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Just like every year, Christmas passed and then came school again. But before that, is my second favorite time of the year, New Years. I don't know why, but I've always loved New Years was celebrated. From a young age, I've always seen my parents kiss on New Years, and I couldn't wait until I could do that myself.

Last year, Joshua and I weren't able to hang out on new year's since he was out of town for the holidays. But now, we're together and happy on our apartment. My parents had invited us to their annual New Years party, along with Josh's parents. We decided to go of course, but casual attire. I haven't been feeling the best lately, and certain outfits are best when I feel uncomfortable about my situation, which I'm still unsure about.

When we got to my moms house, there were kids running around everywhere. A familiar smell filled my senses, making my stomach turn. I used to love this smell, what's going on?

I gripped onto Josh's bicep as I tried to gather myself. "You okay?" He whispers down to me as we entered the kitchen after greeting everyone.

"I'll explain later." I nod as we saw my parents laughing with my aunts and Uncles in the kitchen.

"Hey, where's my cousins?" I joked to get their attention. "Josh! Angel!" My mom and Jake exclaimed before hugging us tightly.

"You okay, sweetheart? You look pale?" My mom asks as we pulled away.

"You want anything to drink, Josh? A beer?" I heard Jake ask Josh before I could answers. "Sir, I don't think I'm allowed to drink." Josh laughs. "We got root beer in the good glasses." Jake laughs. Smiling, I turned back to my mom.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "Okay, just know you can talk to me." She nods. "Can we talk?" I asked her. "Yeah, of course." She tells me before turning to the group. "We'll be right back." My mom tells them before starting to lead me to her room. "You okay?" Josh asks with concerned eyes as he opens the root beer bottle. "I'm fine, just stay here and relax." I sent him a comforting smile in attempt to show him I was fine. He nods softly before turning to the group.

She sits me down on her bed, so I grabbed her small pillow and clutched it to my chest.

"You know how women that are pregnant can't stand certain smells? I walked in and that same thing happened to me." I slowly told her, weary of her reaction.

"Do you think your pregnant?" She asks with a soft smile on her face. "I'm not sure, I mean the last time we had sex was on Josh's birthday. Sorry, TMI." I laughed. "Well, that's one hell of a birthday present." My mom laughs, earning a playful pillow to the side. "Mom!" I loudly laughed.

"Sorry, Sorry." She laughs.

"No, but seriously, do you think there's a chance you are? Did you use a condom?" She asks. Now that I think about it, we were too wrapped up in the moment.

"Shit, no." I realized. I looked down as tears began to form in my eyes. We planned on after high school, and we were so close, how are we going to do this? My heart began to race as I imagined all the outcomes of this situation.

"Hey, don't worry. If you are, we'll get through this." She says as she pulls me into her arms. I nodded into her chest as I started to cry.

"I'm terrified." I confessed into her chest. I've always wanted kids, but I'm terrified that something will do wrong at birth, and I'll die or the baby will. I couldn't bare to see that happen.

"Of what, sweetheart?" She asks. Before I could reply, there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" My mom replies, hiding my face. The door opens and Laura pops her head in.

"Josh asked me to check on you two. Is everything alright?" She softly asks, her soft tone calming me down. As I looked at her, I heard Grace and Josh giggling somewhere in the house, making a weak smile appear on my face.

"Can you close the door?" I gently asked. She nods before closing the door behind her and sitting down on the other side of me.

"It's too early to tell, but I could be pregnant." I softly told her. A large smile appeared on Laura's face as she wraps me in a hug. "If you are, congratulations!" She smiles.

"Thank you, I'm just terrified. I want to make sure I am before I tell Josh." I confessed to her as my mom rubbed my back comfortingly. "Why are you terrified?" She asks.

"I'm scared something will go wrong during the pregnancy. What if I have a miscarriage? What if I die giving birth? Or the baby does? I would be able to live with myself if it happened." I sighed.

"Honey, all pregnancies are different. Hell, when I had you, you and I both almost died. Look at us now! Living our best lives!" Mom exclaims. "Mom, that doesn't help much." I weakly laughed.

"The doctors are there to help you. Tell you what, we'll go to the doctors what ever day you want, just the three of us, and we will all find out together. We promise not to tell the boys anything." My mom promises, Laura agreeing. I nodded as I wiped my tears off my face.

"Why don't you go clean up, we'll make sure Josh stays out of your hair until you get out." Laura smiles. I nod as I put the pillow back where I found it before standing up and going to my moms bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I took a deep breath as I tried to collect my self.

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