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A couple months later, summer started. We were officially Seniors in high school.

Josh and I planned on checking out apartments, which we did all day today. It was currently 7 pm, and we had just left the last appointment for the day. "So, which ones did you like?" Josh asks as we walked around downtown holding hands. He swung our hands as we walked down the sidewalk. "I really like the one that had the island. It was in our budget, and it was beautiful! It even had extra rooms for guests." I chirped.

"And for our kids in the future." Josh chuckles. Blushing, I placed my hand on his bicep and continued to walk. "We already have a son." I teased. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at me. "Are you...?" He asks. "Franklin." I playfully glared up at him. "Oh!" He loudly laughs

"I can see that. I like that one." Josh blushes as he calms down while I looked at the the summer decorations. There were small little shops around, so I liked to window shop sometimes.

"We should go get some coffee. We may have some paper work to fill out." Josh wiggles his eyebrows. "You're weird." I giggled before entering the small coffee shop. Josh ordered for the both of us since he knows my usual order.

After getting our drinks and paying, we made our way back outside. There was now music playing nearby.

"Babe, get your phone out." Joshua chuckles before handing me his drink. Tucking mine under my arm, I got ready to film Josh. As we went to cross the cross walk, he started dancing. Giggling, I filmed him.

All of a sudden, a boo erupted feet away. This only made me laugh harder as Josh turned to see who it was as he walked backwards to the end of the crosswalk. "It was a homeless guy, oh my god." Josh loudly laughs before leading us back to his car. "You got booed by a homeless guy." I giggled as held onto his bicep. "I thought my dance moves were good." He fake pouts.


After we both took showers, we got settled in Josh's room to fill out paper work. Laura had to go on another business trip before my moms wedding, but she'll be back in time. She gave me permission to stay the night in advance.

Dropping the towel off my damp hair, I made my way over to Josh. The curly haired boy was shirtless and only wearing adidas soccer pants. His legs were spread as he leaned down on the bed to fill some things out. When he realized I was there, he sat up and motioned for me to sit down between his legs. Smiling brightly, I sat down with my back against his chest. Josh presses his lips against the top of my head before bending his knees around me. "Gimme." I giggled before taking the papers out of his hands. Resting my forearms on his thighs, I started to fill out the papers.

Josh twirled a section of my hair around his fingers as I worked. "You have soft hair." He places a soft kiss under my ear. Shivers were sent down my spin. "Josh, stop, I'm working." I giggled as I continued to work.

"But baby..." Josh whines. "Josh, I want to move into this new apartment as soon as we can. You're turning 18 this December, I want to be in before then." I sighed as I felt his hand drop from my hair to the hem of my shirt.

"And we will, I promise. Please." Josh whimpers as he places his warm hand on my skin under my shirt, gently running his fingertips over my stomach. Groaning, I leaned my head back on his shoulder. "Is that a yes?" He asks. Nodding, I let him take the paper from my hands and kiss my neck gently.


Angel places her head on my chest as we calmed down from our...activities.

"What do you remember about our first kiss?" Angel asks out of the blue. Smiling, I thought about our first kiss.

"It was raining, and I had just dropped you off at your house after we went to the fair. You looked extremely beautiful, and I couldn't let you get out of my car without kissing you." I told her as I ran my fingers through her hair. Angel looks up at me before reaching for one of my curls. She twirls it around her fingers before pressing a soft kiss against my jaw line.

"Ya know, I'm really liking this stubble." Angel cutely smiles before dropping her hand from my hair.

"How was your day, baby girl?" I asked as I caressed her jawline with my thumb. "Mmh, pretty good. I really hope we get this apartment." She blushes before laying back down on my chest. The curtains were opened, which meant some moonlight came in. The moon casted a perfect shadow on her eyes, which made them look even more beautiful then they were. God, she looks so gorgeous under the moonlight.

"Before we move in, we should go on a little road trip. Maybe a honeymoon." She suggests. "I'd like that. Let's finish these papers tomorrow morning." I kissed the top of her head. She sleepily nods as she moves up so she could cuddle into my neck.

"I love you." I softly told her. "I love you too." She yawns. As I played with her hair, I heard soft snores not too long after. She was adorable, and I couldn't get enough of her.


I woke up to the smell of pancakes the next morning. Opening my eyes, I was met with sunlight in my eyes. With this known, I let out a low groan as I pushed my self over to see what time it was.

10:34 am the clock read.

Pushing my self up, I pulled some boxers on an a pair of basketball shorts before making my way downstairs to meet my lovely wife. When I got down there, I was met with a soft singing voice. Smiling, I rested against the doorway as I watched her small frame dance and sing around the kitchen in one of my t-shirts, that enveloped her whole body from how small she was. She was only 5'3, meanwhile I was 5'11.

"Good morning, gorgeous." I greeted. I must have scared her, since she jumped and dropped the spatula she was using as a microphone. "Morning, handsome." She plays it off before walking over and placing a soft kiss on my lips. I could get use to waking up every morning and greeted with a kiss.

"I made pancakes, eggs, and some hash browns." Angel beams as she leads me over to the stove by my hand, picking up the spatula in the process. "You hate the smell of eggs." I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Yeah, but you like them." She leans her head on my shoulder. "Thank you, sunshine." I sleepily kissed the top of her head. "What happened to Sunflower?" She asks. "It's a known fact now." I kissed her temple before breaking away and grabbing her some plates.

•Blue Moon• /Joshua Bassett\Where stories live. Discover now