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Josie's growing way to fast for my liking. She was now six months old, and her hair was definitely curly.

The two of us were situated in the dining room with her on my lap while Joshua was at his new job. He's had a rough couple of days, being away from Josie and I. So, Josie and I decided to make some art for him since Father's Day is approaching. I got some safe paint, but made sure Josie didn't put it anywhere near her mouth, and some small canvas's.

We were Dipping Josie's small hand in the paint, I pressed her hand against the canvas, leaving a small imprint of her handprint. "Daddy's going to love this." I smiled down at her before taking her to the sink and washing her hand off. She smiled as she looked down at the water, releasing a small giggle. "Josie! Daddy missed your first giggle." I happily exclaimed as I picked her up again. She smiles as she rests her head on my shoulder. Glancing at the clock on the stove, it was time for a nap. "Alright, let's get you to bed." I smiled before kissing her head and walking to her nursery.

She beams up at me as I put her down for a nap. Almost instantaneous, she's fast asleep. Smiling, I grabbed the baby monitor and made my way back to the dining area to put my hand print on it. But before I got paint all over my hands, I texted Josh saying that she giggled of for the first time.

After placing that somewhere Josh wouldn't find so it can dry, I washed my hands and cleaned up the house a bit. Laura was planning on having a family get together on Father's Day just to see each other again, so Josh and I were planning on taking Josie to meet her family.

Josh texts back saying that he's on his way home. Nodding to my self, I made my way to our room and changed into one of his shirts and some shorts since we won't be going anywhere tonight before going back down to the living room to watch some TV. I checked on Josie periodically as I waited for Joshua to get home from work.

The door swings open, and Joshua trudges inside. "Hey, baby. How was work?" I asked. He sighs before placing his keys in the bowl by the door and sitting next to me. "Horrible. Everyone and their moms decided to call." He grunts, leaning back on the couch.

"I'm sorry, bub." I sighed as I gently rubbed his chest in an attempt to comfort him. "I just want to cuddle with my girls." He replies, not opening his eyes. "Well, you're in luck because it's time for her to wake up from her nap." I smiled before starting to get up. A smile forms on Josh's face as I begin to go get Josie up from her nap.

Opening her door, I saw her sitting up in her crib. "Hey, baby girl! Guess who's home!" I smiled as I gently picked her up. She coos to herself as we began to walk back to the living room. "You gotta show him your giggle, alright? He's had a rough day." I kissed her chubby cheeks before entering the living room.

Josie's eyes immediately light up when she sees her dad. Bouncing in my arms, she reaches for him with both arms. "Baby girl!" Joshua happily smiles as he gently takes her from my arms while I sat down.

As if on cue, she giggled as he hugged her. His eyes widen as he realized what she did. "Oh my, she has the cutest laugh." He smiled as he holds her head close to his chest. She was perfectly comfortable cuddling with her father.


It was finally Father's Day, the plan was to wake up, make him some breakfast with Josie's help, and bring it to him with the gifts we made for him.

Along with the canvas, I got a frame for a photo the nurses got of Joshua and I holding Josie when she was born, and a couple photos of us. It set all the gifts in front of his usual seat at the table before setting the plates down.

"Let's go wake up daddy." I smiled as I set the plates down on the table. She was seating in her high chair as she watched me set the table. What she was having for breakfast was a banana. She's not a huge breakfast fan, because one time we gave her baby cereal and she only ate the banana. We tried to get her to eat other small bits of food, but she didn't budge.

She clung to me as we walked to our shared room to find Joshua sprawled out on our bed, cuddling one of my pillows. She giggled when she saw his messy hair.

I gently sat her down on the bed next to Josh and watched her look at him intently. Instead of trying to wake him up, she curled up next to him. My heart melted at the sight as she cuddled into him. His arm hooks around her in his sleep to keep her safe. Smiling, I quickly snapped a picture of them together.

"You were supposed to wake him up, silly." I chuckled as I ran my fingers through his hair. It usually wakes him up, or helps him fall asleep. It's kind of like a turn off button on him.

His eyes begin to flutter open as I played with his hair. "Morning." I smiled as Josie taps him on the chest with her small hands. He smiles as he looks down at the small girl. "Morning, my girls." He smiles, brushing her hair out of her face.

She giggled into his chest as she stands up against him. Josie can stand, but she has to be clutching onto something, which is usually one of us.

"I made breakfast for you since it's Father's Day." I smiled at him, watching Josie. "Smells amazing." He inhales. "Well, come on! Let's get going!" I laughed as I ushered him downstairs. Josh smiles as he sets Josie on his hip and walks downstairs with me.

"We made you some gifts." I smiled, gesturing to the gifts on the table. His smile only gets wider as he looks at it. "I love it, thank you." He smiles before leaning down and kissing my lips.

Joshua sets Josie down in her high chair before sitting down himself. Josie begins to whine as she makes grabby hands towards him.

"Oh, alright." Joshua smiled before picking her up again and setting her on his lap.

"Is this her hand print?" He asks, smiling at the canvas. "Who else's would it be?" I chuckled as I sat down beside him. "Yeah, you're right." He laughs.

"I love you." He smiles at me as he gently sets the canvas down with the other gifts.

"I love you." I chuckled before taking a bite of my breakfast.

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