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"I'm back!" I called out as I walked into Josh's home. There was no response, and his dad's car was no longer in the driveway. "Babe?" I called out.

"Upstairs." A faint voice said, so faint that I almost didn't hear it. I bounced up the stairs before entering his room.

"Hey, bubba." I greeted as I saw him sitting against his headboard with a pillow clutched to his chest. "Hey." He whimpered as tears threaten to spill. "Baby? What happened?" I asked as I dropped my bag and raced over to him on the bed.

"My grandmother lied. She told me he cheated on my mom, and that he never wanted me. She made my mom sign a restraining order against him so he couldn't see me for years. He had proof, Angel." He sobs into my neck as I pulled him into my arms.

"Shh, you're okay." I ran my fingers through his hair. "I hated him all these years, when I shouldn't have." He cried in my arms, holding me close to him. "Just relax, you're okay." I coaxed him. His sobs died down as he played with my dress.

"You, you look gorgeous today." He says, his words breaking from how hard he was crying, as I wiped his tears. "Thank you, baby." I gave him a comforting smile as I adjusted so I was sitting against the headboard with him. Josh scoots down and lays his head on my lap. Grabbing my hand, he sets it on his full head of hair. With a large smile on my face, I played with his hair to calm him down.

Not long after, I heard him start snoring. "I love you. You're my world." I whispered down to him as I gently traced my fingertips over his shoulder and back.


"Have you talked to your mom about...you know who?" I asked Josh over the phone as I packed up my room. It's been two weeks since his dad came back into his life, which means my moms getting married this weekend. I was cleaning the house since we would have so many people staying here. I even let my aunt and uncle take my room since I'm going to be our new place! I still haven't told Josh that we got it, and I planned on it when I went over to his place later tonight.

"Yeah. She agreed with everything he said. My grandma lied." Josh says. "I'm sorry, bubba." I tried to comfort him. "It's okay, my moms bringing him as her plus one for the wedding. Is that okay?" Josh asks. "Yeah, my mom is fine with more people coming. She loves making friends." I chuckled as I made the bed.

"Hey, babe. I got to tell you something." I told him as I mindlessly walked around my room. "You pregnant?" He joked, his mouth full with snacks. "No." I giggled.

"Oh, alright. What's up?" He asks. "I'm telling you when I get over there." I teased him as I grabbed my bag and placed it over my shoulder. My Aunt and Uncle were coming in tonight, so once again I'm spending the night as Josh's. "Oh come on!" He sighs with a hint of playfulness in his deep voice.

"I'm on my way, relax." I giggled as I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs. "Alright, I'll let you go so you can drive." Josh says, stuffing his face with more snacks.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too, babygirl." Josh says before I hang up.

It doesn't take my long to drive to his place. "Hi!" I chirped as I walked inside the Bassett household. "Hey, Angel!" Laura and Taylor said from the couch. "Josh is upstairs right?" I asked. "Yeah, he only came down for snacks." Laura chuckles as she reads her book. "Sounds about right. Well, I'll be upstairs telling Josh some good news!" I cheered as I began to walk up the stairs.

"Are you pregnant?" Laura asks. "Nope!" I giggled before making my way upstairs and into Josh's room. "Hey, love." I greeted as I sat my bag down by the door. "Hey, sunshine." He greets as he looks up from his desk. "So, I have some news." I beamed as I stood behind him at his desk and leaning down before placing my arms around his shoulders. "Hm, what's the news?" He asks.

"We got the apartment." I kissed his cheek. Josh flipped around, almost sending me to the ground. He placed his hands on my hips to steady me. "We got it!" He shouts before standing up and engulfing me in one of the best hugs in my life. "They said we can start moving in today!" I happily told him. His smile only gets wider as he looks down at me. "Come on, let's get packing! We can move your stuff first, since yours is mostly packed." He smiles.

"It's all packed. I only left the things I didn't need since we planned on getting another bedspread and bed." "Alright, let me get changed and then we can take my moms truck to pick it up." He gently kisses me before moving to his closet to change briefly.

"Okay, let's go!" He cheers as he pulls his tight shirt on.


Josh carries in my last box as I stocked up the fridge. I carried in most of them, but he insisted that I rested and let him finish. "That's the last one for today! Then I'll pack mine later tonight!" Josh happily chirps before setting the box down and sitting on the ground beside me. "You staying here tonight? I saw you packed an air mattress." Josh asks. "Yeah, you don't have to stay tonight if you want to pack up tonight." I told him as I closed the fridge and sat down next to him. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. "You sure? I don't want you to be lonely." He says. "I'm sure, I'm just glad I'll be without my brother and Jace playing games downstairs and screaming." I replied.

"Screw it, I'll stay with you tonight." He shrugs. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah, I don't really want to pack yet." He chuckles.

"I'm going to my moms in a bit, you want to join?" I asked. "No thanks, I'll stay here and unpack some things." Josh nods as we stood up. Nodding, I looked around the kitchen. Smiling, I continued to help Josh unpack somethings.

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