Marry Your Daughter, Part 1

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A/N And here it is...the much awaited update! thank you for your patience! I had a great time being "Max Black" for one night, in our Netflix themed party.

Our story is moving up and up, thank you for sticking with me! Now here's the story of how our Marco will 'scientifically' propose to our beautiful Viv...

Scientific Work of Fiction by  jenofgenovia


12 Hours Earlier

Marco is at the doorsteps of Villareal Mansion, Philip, Viv's older brother welcomed him, even offered a drink. Marco thanked him and went inside Lucas Villareal's office wherein Elizabeth, her Mom is also inside smilling at him.

M: Good Evening Sir...Madam...

L: Well, you certainly got some gave my daughter a promise ring that she accepted and by logic, Im' guessing you're here to ask for her hand in marriage?

M: Yes Sir.

E: Oh my gosh.....

M: But I have one problem Sir...

L: What is it?

M: I don't have a ring yet...I'll get one in a couple of days, I'll go to Japan and meet this Jewelry Maker that my Dad met years ago...

L: Well, Im' going with you....

E: Oh wow....are you sure?

L: Yeah I am...Philip!!!!

P: Yes Dad?

L: As if you're not listening....I'll go to Japan with Marco, stay here with your Mom.

M: My Dad is also going with me Sir.

L: No problem. I can't miss this moment for my unica hija, I wanna see the ring and figure out how you will ask her.

M: Actually, I need ALL of your help....

E: Do tell...

***details to be revealed soon***

Monday Morning at Mc Donalds

Verne is carrying a huge teddy bear, it's Riz's and she told him to bring it to the Hospital. Marco and Doc serves breakfast meals, Doc motioned for Verne to leave the table. With the huge Teddy Bear he is carrying Viv laughs as he almost tumbled down.

M: Baby Tellurium....

V: Yes Baby Copper?

M: Kiss ko?

V: Mmy na sa Ballet Studio...

M: Am really sorry about the trip to Hong Kong, urgent kasi ung sa Supplier na kausap ko about the laboratory kits...and hindi naman pwede sila Verne...

V: No worries...Just get me those nice dumplings ha!

M: No worries! I got it.

Marco leaves for "Hong Kong" the next day and since Viv is busy attending to her Accreditation Details, she wasn't able to drive him to the airport...but they did spent an hour of making out before he leaves.


Lucas took a much later flight and mets with Marco and RFJ02 for dinner and drinks. Marco was a bit nervous but then, the two Fathers hit it off just fine. They talk about business, properties and cars!

Following Thirdy's notes, they went to Okachimachi, known as one of the finest city in Japan when it comes to jewelry, gold and other crafts. They met Takahashi, one of the best jewelry maker in Japan and Marco handed him the diamonds.

The Science Bae by jenofgenoviaWhere stories live. Discover now