Ch.30: Mission Failed

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Obito's POV

I was heading back to the Hidden Leaf Village.  I spent almost a week searching for Kabuto back sadly no luck finding him.

So, I decided to return home and report in to Oreo-Jiji about how my mission went.

I wonder if Burto had any luck finding Itchai and Sauske. 

I sure didn't have any luck finding Kabuto after he escaped from the hold, I had on him.

I began running at full speed so I could get back to the Hidden Leaf Village.  To give my mission report and then finally eat a home cook meal made by Okāsan.

I hope she didn't make any of my favorite meals while I was gone.

When I was getting closer to the leaf village.  I saw an ANBU who masked match Kimimaro. He was picking up some man that was wearing some kind of cloak that was covering his face.

I wonder who that guy could be hard to see his face. Looks like he passed from exhaustion.

I continue making my way to hokage office.  Now wasn't the time to be thinking who that guy is Kimimaro can handle that on his own.

When I arrived at the hokage office.  I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A snake like voice said.

I walked to the office and saw Oreo-Jiji with both hands on his head. He was also looking at some papers on his desk.

He must be stress or exhausted he normally does that when he has headache which he always gets when stress or exhausted.

"Hey Oreo-Jiji I'm back." I said.

Oreo-Jiji looked up from his desk and looked at me. He looked paler than usually.

"Your back Obito how was your mission?" Oreo-Jiji asked.

"I failed Kabuto got away. I also had no luck finding Naruto Yashagoro. I did find out the rumors where true they aren't working together anymore.  Naruto Yashagoro suddenly vanished, so Kabuto injected his DNA into himself and plans to surpass him." I replied.

"I see well you may go home thanks for trying." Oreo-Jiji said.

"Before I go are you ok?" I asked with concern.

"Yeah just a little tired with elders and Danzo asking what I plan to do about Sauske." Oreo-Jiji explained.

"I see well I will be heading home now. Try to get some rest." I said.

Then there was a loud sound of the door being opened.

Me and Oreo-Jiji turned around to see it was Kimimaro with his fish mask.

"What is it Kimimaro?" Oreo-Jiji asked.

"We found someone at the gate wearing a cloak passed out. He in the ANBU medical ward. You going to want to see who it is." Kimimaro explained.

"I understand be there in just a few minutes." Oreo-Jiji replied.

Wonder who that guy is that Kimimaro found at the gate.

"Well I'm going to see who this guy is that Kimimaro wants me to see. You should head home and eat." Oreo-Jiji said, getting up from his desk.

"Right I see you later Oreo-Jiji." I replied.

Once I left his office, I start it making my way home. To see what my Okāsan made for lunch.

When I arrived at home.  I could smell Okāsan cooking coming from inside the house. So, I opened the door as fast as possible.  So, I could go inside and eat lunch.

"I'm home!" I shouted, walking inside the house.

"Your back son how was your mission?" Okāsan asked from inside the kitchen.

"It was a failure didn't capture Kabuto.  I didn't get information on Naruto Yashagoro whereabouts. Kabuto doesn't know where he is. He just said he suddenly vanished without leaving a note. None of his subordinates could find him." I explained.

"I see well Kiyomi was here yesterday she wanted to ask you something." Okāsan said.

"I see I will talk to her after lunch." I said.

Once lunch was ready to eat. I went upstairs to get Sato to let know food was ready like I do every day. Sato quickly came downstairs to eat.

"What did you make for lunch?" Sato asked.

"I made spaghetti and meatballs." Okāsan replied.

"Yummy my favorite type of pasta!" I exclaimed.

We quietly ate our food.  While eating I asked Okāsan where Otosan was. She told me that he went on a mission with Jiraiya. That he should be back soon, because Oreo-Jiji recently got a message from him saying he was on his way back.

Once I was done eating. I decided to go see what Kiyomi wanted it to talk to me about.  When I arrived at Kiyomi house I knocked on the door. The door opened and standing there was Kiyomi mom.

"Hi Obito come on in. Kiyomi in her room." Kiyomi mom said.

I went upstairs to Kiyomi room to talk with her. I knocked on her door.

"Hey Obito your finally back from your mission." Kiyomi said, while letting me into here room.

"Yeah I heard you can to talk to me about something yesterday. " I said

"Yeah I wanted to ask you something." She explained.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I wanted it to know if you would be my boyfriend." She replied.

I stared at her shocked for a while before replying.

"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend. " I said.

She began smiling really big. Then she leans forward and kissed.

Hey lovely readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think about this chapter

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Thanks for reading 💖

Q: Any suggestions for the pairings not made yet?

1. Sauske x
2. Sato x Ken
3. Ino x Sai
4. Hinata x Burto Uzamuki
5. Namai Uzamuki x Garra
6. Shino x
7. Lee x Sakura ( might change it to a oc)
8. Choji x Karui
9. Tenten x Neji ( because I think Neji shouldn't have died)
10. Kiba x
11. Suigetsu x Karin
12. Kimimaro x
13. Jugo x

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