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Josh drove the two of us to school the next morning. We walked hand in hand inside towards our lockers where my friends were waiting for us. "Oh, girl! I see you!" Hailey exclaimed. Iris turns around from hers and looks at us right as we let go of hands. I chuckled as I pushed past them to get to my locker.

"What did I miss?" Iris asked. Josh laughs before stopping beside me. "I'm going to go to my locker, I'll be back." Josh says before kissing my cheek and walking down the hall to his locker.

"Okay, I definitely didn't miss that little action. Spill!" Iris exclaims. "I'm not single anymore." I laughed as I pulled my locker open. They both squealed beside me, earning weird looks from everyone in the hallways. "Would y'all quiet down?" I giggled as I grabbed my binders. "I'm so happy for you! Right before Valentine's Day!" Hailey exclaimed. "Yeah, me too." Iris squeals before side hugging me.

"So? How did you guys get together?" Hailey asked. "We've been kind of kissing each other for awhile? But we never put a label on the relationship until yesterday after practice." I explained before closing my locker and locking it.

"I knew something was going on between you two!" Iris exclaimed, Hailey agreeing. I leaned against my locker while I bit my lip. A mop of curly brown hair made its way back down the hall way in my peripheral vision. Josh no longer had a book bag over his shoulder, just a large binder by his side. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded before straightening my posture and joining his side, grabbing his hand in the process. "We'll see you two at lunch." They both said before scurrying to their first period. Josh and I began to walk to my first period.

"I'm taking it you told them about us?" He asked. "Most definitely." I giggled. Joshua chuckled above me as we approached my first period. "I'll see you later?" I asked as we pulled apart. "Definitely, I'm walking to all your classes." He mentioned.

"Good to know." I chuckled before gently kissing his lips. "I'll see you later." I told him before stepping into the classroom.


Throwing my lunch bag down at lunch, I laid my head down on the table. "You okay, Angel?" Hailey asked from the other side of the table. "No. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail my second period." I said before closing my head. I could feel a migraine approaching, which meant I probably was going to have a bad day for the rest of the day.

A warm presence beside me didn't even make me look up. "Baby?" A soft voice asked. "Hm?" I softly asked as I looked up at Josh. His eyes were so soft and concerned. "You okay?"

"I have a migraine." I explained before putting my head back down in my arms. A warm arm was placed around my shoulders. "I know you don't feel good, but you have to eat something." Joshua pleaded as Hailey and Iris watched us. I squirmed under their intense watch.

"But I don't want to." I sighed before straightening my posture and leaning against him. "At least eat an Oreo." He sighed. I could tell he was getting frustrated, so I just grabbed it from my bag and popped it in my mouth before chewing.

"Happy?" I asked. "Very." He says before eating his own food.


I rode the bus home that day because I didn't want to bother Josh. Throwing my binders on the ground in my room, I jumped in my bed and cuddled into it. All I wanted to do was call Josh and see if he can come over since no one was here, but I didn't want to bother him anymore than I have to.

As soon as I started to drift off, my phone started ringing. Groaning, I reached over and grabbed it.

"What?" I groaned into the phone. "Damn, Baby? You okay?" Josh asks through the phone. "No, I've had an extremely bad day and I just want to cuddle." I confessed. "I'm on my way." He quickly says before hanging up. With a light smile on my face, I turned my TV on and relaxed as I waited for him to show up.

It didn't take long to hear my doorbell go off. I stood up and made my way downstairs to greet him. Opening the door, I saw him with snacks and drinks.

"Oh my god. Thank you!" I exclaimed before hugging him. He chuckled as he picked me up with his free hand. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he began to walk. Josh pushes the door closed with his foot before making his way up the stairs, somehow not falling.

"Which is your room again?" He asked. "The last one on the right." I told him. He nodded before opening the door, closing it behind him, and laying me down on the bed. He sat the snacks down on my nightstand before laying down beside me. Josh places his hand in my forehead.

"Baby, you're burning up." He softly says. "I am?" I enquired. I didn't feel like it at all. "Yeah, you can't tell?" He asked before brushing hair out of my face.

"No, I can't tell." I softly said before leaning against him.

"Do you want to change into something more cool to keep you cold?" He asks. "Yes please." I groaned. Joshua nods before standing up and making his way to my closet. I continued to watch Phineas and Ferb as he picked out some clothes.

"This work?" He asked as he showed me a pair of shorts and a loose crop top. "Yeah." I nodded before standing up. He hands me it and turns around for my privacy. Quickly changing, I laid back down in my bed and told Josh he could turn around.

Joshua turned around and returned by my side. "Thank you for taking care of me." I sighed before rolling so I was cuddled into his side. "It's no problem. It's my job as your boyfriend." He quipped before rubbing his hand up and down my back in a comforting way. I grabbed his other hand that was resting on his stomach and played with his fingers while he watched Phineas and Ferb.

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