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"Hey, babe?" I asked as we drove to Iris's house. "Hm?" He questioned as he set his free hand on my thigh. "Would you maybe be interested in going on a road trip with us?" I asked as I rested my hands on his arm that was reached out across me. "I'll have to ask my mom, but I'm sure she'll be fine with it." He nods before focusing on the road ahead of us.

Iris and Hailey giggled behind us. "Turn it up!" Hailey exclaimed before dancing in her seat. Joshua chuckles before turning it up on the steering wheel. We pulled into Iris's driveway. "Angel! Make a group chat so we can talk about the road trip!" Iris exclaims before opening the door. "Thanks for driving me home, Joshua." She smiles as she steps out. "No problem. I'll have Angel give you my number and you can text if you need anything." He nods. "Cool, thanks." Iris smiled before making her way inside the house.


As soon as Hailey stepped out of the car, my mood dropped. Out of nowhere, I just felt extremely sad and like something was crushing my mood. I couldn't tell if Josh noticed as we drove to my house, and I was hoping he doesn't. I know he cares, but I don't want to trouble him with my problems if I didn't even know what was wrong.

We pulled up to my house, with no one there since Mason was at at Jace's, and Jake and my mom were with the wedding planner. The two of us made our way inside, holding our bags close to us.

"Are you okay?"

As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, my heart dropped. "I'm fine." I lied as I opened my door and set my bag down on the ground next to my desk. "Angel, I can tell your upset. Did I do something?" Josh asks as I sat down on my bed. "No, you didn't do anything. I'm not upset." I lied through my teeth.


"I'm fine. Stop asking." I snapped.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You're lying to me, and I can tell." Josh argued as he turned to me. "I don't know okay! Hailey got out of the car, and suddenly my mood drops? I don't understand why you can't understand why I don't want to talk about it!" I cried out as I stood up to meet his gaze. I was still several inches shorter than him, but I could see his eyes were dark, signaling he was angry.

"Because I'm trying to help you!" He grunted. "I don't want your help! I can do this on my own!" I said, tears blurring my vision.

"On your own, huh?" He sighed. Hesitantly, I nodded as I looked at him wipe at his face.

"Fine. I'll leave." He mumbled before turning away from me. I wanted to hug him, to cry in his arms, to feel him wrap his arms around me.

"I love you." I confessed. Joshua stopped in his tracks. I took a deep breath as I watched him shake his head. He stepped out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I could hear him going downstairs and out the door, entirely leaving my house.

As I heard him pull out of the driveway, I sobbed and fell to the ground. God, why did I have to say that? I meant it, but he obviously doesn't feel the same.


Two days later, the girls and I met at my place to leave for the road trip. "Guys, we don't have a ride anymore." I softly said. Iris and Hailey both turned around.

"I though Josh was tagging along?" They both asked. "I don't even think him and I are still together." I said, fighting back tears. "What happened?" Hailey asked. "We got in a fight after we dropped you guys off. I told him I loved him as he was walking out, and he didn't say it back." I softly said, finally letting go of the tears.

They both hugged me from the sides. "I'm sorry, I ruined the trip." I sobbed. "No, it's okay. We can still go if we find another driver." Iris says. As I wiped at my face, I heard someone pull up.

Looking up, I saw Josh's intense stare. "You guys going to get in or am I going alone on the trip?" He asks. I softly nodded before standing up with my bag and making my way towards the car. "Do you want me to sit in the front seat?" Hailey whispered as we walked. "No, I'm okay." I softly said before opening the door and getting in. I could feel his gaze on me as I sat down, so I returned the gaze. He held his free hand out for me, which I gladly took. "I love you." Joshua quickly says. My heart melts as I looked at his big brown eyes.

"I love you too. I'm sorry for yesterday." I softly said, low enough where Hailey and Iris couldn't hear. "It's okay. I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me what was wrong." Joshua starts the car.

"No, you were just trying to care for me." I softly said, caressing his knuckles with my thumb. He nodded as he pulled out of my driveway.

"Onto our adventure!" Hailey exclaimed in the back seat. "Can I hook up to Bluetooth in here?" I asked Josh as we began to drive out of my neighborhood. "Yeah, go ahead." He nods.

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