Ch.10:Bonding Time

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Team Kakashi was continueing there journey to the Tenchi Bridge. Burto kept staring at Sai.

"What is it? Sai asked.

Sakura and Suigetsu both turned to look at Sai.

"Please stop stareing at me like that are I'll pound you." Sai said.

"Where did that gone from. Were do you get off saying things like that?" Burto asked.

" I really have nothing personal against you."

" Yeah! Then why you say it?"

" You don't understand I only trying out a certain personality trait that's all." Sai explained.

"A personality type?" Sakura asked.

"If you were trying to do it! That means you ment it!"

Sai continue in walking ahead.

"We don't need someone like you on this team!"Burto exclaimed.

Sai then stopped walking and turned around. Captain Yamato and Naruto both turned around.

"You really rub me the wrong way. "Burto said.

Naruto nodded at Yamato telling him to handle this.

"That's enough that no way to talk. Especially not in front of me your team captain or in front of Naruto your co captain." Yamato stated.

Burto turned to look at Yamato.

"Burto netural respect and trust are a central element of teamwork. Wasn't it Kakashi that taught you that? Your part of the team led by the great Kakashi. Lose the attitude." Yamato commanded.

"He not apart of team Kakashi! Not now not ever! The foruth member of are team is always be Ken Haruno. Besides I rather have Suigetsu as the new 4th member anyday over this guy!" This guy is jus a fill in for Ken that's all he is he never be a real member of are team!" Boruto exclaimed.

" Well I'm glad you feel that way Ken nothing but a stuck up jerk who thinks he knows everything. I will never fill in for someone like that." Sai stated

"I had it with you Sai," Burto said about to charge at Sai. Until Sakura stopped him.

"Remember what important Burto it teamwork. Calm down. Sai Burto was out of line it just because he doesn't know you well enough." Sakura said.

Sakura then move her arm from in front of Burto.

"I'm sorry I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive him." Sakura said.

"But Sakura.," Burto said.

" Gald we have at least one level head person on the team."Yamato said.

"Oh don't worry he doesn't bother me in the least." Sai stated.

" Good that'sa relief," Sakura said with a fake simile.

Sakura then punched Sai in the face.

"I don't care one bit of you forgive me." Sakura said.

"You fool me quite well that smile of your's look so sincere." Sai stated.

"Sai you don't know anything about Ken so I won't stand for talking about him as you do. Next time you talk bad about him I won't hold back. " Sakura explained.

"Fine then I keep my mouth shut in front of you. It just appears I learned another use for a fake simile I remember that." Sai said.

"How can you sit there grinning after she knocked you into next week?" Burto asked.

"The best way to defuse a troubling situation is by smiling. Even if only a fake smile. " Sai explained.

"It will fool more people then you think at least that what it said in a book. However I haven't quite mastered it yet." Sai stated.

"Ok you jerk!" Burto exclaimed.

Yamato then created a wooden cage behind him. Shocking everyone except Suigetsu and captain Naruto.

" Just stop it all of you! Sai stop with the rude comments your not a jerk so quit acting like one please. Burto stop losing your cool over everything he says and deal with it. Ken works at the hospital now he not coming back unless he is absolutely needed. Sakura don't punch him again. Now enough fighting." Suigetsu exclaimed.

Everyone turned to look at Suigetsu.

"I suggest you listen to Suigetsu are I toss you all in this cage if you continue fighting. Look we don't have much time if were going to make it to the Tenchi bridge." Yamato said.

" That being said we have just enough time to sort this out once and for all." Yamato stated.

"As the peacemaker here I'm oftening two choices. Spend the rest of the day cramped inside a wooden box reacquainting yourself with the meaning of teamwork or enjoy a night at a comfort Inn with a relaxing hot spring. Which do you choose? You don't really know me very well either. I prefer the kinder amd and gentler approach but believe me I use more draconian methods when it necessary. "Yamato stated.

Team Kakashi was now at the hot springs relaxing. Well almost everyone was relaxing. Burto an Sai were still fighting with eachother.

Captain Yamato was about to get out of the hot spring until he saw Burto trying to sneak a peek at Sakura on the girl side of the hot spring.

"Before I go let me share a interesting story with you Burto." Yamato said.

Burto turned around to look at captain Yamato.

"Once when Master Jiraiya was young there was one incident that nearly cost him his life. He fractured six ribs both arms and suffered several ruptured organs. Supposedly Lady Tsunade did it. Her strength is astonishing it all happened because he did actually what your contemplateing right now." Yamato said.

Burto then started it sweating.

"Oh course Okāsan doesn't like being peep at. The only person who got away with that is Otōsan and he not a pervert that only happened once because he was shocked at how beautiful she looked," Naruto said laughing.

"I wonder how Sakura will react," Yamato said walking away.

"Well I'm going inside also don't stay in the hot spring to long," Naruto said walking away.

"I should start getting out now too started to get to warm," Suigetsu said.

" I'm going to get out also." Sai said.

" Hey Burto I wouldn't stay in there to long if I was you. You wouldn't want to pass out." Sai said.

Once everyone was out they were now gather at table full of food eating dinner. Everyone was enjoying there food. Burto and Sakura were saying that Captain Yamato should be the new team leader. Once they were all finished eating they all decided to call it a night and go to bed.

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