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While we shopped, Josh carried Grace on his hip. "We need some coffee, the crib, some shampoo, something for dinner tonight, body wash, a bed spread." I listed off some things as we began to walk through Walmart.

"We could do Tacos." Josh suggests as Grace plays with his hair. "Sounds good. We'll get the meat last." I nodded as we made our way to the baby section. "So Grace, what's your favorite animal?" Josh asks as we walked. "Koala!" She exclaims. "Mine too!" Josh cheers, making her smile even wider.

"Here we are." I smiled at the two of them as we stopped in front of the cribs. Grace looks around absentmindedly.

"You like this one, Grace?" Josh points to the cheap but sturdy crib. She excitedly nods as she leans her head on his shoulder. "This one good?" Josh asks. Nodding, I took Grace from his arms so he could lift it into the cart. Josh reaches up and grabs it before setting it in the cart, flexing his muscles.

Grace doesn't make grabby hands towards Josh, so I let Josh take over in pushing the cart around. Josh leads us to the bed and decoration area.

"Alright, which one you like, beautiful?" Josh asks as we stopped in front of the bedspreads. "I like this one, it matches our room and it's cute." I smiled as Grace played with my hair. Josh nods before reaching above my head and grabbing it for us, since I obviously couldn't reach it.


Josh and Grace played in the living room while I made dinner for the three of us. The kitchen overlooked the living room, so they occasionally looked my way.

"Hey, I have to use the bathroom. Can you watch her?" Josh asks. "Yeah, go ahead." I smiled brightly at him before continuing to cook, watching him walk away in the corner of my eyes. Grace climbs off the couch and makes her way over to me.

"Can I help?" She cutely asks. "Of course!" I smiled at her before picking her up and setting her on my hip. "Can you pour this in?" I asked her, handing her the small cup with water. She excitedly nods as she pours the water in, slowly but surely.

"Now, can you help me stir it?" I asked as I helped her set the cup down. She nods excitedly as she wraps her small little hand around mine, helping me stir the beef.

Josh exits the hallway, shaking off excess water from his hand. "Where my friend go?" He joked as he joins us in the kitchen.

"I cooking!" She giggles. "I can see that!" He beams down at her. "Good job, girly." I giggled as we stopped storing. Setting the utensil down, I grabbed the other.

"Josh, can you grab me the Doritos from the pantry?" I asked. He nods and gets everything we need out for tacos as Grace watches him intently.

"Can I make mine?" Grace asks as she finally looks back up at me. "Of course, love." I beamed before placing her on the counter. Josh reaches around me sets the baby tortillas down along with the sour cream and cheese. After he's finished, he turns to the other side of Grace to make sure she doesn't fall or anything.

We watch as she makes her small taco. "I did it!" She cheers as she finishes.

"Good job!" We both cheered her on. "Alright, let's get you to the couch." Josh smiles before grabbing her plate for her and picking her up gently. She clings onto him as he walks her over to the couch before gently setting her down. She digs into her taco as he makes his way back to me.

"She's adorable. I can't wait until we have our own." Josh smiles before leaning down and pressing a kiss on my lips.

"Me too, but after senior year, baby. Can you help me set up the crib after dinner?" I asked as I began to dish up. "Yeah, of course." He kisses my cheek before making himself some food.


"Let's go see daddy, yeah?" I whispered to my daughter as we walked to her new room. She bounced in my arms as we approached. Opening the door, I saw Josh sitting on the floor while building baby girl Bassett's new crib. She's been staying in our room, but we figured she's old enough for her own room and her old crib isn't in the best condition anymore.

"Hi, baby." I greeted as I used our daughter's hand to wave. "Hey, baby!" He greets with a large smile on his face as he looks at our daughter. "Look at daddy, baby!" I smiled as she started to look around the room. She turns her head back to Josh before opening her mouth to release some squeals.

"Dada!" She squeals. Josh's eyes widen as we processed what she said. "Say that again, baby!" Josh exclaimed as he got up and rushed over to the two of us, scooping her into his large arms.

I smiled at the two of them as I rested my hand on Josh's bicep. "Dada!" She giggles. Josh looks down at me with tears in his eyes. "Oh my god, we made her." He wipes away his tear before kissing me briefly.

My eyes open to see the same sleeping boy beside me, his arm draped over my side as he slept. Soft snores escaped his mouth as I scooted closer. "I love you." I kissed his shoulder as I placed my hand on my stomach. I can't wait until I have kids of my own.


"Good morning!" I exclaimed as I stepped into the kitchen with Grace on my hip. "Good morning, lovely." Josh greets as he flips a pancake.

"Grace's breakfast is right there." Josh points to the pancakes on the island. Nodding, I helped her sit down at the Island.

"You have to be careful, okay?" I softly told her. She sleepily nods and begins to eat. Softly running my fingers through her long blonde hair, I attempted to fix it for her. Josh was staring, so I looked back up at him.

"You're burning the pancake." I chuckled before looking back down at her hair.

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