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"Okay, so, Names." I told Josh as I slid in beside Josh on the couch with my computer in hand. Josh places his arm behind me on the couch as he lowers the volume on the TV.

"I've been thinking of the middle names. How about, 'Laura-Nicole' as the middle name." Josh says, referencing our mothers' names. "I love it! One half done!" I smiled.

"I like the name Vivian." I told him. "Too Victorian." Josh disagrees. Nodding, I looked through the baby names I've been writing since middle school. I knew I wanted a kid one day, so I started names early.

"Emma?" Josh suggests. "Too basic." I replied. He nods before placing his chin on top of my head, looking down at my computer.

"Diane? Really?" He asks. "I was 14, leave me alone." I laughed. "Maybe a middle name on our next kid." He suggests. "Woah, slow down buddy. Baby number one isn't finished cooking." I chuckled.

Joshua loudly laughs as he continues to look through my collection of names throughout the years.

"I like Josephine." He points out. "And we can call her Josie as a nickname." I agreed as I looked up at him. "Or J.J." He smiles before leaning down and pressing a kiss against my lips.

"I'm so excited." I smiled as we pulled away. "Josephine Laura-Nicole Bassett. I like it." I spoke as I turned back to my computer. "I can't wait to meet her." Josh replies as he places his hand on my belly, something I've gotten used to.

"Me too, she's going to be beautiful." I nod as I closed my computer and sat it next to us. I cuddled closer to Josh as he turned the volume up again.

"I hope she has your eyes, your eyes are beautiful." I told him. "What're you talking about? I get lost in your eyes!" Josh replied, looking down at me.

"You get lost walking in a straight line." I laughed. "Wow, okay." Josh chuckles while looking back at the screen. The screen was the only thing illuminating the room now that my computer was away.

"I was teasing." I blushed as I placed my index finger on his cheek, leading his face to look at me. "I know." He replies, pressing a quick kiss on my temple. Smiling, I cuddled into him and watched the the movie.


After graduation, my mom hosted a large party for us and our friends, which also meshed with my birthday since graduation and my birthday we're close. It was a lot of fun, but I couldn't really do much since I was six months pregnant.

"Angel, just sit down and watch!" Josh sternly tells me as I tried to help him set up the nursery. "Right, sorry." I sighed softly before sitting on the chair in the corner of the room we had chose. Josh had painted the nursery last week, so now we just had to put up decor and furnish the room. I've been trying to help, but Josh doesn't want me standing for too long since I am now 8 months pregnant and the majority of my body is swollen. I was going crazy not being able to help Josh.

The only thing he had left to set up was the crib, and then we would be done. "Can I please help with this one? I can sit on the ground, please." I pleaded with him. "Fine, come on." Josh pats the ground with a smile on his face. Squealing, I got up quickly before sitting down where he had pat the ground.

With both of us working together, we got done pretty fast. Joshua helps me up and wraps his arms around my waist to support my small body. "Just one more month." I smiled as we looked at the room. Josh doesn't reply, but instead caresses my stomach.

"Can we go relax in bed now?" I looked up at him. He nods as he pressed a kiss on my forehead. He helps me walk to our room before setting me down on the bed. He ventured to our closet and grabbed me one of his larger shirts. "Here, you'll be more comfortable in this." Josh beams as he walks over to me. Nodding, I pulled my tighter shirt off before tugging on his.

"Can you sing to me?" I asked Josh as he slides into bed with just a pair of shorts on. He smiled as he places a hand on my belly. Josie softly kicks against him. "Did you feel that?" I asked. "Feel what?" He replies. "She kicked against your hand." I laughed. "How did I not feel that?" He replied with a toothy smile on his gorgeous lips.

"Okay, what song do you want to hear?" He asks. "Any Harry Styles song." I replied as I held onto his forearm softly. As he began to sing, I closed my eyes and leaned into him. He always knew how to calm my nerves.


"Would you just listen to me?" I asked Josh.

We were current arguing over how he's not letting me do any work, even though I was fine to do it.

"If you and the baby gets hurt, I don't know what I would do, Angel. You know that." Josh tells me as he sits down on the couch.

"I know, Josh, but-." I started, but he cut me off.

"Enough, Angel! You could get hurt and I would be alone!" Josh snaps. I looked down at my feet as I felt a couple drops hit my under garments. I brushed it off, thinking it was just me leaking.

"A few little tasks wouldn't hurt me!" I exclaimed as I waddled over to the fireplace. As I went to reach for a picture of us in high school, a sharp pain rushed down my body.

"Ow." I whimpered as I clutched my belly. "See, you didn't even do anything and you're in pain." Josh scoffs as he places his head in his hands.

"No, this is different. I'm pretty sure these are contractions." I whimpered as I reached out for him. His heads pops up as he processed what I said. "I'm scared." I confessed as he rushed over to me. "Hey, you're okay. Just breathe." Josh tells me as he helps me to the door.

"Hospital bags in the car, some extra shoes-." Josh speaks to himself as he collects what we need. "Can you call our families on the way there?" I whimpered as I breathed deeply to try and relax.

He nods as he helps me out and down to the car.

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