Ch.38: Back In The Real World

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"Orochimaru! Orochimaru!"

Said man could only  hear his name being called as everything surrounding him was black. He couldn't really recognize the voice, and truth be told it sounded like a cave echo.


He struggled to open her eyes, but still did in the end. He could feel a hard surface underneath her. And she could see the blue sky once his eyes were opened.


This time he froze as she did recognize the voice, still lying on the ground.

He sat up swiftly to see once again someone he hadn't expected to see.


Said girl smiled at him softly.

"Thank God, you're alive."

"What.... What happened?" he asked, being dazed.

"Well... I'm not sure to be honest. I thought you dead I couldn't feel your pulse at first but it was just very faint, and then there was this shiny light and then suddenly people who where dead are alive again."

So it was just a dream I wasn't dead. Well at least I got to see my parents again.

"So what all happened?" he asked.

"Well as expected Burto and Obito defeated Pain.  Namai help of course with the healing." Sato explained.

Orochimaru smiled proud at how strong those three have gotten.

"You should go join Obito  to check on him... He is your brother after all," Orochimaru said to Sato.

"What about you?"

"I'll come in a few minutes. I just need to do something first."

She maintained eye contact with her for a few more moments before nodding. Then she went to find Obito, Burto, and Namai.

Orochimaru walks through to see that everything was completely destroyed.

This is a lot of damage. Also I wonder where Tsunade is I try sensing for her charka to locate her, Orochimaru thought to himself.

Once he sense her charka and notice it was very faint. He then sprinted to go find his wife He ended up finding her, and Namai and Sakura were already by her side.


Tsunade was unconscious and her chakra was dangerously low.

"Godaime-Sama...." Namai uttered as if she had just seen a ghost.

But Orochimaru shrugged it off, being too busy worrying for his wife.

"What happened?" he asked horrified.

"She overused her chakra, by trying to heal too many people..." Namai merely said.

Yes, Orochimaru had been too busy trying to fight Pain to keep the village and avenge his best friend. That he wasn't able to be here for Tsunade.

And now she is unconscious.

"Tsuna... Hold on!" he said running over to heal her with the medical he knows.

 But it just seemed to be pointless.


"We've already been trying to heal her but I guess she will just need some time to recover...." Namai  stated sadly.


Now all he wanted it was stay by his wife side.

"Don't worry, Godaime-Sama, we'll take care of her. You should go see Naruto  and Obito now," Namai told her sympathetically.

He remained there crouching and staring at her mother silently for a while before turning her attention to Namai. She reached for the back of the girl's head to remove her forehead protector before pushing aside the thick and long strand of hair that was covering most of her face so she could have a good look at the girl's forehead.

A smile appeared on his face when she noticed the purple diamond shaped mark on her forehead

"You did it." he noted proudly.

"Well, Burto  managed to master Senjutsu too, and he was the one who did most of the work against Pain, so... You should go congratulate him as well," Namai replied with a slight smile.

"How about Obito is he okay?" Orochimaru asked.

"Yeah he fine he also did most of the work, but he did get some bad injuries he be fine through after getting some medical treatment.

Orochimaru nodded and then went to look for Burto and Obito.

When he did find them he saw everyone tossing Burto up in the air and cheering for him. They where also calling Obito a hero and cheering.

After a while of watching them cheering for Burto and Obito. Orchimaru with to see if the prison was still in tack and to see if his brother was still there. so he could have a talk with him. When he arrived Kimmno  with his ANBU mask on walked up to him.

"Lord Orochimaru I'm afraid that you brother escaped his cell." he said in a grim tone.

"I understand that suck I had some more questions for him, Orchimaru said.

Kimmario apologies for letting him get away before he left.

Orochimaru sighed and went to go check on Tsunade.

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