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"I hate you for doing this to me, Bassett." I cried out as I pushed. I had been in labor for most of the morning, and I was starting to lose my mind. I'm pretty sure I had broken Joshua's hand today, too.

"That's it, just a few more times."

"You got this, just a few more times." I heard Josh say as he supported my back for me. My whole body felt like it was on fire.

After what felt like hell, cries erupted in the room. My body relaxes as I let out a sigh and lean back on the bed. My daughters cries rang out through the room.

While Josie was being cleaned up, Josh was sobbing in happiness. "You did amazing, baby." He tells me as he kisses the top of my head. "I'm so tired." I released his hand.

"I know, babygirl. You can sleep soon." He soothes me as they return with Josie. "Who wants to hold her first?" The midwife smiles. I gingerly raised my hand before they placed Josie in my arms.

Tears began streaming down my face as I looked at her perfect face. She looked pretty much identical to Josh, but she had my nose and lips. "We'll be back in a few, congratulations." Everyone smiles before leaving the room, probably being bombarded with questions by our family.

"She's beautiful." I cooed as I gently caressed her cheek with my index. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she was that beautiful.

Josh leans down and gingerly kisses her head, my heart melts at the sight. "Your turn." I smiled as I looked up at him. He breathes out as I gently placed her in his arms.

She was so small compared to his large arms. "She's so beautiful." He reaches up and gently traces her lips with his index finger. He rests his hand on her small stomach as he cries. Josie squirms in her sleep and clutches onto his finger with her small hand, making Joshua cry even more.

"She's waking up!" He exclaims and moves so I can see her eyes. I gently scoot over so he can sit beside me. He scoots in beside me as we watched her eyes flutter open.

Josie's eyes matched her fathers. "I carried her for nine months for her to look exactly like you." I spoke as I leaned my head on his shoulder. A low chuckle leaves his lips. Reaching over, I caressed her cheek with my index once again. I was completely and utterly obsessed with her.

As I watched my daughter and her father, I started to drift off to a much needed sleep.


Placing Josie in her hospital crib, I exited the hospital room and met with our families. They all stood up as they noticed I was there.

Hailey was passed out on Ryan's shoulder, meanwhile Iris was looking through a magazine with Xander. Ryan gently wakes Hailey up.

Tears welded in my eyes as I my daughter's face flashed in my mind.

"So? How is everything?" Nicole asks as everyone neared. "Everyone's healthy. It's a girl, her name's Josephine Laura-Nicole Bassett." I smiled brightly, earning a gasp from our moms. Everyone crowded around me and congratulated me.

"How's Angel?" Mason asks. "She's asleep right now, but she wants everyone to meet Josie later in the week when we're not in the hospital." I recalled what Angel told me a few weeks ago.

They all nodded in agreement. "She's beautiful, and she looks exactly like me." I covered my mouth as I looked into the room to check on them. They were both asleep, a calm look on their faces.


I woke up to soft singing the next day. Blocking the sunlight from my eyes, I looked over to see Josh cradling Josie to his chest as he softly sang to her Harry Styles.

Josie was perfectly content in her fathers arms as she stared up at him, who was returning the gaze.

As he finished the song, he presses a soft kiss on her forehead, earning a smile from her, another thing she inherited from her father. My lips curled into a smile as he gently rocked her.

"You're so beautiful, Josie. I can't believe you're this pretty." Josh cooed as he stroked her cheek. "Morning." I greeted. He looks up from Josie with tears in her eyes.

"Good morning, gorgeous." He smiles before standing up and crossing the room before coming to a stop beside me.

"She's so beautiful." He beams as she wraps her small hand around his finger. "She really is." I agreed.

"Let me see her." I held my arms out for her. Joshua beams as he gently placed her in my arms. "We made her." He giddily smiles. "We did." I agreed as she cuddled into my chest.

"Hey, Josie." I cooed as I stroked her cheek. She smiles in her sleep and squirms against me.

"She barely cried last night." Josh tells me. "We hit the jackpot!" He continues as the nurses enter.


"Welcome home, Josie!" We chorused as entered our apartment. She was perfectly content in the small car seat her father was carrying.

Later this week, the three of us were going over to my moms for everyone to meet her. Josh and I decided to make her godmother Hailey and her godfather is Ryan.

Joshua carries her to her nursery and gently takes her out of the carrier. With gentle shushes, Josh sets her down in her crib. She whines as he pulls away. "She's definitely a daddy's girl." I smiled as I watched him stroke her cheek with an adorable smile on his face.

"We made her." Josh replies as she falls back asleep. "We did." I smiled as I sat down in the chair beside the crib. Josh stands there and continues to calm our daughter.

"Her cheeks are adorable." He smiles as he straightens his posture. "I know right!" I smiled as I stood up to meet him. He wraps his arm around my waist as we began to walk out of Josie's room. We left the door open as we walked to the living room, sitting down and relaxing on our couch. "God, this is so comfortable compared to the hospital bed." I sighed as I laid on Joshua's shoulder. "Wanna take a nap before she wakes up crying?" Josh asks. "I'm exhausted, so yes please." I confessed as he lays a blanket over the two of us.

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