Ch.28: Showdown

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Obito's POV

Kabuto charged at with his charka scalpel justu. I quickly made a snake clone to take the hit. So instead of hitting me he hit my clone.

"A snake clone so where the real one." Kabuto said, while looking for the real me.

"Water style exploding rasengan!" I created  my rasengan then toss it.

There was a huge explosion of water. The blast was so strong that some of the trees got destroyed. Kabuto was able to get out of the way.

"Impressive that was quite the explosion. That could of done some serious damage if I didn't move out of the way in time." Kabuto said.

I have to capture him some how, but what justu should I try next.

Kabuto charged at me again with his charka scalpel justu.  I grabbed one of his hands with my striking shadow snake justu.  Kabuto copied me and used the striking shadow snake justu.

I charged at Kabuto and punched him in the face. When I looked close at what I punched.  I realized that I just hit a substitution.

"Not bad Obito your strong, but why haven't you used your rinnegan powers?" Kabuto asked.

"That none of your business, but not using them because I want to prove that I'm a strong fighter without them." I replied.

Kabuto then started laughing.

"Yeah let me guess you don't know how to use your eyes." Kabuto said.

"Think what ever you want. This end of the line for you your going to jail!" I exclaimed.

"Summoning justu!" I then summon  a big snake bigger then Luna but smaller than Manda.

"You summon me Lord Obito?" Slithers asked.

"Yeah I need you to help me capture Kabuto." I said.

Slithers began moving towards Kabuto. Kabuto kept jumping back to avoid get capture by Slithers and my striking shadow justu.

This is becoming a pain there has to be a way to slow him down. Wait that tree if he moves more to left he will trip and fall. That should slow him down.

"Hey Slithers make him move more to the left," I said quietly enough that only Slithers heard me.

Slithers moved closely to Kabuto.  Kabuto continue jump back out of the way closer to the fall tree. He then finally started to fall backwards.

"Striking shadow snake!" I the shot a snake out of my sleeve to grab Kabuto.

"You been capture now time to had back to the Hidden Leaf Village." I said.

"Oh really you may of caught me off guard with you chase me in this direction. But I'm not giving up that easily." Kabuto said, while trying to break free from my hold.

"Slithers carry him into you mouth while we head back to Hidden Leaf Village." I said, while waiting for Slithers to open his mouth.


What was that explosion?

Me and Kabuto both looked in the direction were the explosion came from.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Don't  know but I do know I'm out of here." Kabuto said.

I quickly turned around and saw that Kabuto broke free from my hold.

"Oh no you don't  you going to a jail cell!" I shouted trying to capture Kabuto  again.

I was to late to grab him. So he ended up getting away.

He got away now I will have to track him again. Frist let's see what that explosion was.

I began running towards the direction  the explosion came from.

What could of cause that explosion.  It was a strong one to maybe some kind of battle.

When I arrived I saw the search team looking for Itchai gather around a large circle.

They must of saw the explosion also.

"What happened here?" I asked.

Everyone jumped and turn around.

"Obito where you come from? I didn't even smell you" Kiba said.

"I came from that direction." I said, pointing at the direction I came from.

"Well we found evidence that Sauske was here right before we arrived." Sakura said.

"I see so he was the cause of the explosion along with who he was fighting." I said.

"It very faint but his scent is definitely here. Also I can detect several other scents as well." Kiba said.

"What does that me?" Burto asked.

Oh yeah they weren't told about Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo with Sauske.

"By the look of this crater a battle was fought here." Shino stated.

One of the ninja hounds then started sniffing the ground.

"Thought so as I suspect one of the other scents is identical to the one I detected in the city. Sauske isn't traveling by himself. He has three companions traveling with him as well." A ninja hound said.

I might as well tell them about who traveling with Sauske.  Before I go back to looking for Kabuto.

"Then in the town." Sakura said.

"Yes Sauske probably formed a team. Also I know that one of the the scents here belongs to Diedarda a member of the Akatsuki." Kakashi said.

"Wasn't he the one who self destructed and sent by another dimension by your justu?" Sakura asked.

"I thought he must of fake his own death as a way to escape." Kakashi said.

"You right he not traveling alone. He has Jugo, Suigetsu, and Karin with him." I stated.

"So that were Suigetsu disappeared to I was wondering why he didn't show up earlier today to model for the painting if him I was making. Which I was going to do this morning before we got this mission." Sai said.

"Why didn't granny Tsunade tell us about them being with Sauske? Also why would they leave with  him. Also who are Karin and Jugo?" Burto asked.

"If I remember correctly Karin is a Uzumaki and I don't about Jugo but there both orphans that Orochimaru saved." Kakashi explained.

"She didn't say anything because  Oreo-Jiji said they will be back eventually and Sauske a different story. Suddenly left hoping to find swords for his sword collection.  Karin because her crush on Sauske.  I don't know why Jugo left." I replied.

"Also yes Karin a Uzumaki." I said.

"Well I don't care if he has a team. Let's just get moving and track down Sauske scent!" Burto exclaimed.

"Sorry but I'm afraid we can't do that." Pakkun said.

"What? Why not?" Burto asked.

"The trail goes  cold here." Kakashi said.

"What does that mean?" Burto asked.

"It means he either was completely destroyed by the explosion or use some kind of transportation technique" I explained.

I then use my ability to communicate with Luna without talking. To ask her to track Kabuto.


"Well good luck  I need find Kabuto again. Since he got away while I was distracted by the explosion." I said following the direction Luna was starting to move in.

"See you later then Obito hopefully he doesn't escape this time." Sai said.

"That won't happen he only broke free from his restrainment because this explosion caught me off guard." I stated.

I then took off to continue searching for Kabuto.

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Q: Do you Jiraiya should stay alive?

A/N: Next chapter will be Jiraiya finally leaving to the Hidden Rain Village.

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