ch.43: Danzō vs Sasuke

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By now, they were still running on Danzo’s tracks as the snow was falling.

"But then if this man is not the real Madara, who can he be?" Kimimaro asked Orochimaru at one point.

"I don't know... He can't be anyone related to Madara, because his brother dead and he wasn't married..."

"We will just have to find out," Orochimaru added. "It could be just about anyone from the Uchiha clan."

"Well no one could be a traitor in the Uchiha clan. Their all dead except for Kiko and Sauske." Naruto pointed out.

"There could of possible be another one that survived the massacre of the clan." Kimimaro said.

"I really doubt that Kimi... but we can't affirm anything for now..." Orochimaru responded.

They kept running until Orochimaru stopped in his tracks, sensing a chakra which he had already sensed earlier. The Masked man charka.

"What is it, Lord Orochimaru?" Kimimaro asked him.

"The mask man is close by where Danzo and Sauske are," Naruto stated.

"Yes, as I been expecting..."

But Orochimaru decided not to waste any more time. So, they continue on running towards the target site.

When they arrived, they saw Sauske and Danzo about to fight.

"...You’re going to pay for what you did." Sauske said, his voice full of hatred.

Next thing he knew the Uchiha male charged at Danzo.

If he kills  one of the Konoha's elders, he would get into even more trouble....And this wouldn't bring his brother back to life...nor solve anything...He could understand how he feeling though....Had this happened to his brother instead of Itchai he would react the same way.

I need to do something before it too late. I won't be able to convince him to end this fight.  So, I guess I just have to help.

Orochimaru snapped himself out of his thoughts and was about to step in the fight between Sauske and Danzo when he suddenly heard Tobi voice.

"What do you think you’re doing, Orochimaru?"

"I'm going to help my student so leave me alone." Orochimaru spat.

"Sorry, but I won't. This is Sauske fight. Not yours."

Orochimaru hated that he doesn't know why this guy seems so familiar to him.

"Just shut up and leave me alone!"

"Do get so angry."

Orochimaru poof down to where Sauske was fighting.

"Lord Orochimaru where are you going?" Kimimaro asked.

"Going to deal with this fighting. Just stay up there Naruto."

"You’re crazy Otōsan, but not going to try and stop you since you wouldn't listen anyway."

Orochimaru watched Sauske kill Danzo.  But then he came back.

He must be using the Izanagi... I need to do something or Sauske will possibly get killed.

Orochimaru ran over to once he saw him about to fall into the water, until he suddenly summoned a hawk.

He doing fine. Maybe I will just stay back and watch for now. I jump in if he gets in serious trouble.

Orochimaru watched Danzo reappeared behind Sauske again.  When he should be dead.

Then suddenly Sauske unable to move. So Orochimaru ran over to Danzo and used his striking shadow to justu on him. To prevent Danzo from finishing off Sauske.

"I won't allow you to kill  my student. You will have to get through me first!"

"This is why you shouldn't have been allowed to become Hokage! Your nothing but a fool! Your protecting a threat to the village!" Danzo exclaimed.

"Maybe but at least i'm not a jerk who kills a clan just for their eyes!"

"Everyone I did was for the sake of the village."

Orochimaru rolled his eyes.

"Are you tell me that or yourself that so you won't feel like you did something wrong."

"Oh shut brat. Nobody wants to hear you dumb taunts. You really our you father son."

"You have no idea."

Orochimaru turned around when he suddenly felt a huge amount of charka.

His eyes widened when he saw Sauske Susanoo activate.  So, he quickly moved out of the way before he got hit.

Wow his Susanoo even stronger than before.

Orochimaru watched Sauske shoot an arrow at Danzo. But the arrow was blocked by a large tree.

"That the real Danzo. The justu he cast is ended and that mean he is vulnerable!" Karin shouted.

Sauske then attacked Danzo again. And once again Danzo reappeared in a different spot.

Orochimaru saw touch his blood. Which caused his eyes to widened.

"Sauske look out he about to do the summoning justu!"

Sauske then turned to look at Orochimaru.  Then back at Danzo and saw a huge elephant and tiger combination.

  Then back at Danzo and saw a huge elephant and tiger combination

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Orochimaru moved out of the way. Once he saw it was getting ready to release a huge gust of wind.

I really regret planting those  sharingan in that arm, and give him the Shodai cells. For someone who suppose to be smart  I was a real idiot when I did all of that.

When Orochimaru snapped out of his thoughts. He saw Danzo holding on to Karin.

"Don't move Karin hold still." Sauske said.

Orochimaru eyes with wide when he saw Sauske stab right through Karin to get to Danzo.

"One down soon the rest big brother." Sauske said with a sinister smile.

Oh right Sauske has completely lost it. I really need to stop him, before he goes any further down this path.

"Karin hang on!" Orochimaru exclaimed running over to grab Karin and get her out of here.

Once he got her out of the way. He  let out a sigh of relief. Seeing he move tight in time before Danzo body blew up into a huge black explosion.

He quickly reversed summon himself and Karin to Ryuchi cave.

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Q: What do you think Orochimaru will do with Sauske, now that he has kill Danzo?

A/N: I plan to have Orochimaru help more with the fight. But then I decided to have him step if Sauske was in serious danger.

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