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It was finally prom night, and I was insanely excited to see my boyfriend. I've seen old photos of him in a tux, but since he's older it's going to hit way different.

"Girls! Your dates are here!" All of our parents called out downstairs. The girls and I decided to get ready at my house, so all of our dates are coming to my house to take pictures and stuff. Hailey was going Ryan from the spring break party, and Iris was going with her new boyfriend, Xander. Ryan and Hailey have been talking for awhile, and he drove all the way up here just to go to prom with her. "You guys go ahead, I have to use the bathroom real quick." I told the girls before disappearing into my bathroom.

I heard the clacks of their high heels go down the stairs while I applied some lotion and perfume.

"You okay?" Josh asks as he knocks on the door. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'll be right out." I told him before hearing his footsteps go back downstairs. Once I was sure he was down there, I made my way down.

Stepping off the last step, I made my way outside to where everyone was. Joshua looked up from his mom, and gawked at my dress. Josh was in a neat black tux with out a tie, and white stripes going down the tux. He looked amazing!

His hands covered his mouth as he neared me.

"You look beautiful." He whimpered as he pulled me into his arms, enveloping me in his body. "You look like a god, by the way." I told him as we embraced each other. "Shush, you look like a Queen." He blushes as we pulled away. "You look beautiful, Angel." Mrs Bassett greeted as she neared with her camera. "Thank you, Mrs Bassett." I smiled at her before hugging her my self.

"Call me Laura." She laughs as pulled away. "Can we get some pictures?" Hailey's mom asked a few feet away. We all nodded before making our way over there.

"Let's get the girls alone first. Iris, you can go first." She tells Iris. Iris nods and walks away from Xander. Josh wraps his arms around my waist as we watched our best friends pose and be crazy.

"Okay, Angel, your turn." Laura smiles. Smiling, I took Hailey's spot and posed for the camera. "Queen!" Joshua yells out, making me smile wider. "Alright! Boys!" Laura exclaims before watching Xander take my spot. I went back over to Josh and hugged his torso. He placed his arm around me as he talks to Ryan about god knows what. "So, what're we doing afterwards?" Josh whispers as Ryan went to take some photos.

"Maybe get some food? Can I put a change of clothes in your car?" I questioned. "Yeah, of course." Josh chuckles before watching Ryan pose. "You better work that run way." I joked as I pulled away, Ryan was almost finished.

"Oh, for sure." Josh beams before kissing me briskly and making his way to the spot. He strikes a few poses as he winks every so often. Joshua confidently strides back over to me and dips his head to kiss me. "Later." I whispered as moved so he kissed me cheek. He whimpered as I stepped away from his grasp.

"Alright! Couple photos!"


"You ready?" Josh asked as we pulled up the prom. Smiling, I got out of his car with his help and held onto his bicep. "Maybe we should leave early? To have some free time to ourselves?" Joshua whispers as Ryan and Hailey approached. "Shut up, Josh." I giggled. "What do you expect? You look gorgeous." He smirks as Iris and Xander stepped out of their car.

"Whatever, I'll think about it. Let's get inside." I chuckled before leading all of us inside the party.

"You want a drink baby?" Josh asks over the loud music. Happily nodding, I let go of his bicep and watched him walk away with a smile on his gorgeous features. "You guys are adorable." Ryan and Xander agreed. Hailey and Iris agreed with their statements. "Thanks, guys." I giggled as Joshua got approached by a girl who was obviously flirting with him. "Excuse me." I scowled at the girl and made my way over to them.

"Hey, babe. Need any help?" I greeted as Joshua gently pushed her hand off his shoulder. His eyes lit up as he looked at me. "Here's your drink." He brightly smiles. The girl scoffs and walks away, sending a glare my way. Whatever, I'm the one with the boy.


After a few hours of partying, the girl that was obviously flirting with Josh approached me on the dance floor. "Hey, your Josh's girlfriend, right?" She smugly asks. "Yeah, why?" I politely asked. I wanted to punch her square in her nose, but I had to refrain from it.

"You guys aren't going to last, high school relationships never last and they never get married." She scowls. My eyebrows furrowed as I stepped closer to the girl.

"You do realize if you and Josh we're together, that's a high school relationship and it wouldn't last apparently to you?" I shot back. The girl stumbled on her words as she tried to come up with an excuse on why it excludes her. Instead of answering, she storms off towards the bathroom.

As I watched her storm away, I felt two hands wrap around my waist. Joshua's familiar cologne filled my nostrils.

"Hey, babe." He greets. He had been partying with the guys since it was more upbeat songs. "Hey." I giggled as I turned to him. "Ryan requested a slow song." He informs me. I nodded as I laced my fingers behind his neck. He pulls me closer to his body. My mind kept going back to that conversation, and I couldn't get it away.

The song fades into a softer, more gentler one. "Tonight's been heaven." I told him as we began to sway along to the song. "Definitely." He says. Even through it was dark in the gym, I could see his gorgeous features perfectly. "You're so pretty, baby." I gently told him as I caressed his cheek. "Thank you, baby girl." He blushes. My knees weakened at the new nickname.

"Want to ditch after this song? Go get some dinner?" I softly asked. Joshua nods as he brushes some hair out of my face. "I love you." He smiles down at me. "I love you too, baby." I blushed as we swayed along to the slow beat along with everyone else. Josh dips his head and presses a sweet kiss on my lips. "Can we get out of here?" Josh pleads as he pulls away, looking innocently into my eyes. As I looked into his eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about what the girl had said.

"Do you want to get married, like right now?"

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