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OMFG GUYS THIS BOOK IS LITERALLY NUMBER 1 IN JOSHUA BASSETT (if your from the future, it may not be number 1 anymore but IT ONCE WAS OKAY) THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!

A couple weeks later, I woke up to Joshua throwing up in the bathroom. I rushed out of bed and joined him in the bathroom. While he emptied his stomach contents, I rubbed his back comfortingly.

A huge sigh left his lips as he flushed the toilet. Without speaking, he turned to me and buried his head in my shoulder. "I'm sorry for waking you up." He croaked out, his voice hoarse. "It's okay, it's my job to take care of you." I nod as I gently ran my fingers through his hair. He sighs as Josie's cries rang out.

"How about you brush your teeth and take a shower. I'll have some water and toast waiting for you." I rubbed his back. He nods softly as I adjusted. "I love you." I smiled before pushing his hair back and kissing his forehead. Josh was a little warm, but it wasn't too bad. "Thank you, I love you." He gently says. I nod while walking to Josie's room.

"Hey, baby girl." I greeted as her small head appeared over the crib. "You gotta help me today, sweetheart. Dada's sick and is definitely resting today." I told her as I walked her to the kitchen.

She sits in her high chair eating some Cheerios and bananas while I make Josh some toast. I let it cool for a bit while we waited for Josh get out of the shower.

Small footsteps emerged from the hallway, and a wet curly mop of hair appears with a blanket draped around his shoulders. "Dada!" Josie claps. My eyes widen as I flipped around to look at her. Joshua brightly smiles as he nears us. "She said it! Her first word!" He exclaims. A bright smile etched onto my face as he presses kisses on her cheek. Joshua immediately starts to wipe it off when he realizes he's sick.

She giggled in her high chair as he made his way over to me. I handed him his toast and felt his head. He was still warm. "You should go lay down on the couch and relax. I'll make you some soup later." I promised him. He nods, sets the toast down beside me, and tightly hugs me. "I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you, so much." He mumbles into my neck. "I love you too. Now, go get some rest!" I told him as he pulled away from me. He nods and grabs his toast before making his way to the living room.

Since Josie was finished with her breakfast, I picked her up and placed her on my hip. I quickly warmed up a bottle for her as I bounced her on my hip. "Baby?" A small voice came from the living room. I looked back to see Josh sitting on the couch with the remote on his hand. I couldn't see the TV yet.

"What's up?" I asked. "Will you watch movies with me today? We can watch your favorite 80's movies and Disney movies." He gently asks. "I'd love to." I smiled as I grabbed the bottle for Josie. We made our way over to the couch and got comfortable. "Dada." Josie reaches for Joshua. "Can I hold her?" He softly asks. "Of course." I smiled as I gently handed her to him, the bottle following suit.

She sits on his lap as she drinks her formula while watching The Breakfast Club. Josie had her back against his stomach as he twirls her hair around his finger gently. He reaches over her and places his now empty plate on the coffee table and waits for her to finish her bottle.

When she's done, she hands it to him immediately. Joshua smiled and placed it next to his plate. As I continued to watch The Breakfast Club, I sometimes checked on the two beside me.

Joshua had moved so he was laying on his back, and Josie was laying on her stomach on his chest. It had to be the cutest thing ever.


Josh's little sickness was over by the end of the day. He may have just ate something bad.

My mom invited us over to her house for dinner, but we knew it was because she wanted to see Josie. Josh had got her dressed and ready to go while I did my makeup. It was simple, but I was tired of looking atrocious everyday.

When we got there, as soon as we knocked the door flew open. "Hello!" My mom exclaimed. "Hey, mom." I chuckled, adjusting Josie on my hip. She ushers us into the house. "Wanna hold her?" I asked my mom, Joshua's fingers brushed up my back as he fixed my shirt, sending shivers down my spine.

"Oh! Guess what!" Joshua exclaims happily as my mom gently grabs Josie from my arms. "What's up?" She asks. "Josie! Say my name, sweetheart." Josh coos.

Her big brown eyes glance into his as he looks down at her with my mom. "Dada." She smiles. "Oh my! Her voice is adorable!" My mom smiles and kisses her cheeks. She giggles in her arms as she begins to bounce her. "Dinner will be ready in a few!" Jake calls out from the kitchen. Nodding, I made my way to the living room and sat down beside Mason.

"What's up loser." I greeted. "Hey." He looks up from his game. He was playing one of my favorite games, Lego Star Wars.

"Oh! Can I play?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." He motions to the remote a few feet in front of us. I quickly grabbed it and signed in while Josh talked to my mom and Jake.

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