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"Look at her little cheeks!" Laura exclaims as she gently takes Josie from my arms. She squirms, but relaxes when she realizes it's her grandmother.

"She looks exactly like you." Taylor congratulates his son by clapping him on the back. "She has Angel's personality though." Josh smiles as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Which is a good thing, you're kind of wild at times." I chuckled as I leaned into him.

"We should dress her up for Halloween." Josh suggests. "Josh, I don't want to go out for a newborn. She's literally not even a month old." I replied. "Why don't we just dress her up and eat candy ourselves? Sounds good to me?" Josh leads me to the couch as his parents coo at Josie.

"Fine, only because I know you'll do it anyways." I rolled my eyes as I rested my head on his shoulder. I don't know how he isn't tired, he stayed up most of the night with Josie in her room.

Joshua leans back against the couch and watches whatever was on TV. "If you ever need a babysitter, we'll take her." Laura chuckles. "Thanks for the offer." I chuckled, even though I knew I can't go one night without her.

As I watched them interact with their grand daughter, I heard soft snoring beside me. "Well, looks like we're staying here awhile." I chuckled as I looked back at Joshua. I knew he was tired, he had to be.

"He can go sleep in his old room if he wants, it's much more comfortable than the couch." Laura smiles as she kisses Josie's fist.

"Josh." I softly shook him. "What?" He grunts, scooting closer to me. "You want to go nap upstairs?" I softly asked him. He sleepily nods and stands up slowly. He pecks my lips briefly before kissing Josie's head and going upstairs to his old room.

"I gotta head out for work." Taylor smiles as he drops his hand from Josie's cheek.

"Okay, see you later." I smiled as Laura sits down next to me. "Bye! Have fun!" Laura smiles as Josie cooed. Josie's perfect eyes scan over the room as Laura holds her. She sleepily smiles as her eyes flutter shut. "Sorry, Josh was playing with her so she's a bit tired." I chuckled as Laura gently handed me Josie.

Josie coos as she drifts off to a peaceful sleep.

"I have Josh's old crib in his old nursery. I clean it often and wash the blankets if you'd like to put her in there?" Laura suggests. "That sounds great." I smiled as I began to stand up, supporting Josie's head.

Laura opens the door to a light blue nursery with baby photos of Josh everywhere. "This is adorable." I smiled as I gently placed Josie in the small crib. She curls into herself as I pushed some of her hair out of her face.

Laura stands beside me with a book full of photos of Josh. "He's the cutest." I chuckled as we began to walk downstairs. "I also have some old videos of his plays and just little moments of his childhood." Laura smiles.

"Can I watch them?" I asked as we sat down on the couch. She excitedly nods and hands the book to me before walking away to find the tapes. The photos had captions underneath them.

The first one that caught my eye was a version of Josh that looked around six sitting at a table with a huge grin on his face as he rested his arms on the table. He was wearing an adorable white sweatshirt. The caption read, 'Josh getting dinner with grandpa.' My finger gently traced over his features that he gave to our daughter.

The next one was him as a baby, the caption saying it was his first bath. The one next to it was Josh in a costume, the caption confirming it was him as Peter Pan.

"Okay first one, his first Christmas. He was only three days old." She smiles as she pops it in the player. I was so wrapped up in his photos I didn't realize she was back.

The same living room were in now pops up on screen, just a Christmas tree was in the corner. Laura appears in view holding Josh.


After around 5 home videos, a wail erupts upstairs. I got up and made my way up to Josie to see Joshua already rocking her back and forth. With all of his efforts, she still didn't stop crying. "Let me see her." I softly spoke before softly taking her from Josh. She calmed down as I checked her diaper. She didn't need changing, and she wasn't hungry. Her cries were different when she was hungry.

Placing my thumb in her small palm, she squeezed as she began to stop crying. "What's wrong, baby girl?" I softly asked as I bounced her softly. She whines softly as I pressed a kiss against her forehead. She wasn't running a temperature or anything, so maybe she was just lonely like last night.

The three of us made our way downstairs. "Are you watching baby videos of me?" Josh asks as he nears the couch and peeks over to see the photos still sitting out. He sits down and starts to go through them himself. "She looks exactly like baby me." He points out, gesturing to the facial features.

"That and her hair now is like yours when you were a baby." Laura replies. "So she's going to have curly hair?" I asked as she coos. "Probably, I think." Laura smiles before making her way down the hall.

"Hey, you wanna head home? I still gotta cook dinner." I asked Josh as he set the book down. "Yeah, we probably should get going." He agrees.

"Hey, mom? We're gonna head out." He calls out. "Oh, alright." She smiles as she makes her way back to us. She wraps us in a hug before bidding her goodbye. Joshua gently takes Josie out of my arms and carefully carries her to our car as I said goodbye to Laura.

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