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"I vote for Coraline." I called out as I cuddled into Joshua's chest. "Yo! We should play a board game!" Mason exclaimed as he went to put his plate away.

"I'm down for that." I replied as I looked up at Josh. "I second that." Josh replies before absentmindedly kissing the top of my head. Everyone cheers and looks for a game all of us can play.

"There's six characters in the board game of clue? All of us can play that?" Jake suggests. "I call Daphne!" I exclaimed as I started to get up. Joshua followed me to the dining room with the large blanket we were sharing over his shoulders.

"I'll be Fred." Josh replies before sitting down beside me at the table. I moved the chair closer to his and moved so I was under the blanket with him. Joshua softly placed his arm behind my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.


"Aha!" Joshua yelled as he won. "I say he cheated." Mason jokes as my mom started to help me clean up. "He won fair and square." I giggled as I put the pieces away. They all helped us clean up.

After we cleaned up, Joshua's mom got ready to leave. "I'm going to head home, Angel's parents already said you can stay the night. Please behave and be responsible." She tells Joshua as she nears. A smile etched onto both of our faces. He happily nods as she kisses the top of his head. "Sleep well." She smiles before walking towards the door. "Drive save!" I called out as she went to open the door. "Will do." She beams.

"I love you!" Joshua calls out behind her. "Love you too! Thank you for having me." She politely smiles before making her way outside. "Well, I'm going to take a shower." Mason chuckles before making his way upstairs. "Want to head up to bed?" I asked Joshua as I saw my mom and Jake close their bedroom door behind them. "Yeah, we're probably better off that way." Joshua chuckles. The two of us got up and made our way upstairs.

Joshua closes the door behind us as we entered my room. "Well, we have time to ourselves." Joshua smirked as he dropped the blanket onto my bed. "My parents are right down the hall, and Mason is in the shower." I warned as he nudged my head to allow him self more access to my neck. He laid soft kisses, but got harsher as he realized I wasn't pulling away.

"Fine, just be quiet." I mainly told my self as he began to pull my shirt up slowly but surely. Joshua smirks into my neck before pulling away and pulling my shirt over my head.


"So? Have fun last night?" Mason asked as I jumped down the stairs. "What do you mean?" I asked as my heart started to race. I tried to act as natural as possible, and it seemed like it was working.

"You know?" He enquired. "That must have been mom and Jake, we watched a movie." I lied right through my teeth. His face twisted as he believed my statement. "Ew, let's never talk about this again." Mason rolls his eyes taking a swig of his drink. Thank god he believed it, or else I would be dead.

Mom walked into the room with her work uniform on, Jake following.

Mason fake gagged as he began to make his way back upstairs. Shit, I didn't wake Joshua up and he's still bare naked. Hopefully, Mason doesn't try and go into my room.

"What?" Mom asked as he passed. "Y'all did the nasty." Mason states before making his way up to his room. "You heard that?" Mom asks. "Ew!" We both exclaimed before both going upstairs. God, I was just trying to cover my ass but instead my lie turned out to be the truth!

I entered my room and closed the door behind me. The sunlight through my blinds was hitting my boyfriend's sleeping face perfectly. He looked like an Angel.

Smiling, I laid back down beside him and ran my fingers through his hair. He hummed in his sleep and pulled me closer to him, drowsily. I kissed his chest before nuzzling my head into it. His hands rest on my back as he lulls him self back to sleep. With a light smile on my face, I tried to fall back asleep in my boyfriend's strong arms.

With no luck, I laid there and thought about how good my life is right now.


"On the afternoon announcements, we have an announcement about prom this year. Prom is next month. Pick up your prom date applications if you are bringing an underclassmen."

After our principal finished his announcements, the bell rang and we made our way home. As I stopped at my locker to put my binder away, I heard a familiar voice nearing.

"Your guys going to prom?"

"I'm going with my girl, what about you guys?" I heard Joshua reply. Blushing, I tried to organize my locker a bit better. "Alright guys, I'll see you later." Joshua tells them after a few more comments. As he closed my locker, I felt two arms snake around my waist and press themselves against me. "Hey, babe." Joshua greeted before gently kissing my cheek from behind. "Hey, baby." I greeted as I closed my locker. Joshua pulled away and held his hand out for me to take. Smiling, I took his hand in mine and walked with him to his car.

"So, since were dating were obviously going to prom together. Do you want me to go all out and make a huge gesture or would you like something simple?" Joshua asks as he pushes a door open for me, and letting me walk through first.

"I don't like people staring at me, so how about something simple?" I suggested as we neared his car. "Sounds good, babe." He smiles before opening the car door for me. Once I'm in, I reached over the console and opened his car door.

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