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The car ride home was basically silent. Josie was asleep in her car seat, meanwhile Joshua and I didn't talk. Usually he would hold my hand or have his hand on my thigh, but tonight he kept his hands to himself for once.

Facing my entire body away from him, I watched the clouds. All I wanted was for him to at least touch me tonight, but with the way this car ride is going he's probably not going to talk to me for the rest of the night.


As soon as I closed Josie's nursery door, Joshua was waiting for me by leaning against the wall. "Why did you forgive them so quick?" He asks. Rolling my eyes, I began walking to the living room. "Why do you care?" I asked, sitting down on the couch. "I care because my daughter was dragged into it tonight." Joshua replies. "Your daughter? I don't remember you carrying her for nine months, Joshua." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You dragged her into your family drama, not me." Joshua leans back against the couch. "How the hell did I drag her into this? By giving birth to her? Excuse me for bringing our daughter into the world." I avoided his eyes. If I looked into his eyes, I would probably break down.

"That's not what I meant-." He starts, but I cut him off. "No. That's exactly what you meant." I interrupted him.

"You forgave them so easily when they literally hurt you so bad you were afraid of becoming my girlfriend." Joshua brings up our past. As much as I wanted to smile as I remembered us sitting on my roof, I couldn't.

"There's a whole other reason why I was scared Joshua! All throughout school I saw you fighting guys who disrespected you, and I was scared if I did that you would hit me." I confessed. Joshua went silent.

"I fought them because they would make comments about girls. One time Jamie made a comment about how bad he wanted to have sex with you, and the way he said it, it was just pure disgusting." Joshua paused as he looks down at his hands in his lap.

"God, Angel. I've had a crush on you since 7th grade, and when I saw you upset after homecoming I thought you needed someone to cheer you up." Joshua finally continued. "Can we talk about this in the morning?" I asked, beginning to stand up. "And hey, I would never hit you. You mean too much to me, plus I would never hit girls." Joshua says as I began to walk to our bedroom.

Nodding, I turned to him. "I'll sleep out here tonight, you need your space." Josh replies to my expression. "Alright. Sleep well." I sighed.

After taking a shower and doing all the necessities, I laid down in bed. All I could think about was times before Joshua and I even got together.

"Hey, Angel!" A familiar voice rang out behind me while I was putting my things away at my locker in the morning with my best friend, Hailey, right beside me at her locker. "Hey, Joshua." I smiled. "I wanted to ask you something?" He suggested as he leaned against the locker next to mine. Hailey coughed beside me in attempt to join the conversation. "Right, this is Hailey, my best friend. Hailey, this is Joshua." I introduced them. "Nice to meet you." They both smiled at each other. "Anyways, what did you want to ask me?" I asked before closing my locker and holding my binders in my hand.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out on Thursday at the Lacrosse game? I heard you were going." He lightly smiled. "I'm on the team, I have to go." I giggled. "Right." Joshua laughs to himself. "I'm going to head to class, I'll see you guys at lunch or something." Hailey winks before walking towards her first period.


"Rom-com?" He suggested. "I'm a sucker for Romance." I giggled. He nods and turns his attention to his TV. My eyes glance over his facial features, and maybe his body? He had really broad shoulders, and his big puppy dog eyes instantly made me relax. "Wipe your chin, you're drooling." He smirks. Damn, even his smirk is attractive.


After what felt like eternity, I finally brought myself back to reality. Checking my phone, I saw it was now 2 am. We had gotten home at 7 pm, I really spent hours going through several memories of Josh and I.

Should I go and make him come to bed? No, he's probably still a bit mad at me. Hell, he was probably passed out already.

Josh's side of the bed was made perfectly. Scooting over, I laid my head on his pillow in attempt to keep myself from going out into this living room and pulling him back to bed.

He was right. I shouldn't have forgave them that fast, but I had a feeling they were telling the truth. Plus, I didn't want to make a scene at Josie's birthday party.

With a soft groan coming from my lips, I began to stand up from the bed. Slowly opening the door, I was met with the TV softly playing a old Nickelodeon show.

Gently opening Josie's door, I saw she was still asleep in her crib. Once I was sure she was okay, I made my way to the living room.

Josh was laying on his stomach, but despite the tv being the only light source in the room, I saw him turn onto his side before glancing up at me. "Can I cuddle with you? I can't sleep." I gently ask, afraid he might turn me away. "Of course, baby." Joshua holds his arm out for me, the blanket tucked in his hand. A smile etches onto my face at his statement as I begin to near his shirtless frame. His shirt was laying a few feet away from the couch.

As soon as I laid down in front of him, his arm was around my waist and his head was resting behind mine. "I'm sorry." I told him as I curled myself closer to his warm frame. "No, I should be the one apologizing. It's your choice, and I know I hurt you when I said you dragged Josie into it. It's your choice, she's also your daughter. Our daughter." Josh gently runs his fingers over my exposed skin as he gently raised my shirt. "It's okay. I see where you're coming from. You're just protecting Josie." I softly told him, goosebumps scaling my body as he left his warm touches on my skin.

His hand leaves my exposed skin to move my hair away from my neck before returning his hand and placing his lips on my neck. "Josh, Josie is sleeping in the next room." I relaxed into him. "You just have to be quiet." He replies, a shaky breath escaping my lips. I could tell he was still a bit on edge, this was for sure going to be good.

Instead of replying, I turned around in his grasp and hooked my leg around his hips. "Wait, before we get too heated. I have to tell you something." I looked into his brown eyes. Joshua's eyes grow concerned as he scanned all over my face.

"Are you pregnant again? Cause if you are that's totally okay." Joshua quickly replies. "Lord no, I want to wait until she's at least 2 but that could change you know." I giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Alright, what do you need to tell me?" He asks, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me closer to him. "We got the house." I happily smiled up at him.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, rather loudly. "Don't wake Josie up, we still have plans." I covered his mouth as a few cheers left his lips.

"Right. Sorry." He laughs, gently taking my hand away from his mouth before leaning back in and pressing his lips against mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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