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"Angel? Do you need a ride home?" Coach Callaghan asked. "No, ma'am. My friend is coming to pick me up. Thank you though!" I smiled up at her. I was so tired of my brother forgetting to pick me up. "We'll I'm going to head out, just stay safe please. If you need to run to anywhere I'll leave the storage room unlocked." She smiled at me. "Thank you, Coach." I smiled at her before watching her get in her car and starting to pull out.

I pulled my phone out and clicked on my brother and I's messages. 'Hey, I'm staying at a friends for tonight since you forgot to pick me up.'

His response immediately popped up. 'Shit, I knew I was forgetting something. Which friends?'

My thumbs did a little dance as I tried to figure out a lie. 'Zana's.' I quickly typed. 'Nice try, Zana's parents don't allow sleepovers after the last one.'

'Fine. I'm going to Joshua's.' I typed. 'Stay safe, I trust him and you.'

I heard the roar of Joshua's bike from the road that is perpendicular to my school. Putting my phone back in my bag, I stood up. "Oh thank god." I sighed as I saw him pull in. He came to a stop in front of me and handed me a pair of sweatpants and the large helmet. I slid the sweatpants on ever my uniform skirt to see they were larger than me, but it'll work. Josh helped me on behind him. "Thank you." I told him before wrapping my arms around his torso from behind. "Where do you want to go?" He asked. "Honestly? Anywhere but home." I sighed. "Okay, no problem." Joshua chuckled before starting to drive again.


Joshua pulled up at an unfamiliar house. "Uh? Where are we?" I asked as Joshua pressed a button and the garage opened. "Oh, never mind." I chuckled as he pulled into the garage. He parked the bike and let me off first. "My cousin left some clothes last time she was here, if you want to change?" Joshua says as he pulls the helmet off his head. I followed his lead and took mine off too. "Can I maybe, take a shower?" I asked as he took his jacket off and walked towards the garage door. He reached over and pressed the button to make it close. "Yeah, of course!" He chuckled. I never saw him smile like this at school. It's like, when we're alone is the only time he smiles like this.

The two of us walk inside to see a large kitchen. "Nice place." I smiled at him. "Thanks. Um, let me get you those clothes." Josh tells me before leading me up the stairs and up another flight of stairs to reveal a large room. "I'm guessing this is your room?" I said as I saw the guitars in the corner. "Yeah, cool, isn't it?" He asked as he rummaged through his closet.

"It's amazing, I've always wanted a attic room." I chuckled before sitting on the edge of his bed. "Um, my cousin didn't leave any shirts. I can go and grab one of my moms shirts? She's out of town at a meeting, I'm sure she wouldn't care." Josh explains. "I don't want her to feel like I'm a girl who likes to come in a steal things, even if I'm just borrowing them." I softly said.

"Oh! Then you can borrow one of mine? I'm okay with it." Josh says. "Sure." I smiled up at him. "Here." Josh smiles as he hands me shorts and a old top of his. "Thank you." I smiled before standing up. "Where's the bathroom?" I shyly asked. "Through that door." Joshua pointed before laying on his bed. "Cool, thanks." I thanked him before disappearing behind the door.


I exited the bathroom with damp hair, which I combed through with a comb. "I hope you don't mind I used your comb." I softly said as I placed my clothes down by the door. "Yeah! That's fine." Josh smiles as he put his phone down. "So, what should we do?" I asked as I sat the edge of his bed. "We can watch a movie?" Josh suggested. "Sure, whatcha got?" I asked. "Netflix and Hulu!" Josh emphasizes And.

"Rom-com?" He suggested. "I'm a sucker for Romance." I giggled. He nods and turns his attention to his TV. My eyes glance over his facial features, and maybe his body? He had really broad shoulders, and his big puppy dog eyes instantly made me relax. "Wipe your chin, you're drooling." He smirks. Damn, even his smirk is attractive.

No, you can't catch feelings Angel. He's just your friend, plus every girl in school drools over-. Wait, did he just say to stop drooling?

"Oh, sorry I zoned out." I quickly lied before looking down at my hands on my lap.


"So, where am I sleeping?" I asked. "You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch over there." Josh says and points to the couch in front of his gaming area. "You sure? I can take the couch, I don't mind." I said. "I'm sure, it's a pull out anyways." He says before getting up from the bed. "Okay." I sighed before watching him make the pull out bed.

"Um, I sleep with my shirt off. Is that okay?" He asked. "Yeah! That's fine!" I blushed before turning so I wasn't facing him so he can change out of his jeans. I heard him climb out of his jeans and change into different pants.

"Goodnight, Josh." I softly said before attempting to fall asleep. "Goodnight, Angel. Sweet dreams." Josh quietly said before tucking himself into bed.

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