things rest and get back into my regular I don't wear my ring anymore I took it off the last day I tried to contact her which was a few weeks after she left and then changed her number.

After the day I faced the fact that I lost her for good but I guess somethings gotta give right?

So here's the sequel guys...I know you guys weren't expecting this but hey gotta keep you guys interested some how just don't drop this story because they split there's a bunch of surprises coming up in this book just be patient.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now