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"Hey, Babe." Josh greeted as I stood at my locker at the first day back from spring break. "Hey, Josh." I smiled as he kissed my cheek briefly. "So I have to study for that history test on Monday, and I was wondering if you would help me study at my place?" Josh asks.

"Yeah, I'm free." I brightly smiled up at my tall boyfriend. "Awesome. Thank you." Joshua beams before tilting his head and leaning down for a kiss. His soft lips pressed against mine briefly since we were in the school hallway.

"I love you." I giggled as I pulled away from the kiss. "I love you, too. Now let's get you to class." He blushes as he holds his hand out for me to hold.


Knocking on the Bassett residence's door, I waited for Josh to open the door. Instead of the curly haired boy who stole my heart opening the door, his mom opened it. Honestly, his mom is way cooler than he is.

"Hey, Mrs Bassett!" I cheered as I stepped inside. "Hey, Angel!" She exclaims before hugging me. "What're you doing here?" She asks. "Josh asked me to help him study for the World History test." I smiled as we pulled away. Fixing my bag around my shoulder, I followed her to the kitchen. I sat down and sat my bag down beside me on the chair.

"He's not home yet, he said he was going to get some snacks for you guys. You're welcome to hang out in his room while you wait." She smiles.

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to stay down here and hang out with you!" I beamed as she opened the fridge. "That's fine with me." She giggled as she got some stuff out for dinner. "Are you staying the night tonight, since it's a Friday?" She asked.

"Can I?" I asked. "Yeah, of course!" She beams as a bike roars in the driveway before dying down.

The door opened a few moments later to reveal Josh with his curly hair all over the place. "Hey, Babe!" He greeted before kissing my cheek briefly.

"Hey, bubba." I smiled as he pulled away. His mom smiled at the two of us as she began to cook. "You ready to study?" I asked as I spun around in the chair. He nods before taking my bag from the chair beside me.

"I'll take you bag for you." He smiles before leading me up the stairs. "Smells good mom!" He cheered before leaving the kitchen entirely.

When we entered his room, he quickly changes and sits down in his desk chair while I pulled my hair into a messy bun. As I turned to him, he patted his lap for me to sit down. Giggling, I sat down on his lap and got comfortable. His arm loops around my waist and makes sure I don't fall or anything. He rests his chin on my shoulder as he opens the binder he uses for World History.

"So, what's the test on?" I asked as I leaned my head on his. "Vocabulary." He says as he turns in his notebook to reveal his neat handwriting and the vocabulary.

"This was my favorite class." I giggled as I looked at his neat handwriting.

"You have really pretty handwriting." I complimented as I read the vocabulary words. "Thanks, sunshine." He shyly smiles as I began to read off the vocabulary words.

"What is the term for a agreement between a vassal and a lord for military service?" I questioned.

"Feudal Contract."


"Dinner!" Mrs Bassett called downstairs. Pulling my self away from Joshua's grasp, I stood up and helped him up. The two of us walked downstairs hand in hand before sitting down at the dining room table. We dished up as we made small talk.

"So, when's your birthday, Angel?" Mrs Bassett asked as I served myself some potatoes and some chicken.

"It's during the summer. July 30th." I smiled at her.


The next weekend, I had to work for a fundraiser the lacrosse team was hosting. It was a barbecue roast, so we worked most of the day for it. It's currently 4:43 pm and it's starting to get busy.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I asked I saw somebody approach the tent in my peripheral vision. I looked up to see my parents, Josh, and his mom. "Hi!" I beamed. "Hey, love." Josh greeted before everyone else.

"Angel! Hurry up with that we need you to serve some food!" Zana shouts as she puts some plates beside me and runs off. "What can I get you guys?" I rushed my self.

They quickly ordered and set me free to do my business. I quickly hurried through my shift to try and get to hang out with my family faster.

After cleaning my self up after my required time, I met back up with my family and friends. Placing my bag over my shoulder, I snuck up behind Joshua.

His mom caught my eye, so we both decided to scare him. She continued to talk to my family as my boy scrolled through his phone. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cuddled into his back. "Hey, baby girl!" He greeted before turning around in my grasp.

"How'd you know it was me?" I pouted as I pulled away. "I smelled your perfume." He giggled before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss against my lips. Both of us smiled into the kiss.

"Alright, losers. Let's go! We got food and movies to watch!" Mason exclaims. We pulled away to look at everyone looking at the two of us. "Here, I'll take your bag." Josh giggles before taking my bag off my shoulder and walking over to his bike. I followed him as he opened the back of the bike to put my bag away. He pulled a helmet out for me and gently helped it onto my head.

"You're going to be cold." He told me as he took my appearance in. I was only wearing an old shirt and some ripped jeans with my checkered vans. "I didn't bring a jacket." I replied as our parents got ready to leave. He pulled his leather  jacket off and looked down.

"Arms up." He ordered. I obeyed and lifted my arms for him to help me to put the jacket on.

Not long after, I get on after him and we follow our family and friends away from the fundraiser.

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