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We got to our first destination that night. It was a beautiful beach party that some of Josh's friends invited us to. Josh got out of the car to let the girls change real quick and sat on the hood. After I finished changing, I joined him on the hood.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked. "I missed you, that's all." He explains before placing his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and looked out over the water. The sun was starting to set, and it was beautiful!

He kissed the top of my head as I pulled my phone out. I held it up and took a cute photo of us. Joshua was kissing my cheek as I was smiling. After snapping the photo, I placed my phone in my drawstring bag that was around my shoulders.

A gentle touch lead my face to meet his eyes. Joshua places his hand on my cheek and leans in to kiss me.

"Josh! My man!" A voice erupts just as our lips brushed. I jumped away from Josh, making his hand fall from my cheek. "Hey, Ryan." Josh laughs. Hailey and Iris stepped out of the car a few seconds later. I stepped off the hood before standing in front of Josh and stretching.

"Who are these girls?" Ryan smirks as he looks at Hailey. "These are my friends. Hailey, Iris, and my girlfriend Angel." Josh explains. "It's nice to meet you guys, wanna head down to the beach?" He asks. I held my hand out for Joshua to take, which he immediately does and follows Ryan down to the beach party.

"Um, my friends are kind of wild when it comes to parties. Just let me know if you want to leave, okay?" Joshua softly says. I nodded as we walked and squeezed his hand.

The five of us arrived to a large party. There was music that I loved, drinks in a cooler, people jumping off the dock, couples making out, and many more things.

"Aye! Josh!" Other people cheered as we joined them. Three guys and a two girls joined us by the dock. "Hey, Josh. It's nice to see you again." A brunette girl twirled her hair around her finger. Raising my eyebrows, I looked at Josh. He winked at me before turning to the girl. "It's nice to see you too, Stacy." He tightly smiles before letting go of my hand and placing his arm around my shoulders.

"Want anything to drink, babe?" Josh asks before gesturing to the cooler. "Can you get me a soda, please?" I asked. "Yeah sure, you guys want anything?" He asks Hailey and Iris. "Same thing as Angel." They agreed. "Okay. I'll be back." He says before kissing my lips and walking away. "So, where are you guys from?" One of the guys asked.

"A city you probably don't know. It's not very popular." Iris chuckles as I saw Ryan and Hailey giggling in the corner of my eye. Josh returns with a couple sodas in his large hands. "God, my hands are freezing now." Josh laughs as we took them out of his hand. An mischievous smirk makes its way onto his face.

"What?" I asked. He reaches out and places his cold hand on the back of my neck. "Josh!" I giggled as I pulled away. Joshua evilly laughed before kissing the top of my head. I opened my soda and took a sip of it as I felt Josh run his finger tips over my back.

All of a sudden, a Harry Styles song started playing. "Babe! It's Harry!" I exclaimed as I sat my drink down beside Hailey and Ryan. "Wanna dance?" Josh asks. "Yeah! Hailey, can you watch my drink?" I asked. "Yeah, of course." She nods before turning back to Iris and Ryan.

Josh took my hand and lead me to the 'dance floor.' We made it to the dance floor and got situated. Joshua placed his hands on my waist as I started dancing, him joining in.


I made a couple friends after we stopped dancing. The other girl with the girl that flirted with my boyfriend, who's name is Lainey, and I came up with the great idea to jump off the dock and into the water. A couple of her other friends joined in, including mine. "Angel, come on!" Lainey exclaimed as she ran up. "What's going on?" Josh asks as I handed him my second drink and my bag, which he placed around his shoulders. "Hm, I don't know." I giggled before following her to the dock. The other girls were already waiting for us. "Can I go first?" Iris asked. "Of course!" One of Lainey's friends, Jen, said. Iris smiles before taking her cover-up off and revealing her Bikini.

She throws it on the dock and runs down the dock, jumping into the water. All of us cheered before following her lead.

I threw my cover-up at my boyfriend, who was watching a few feet behind, and ran off the dock. The cold water engulfed my whole body. I resurfaced and pushed my hair out of my face. Joshua was giddily smiling on the dock above me with my drink in his hand and my cover up. "Hi." I smiled up at him as I swam towards the dock. I lifted my self up and puckered my lips, asking for a kiss. He crouched down and kissed my lips briefly.

"Have fun." He laughed before walking away with Ryan and a couple other friends.


A little while later we climbed out of the water and made our way back to the party. We dried off a little bit on the dock.

"Okay, I need all of your guy's numbers. We need to make a group chat." I laughed before seeing my bag on Joshua's back. "Want me to get your phone?" Hailey asked. "Yes please." I smiled before sitting down, dangling my feet over the water. "You and Josh are really cute together." Kali compliments. "Thanks." I blushed as I watched Josh give Hailey my phone. She thanks him before running back to us. "Here!" She exclaims before handing me my phone. I thank her before pulling the contact screen up and passing it around.


"Hey, babe." I greeted as I saw Josh coming back from the bathroom. "Hey, baby." He smiles. "Can we head to the hotel? I'm a little tired." I softly told him.

"Yeah, let's go and get the girls." He nods before holding my hand and pulling me towards where they were. I zoned out as I leaned into my boyfriend. We said our goodbyes before heading back to the car.

I must have zoned out, because when I finally pulled myself back into reality, I saw we were at the hotel. "How many rooms did your mom rent?" Iris asked. "Two. One for Josh and I and the other for you and Hailey." I explained before stepping out of the car and stretching.

•Blue Moon• /Joshua Bassett\Where stories live. Discover now