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"So! I heard you had a baby bump!" Laura cheers as she walks into Josh and I's shared room, my mom following close behind. They have been here for awhile, but I didn't feel like getting up from the constant aching rolling through my body.

"Yeah, I do." I chuckled as I placed my phone down on the bed and laid on my back before moving the comforter lower. Gently lifting my shirt above my belly, I showed them the baby bump.

"Awe!" They both gasped before gently placing a hand on my stomach. Josh smiles as he appears at the door way. He crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe as they felt the bump.

"What do you think the gender is?" My mom asks, retracting her cold hand from my stomach, Laura following. "I have a feeling it's a girl." I confessed as I set my own hand on my bump. "What do you think the baby is?" Laura asks her son.

"I agree with Angel." He smiles as they both stand up from their spot on the bed.

"We're gonna head out, we have some running to do." Laura smiles at the two of us as Josh sits down next to me. He gently moves my hand and places his own on my stomach. "Bye! Drive safe!" I called behind them as they walked towards the door. "Bye, love you guys!" They called out as they exited our apartment. "Love you!" We both called out before hearing the door shut.

Sighing, I cuddled closer to Josh. "Josh, My body hurts." I softly told him. "I'm sorry, baby." He cooed as he kissed the top of my head, gently rubbing my bump. I closed my eyes against his chest as he lulled me to sleep with the soft touches.


When I woke up, I was met with soft talking and a comforting hand on my bump. Josh would probably stop talking if I showed him I was awake, so I kept my eyes closed and listened to him.

"Hey, baby. It's dada here. You're already the center of our lives, and we can't wait for you to get here. Just please, don't come too early and hurt mama, yeah? We kind of need her to survive since I can't cook the best." Josh pauses for a soft laugh. "Don't cause her too much trouble either, she's already in pain, bub." Josh continues, laying his head on my chest as he gently caresses my bump with his thumb. Smiling, I opened my eyes to see the curly haired boy laying comfortably.

I raised my hand and placed it in his hair, gently playing with it. "Morning, baby girl." He greets, not looking up at me. Glancing over at the clock on my nightstand, I saw it was now 7 am. Damn, I really slept the whole night for the first time in forever.

"Morning, J." I greeted as he continues to caress my skin. He lifts himself up a bit before pressing a soft kiss on my stomach.

As if on cue, I felt a kick against my stomach. "Did they just kick?" He asked, glancing up at me with sleepy brown eyes. I nodded with a large smile on my face.

Josh presses another kiss in the same spot, which returns another kick. It sent a jolt of pain up my spine, but it wasn't too bad. "I love you." Josh smiles up at me. "I love you, too." I beamed as I gently rubbed my bump.

"One more month until we find out the gender." Josh beams as he leans to match our gaze. "I'm so excited." I commented as I began to sit up in bed. "I'm going to go take a bath, care to join?" I teased as I stood up. "Don't have to ask me twice."


It was finally time to find out the genders. I couldn't wait to find out what we were having, so we could pick out the names and decorate their room.

"You nervous?" I asked Josh, who was sitting beside me as I sat on the small bed in the gynecologist's office. He looked up from his phone with a bright smile on his face. "Not really, I just want to make sure they're healthy and their gender." Josh beams as he puts his phone away. Doctor Byron enters the room.

"Good morning, Mr and Mrs Bassett. How are you feeling today?" She asks with a smile while grabbing her clipboard. "Great, how about you?" I smiled at her, Josh agreeing. "Amazing. Now, do you have any concerns you want to ask me about?" She asks as she washes her hands before placing gloves on her hands.

"No, I don't think so." I smiled as she got ready. "Awesome. Could you lay back for me and lift your shirt please?" She asks as she grabs the cold gel and sets up the machine. Nodding, I leaned back and pulled my shirt up just below my bra line. Josh stands up and grabs my hand as she adjusts.

"Now, this is going to be cold, but I'm sure you know that." She laughs. I nod as she begins to place the cold gel on my stomach. I relaxed against the bed as she places the wand on my stomach before looking over at the screen. Josh and I look up at the screen as she moves around, finding the baby. A smile forms on my face as I see them.

"That is the head, and that is their hand." She points at the screen. Nodding, I tightened my grip on Josh's hand. Josh squeezes back in return.

"Would you like to know the gender?" She smiles. "Yes, please." Josh replies with a large smile on his face.

"Congratulations, it's a baby girl!" She exclaimed. My heart filled with love as I processed the information. "I'll leave you two to celebrate while I go print these out." She smiles as she hands me a warm towel. Smiling, I take it and gently rub the gel off my stomach as she walks out.

"We're having a girl!" Josh exclaims as he does a happy dance. "I know! I'm so excited! She's going to be so adorable!" I returned his excitement. I pulled my shirt down before sitting up, placing the towel beside me.

"I can't wait to meet her." Josh smiles as he places one of his huge hands on my stomach. "Me too." I smiled, placing my much smaller hand on top of my husbands.

•Blue Moon• /Joshua Bassett\Where stories live. Discover now