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After we bought the bedsheets, we decided to have dinner out at a Korean BBQ. And we just happened to be seated next to the guy from before and his handsome boyfriend. Why would he be staring at me when he is with such a good looking guy? I swear I don't get why people get into relationships if they would end up cheating.

Hence, why my parents are now divorced. Father was having extra marital affairs with his secretary. All the reason why I don't do serious relationship. Phana and Kit sat across from me, and from where I sat this guy happened to be facing my direction too. When I lifted my head up from the menu, we made eye contact again. But this time he smiled and then went back to his conversation with the boyfriend. Every now and then I get approached by older men, but now I'm wondering if I give off a vibe that I swing that way.

My gut instinct was right, I did see him again. Him and his friends happen to be in the same restaurant as us. He sat across from me, and his friends back were facing me. I am not going to deny it,for a minute I was mesmerized by this guy. He noticed me looking at him, so I smiled and looked away. I wasn't the only one who noticed him. The girls at the table to our left were talking about all the good looking men at the restaurant. One said it was a tie between Lam and Beam hahahahaha. If lam heard that he would have left by now. He hates it when people call him 'Pretty', but he was pretty.

" Do you want to go to the Club tonight? The gang is meeting at Thunder and once school start we will have SOTUS and won't have much time for fun"... Ahhh SOTUS, my brothers told me all about it. I know I already have a target on me because P'Mew was a ruthless hazer. Now his freshmen's would be my seniors and I know I'll be put through hell for it. " Not tonight, I just want to play video games at home"I said. " Oh okay, then I'll ask Can to pick me up from here". -Lam. " Oh no need, I'll drop you off there". In all honesty I didn't want Ai'Can to see Beam, I'm currently in the lead for the bet, since I've actually made contact. Now I need to figure how to engage him in a conversation.

First day of classes was everything and the girls on campus were everything 😍. I really wanted to hang with a couple of them, but Phana dragged me to his practice. Last I checked he was the Moon of medicine not I. He promised to let me be once I was done with my assignment but I was captivated by all the STARS!!!

It was like all the beautiful girls from all the different schools in on spot!!! Oh yea!!! I'll be attending practice. "Beam who is that guy, which moon is he?" Kit tap me on the shoulder to look over where that guy from the restaurant and supermarket stood. This time he came with the boyfriend and a muscle guy. " Is that one also a freshman" Kit whispered. "I'm guessing they are from the school of engineering, they are the only ones that wear those jackets".

I don't know what was said, but suddenly the guy whispered something to his boyfriend and they were all facing our direction. The boyfriend and the muscline guy started laughing and next this guy was walking towards us. " Wait, is he was over here!!! Are we about to get our ass kicked or something? Ahhh 😱 I hope you've haven't slept with someone's girlfriend already Beam!!!"-Kit. I rolled my eyes " Really Kitty!!"... Next this guy with a bronze tan and thick eyebrows before me. " Hi, I'm Forth. Moon of Engineerin..." he said with a big grin. Before, I could even answer Phana showed up with a stretched out hand.
" Hi, I'm Phana. Moon of medicine. He is not part of the competition".... the guy looked annoyed for a split second and then he shook Phana's hand. " I just assumed he was also a moon... you know, I'm getting to know my competition" Forth said with a smirk. Phana didn't even allow us to introduce ourselves then said, " Nice meeting you FORTH, see you around". He smiled and walked back to his group.

Now how come he didn't introduce himself to the rest of the moons? This kid is weird!!! " Hey Beam, can you give me a ride back to my suite. I came to school with Kit today"-Phana. " Oh, is something wrong with your car?.." I asked because that's the only reason he would ride with Kit. Out of the three of us, Kit is the worst driver. " No, he is getting a new Audi tomorrow!!! Lucky bastard" Ai'Kit... we just carried on with our conversation, but from the corner of my eye I can still see him staring. It is a bit creepy and making me uncomfortable.

I was voted in second place to represent the school of Engineering, second to Lam of course . Now, one thing I know about my best friend is he doesn't do anything that he don't want to do. He has a handsome and innocent face, but he is ruthless if you cross him.

When the seniors approached him, they even offered to exclude him from the SOTUS activities, he rolled his eyes and said, " I didn't come this far in my education, to prance around in a beauty pageant!!😒". The auditorium was silent then we heard someone rolling on the floor with laughter.  His sassy mouth gained the entire freshman year 10 lapse around the field.

While running we were approached by the kid that was laughing, he introduced himself as Park. He was there for Mechanical engineering. He grew up on the country side and he claimed his family were farmers. We later found out they owned farms!!!, and deals with exports and imports.

In sum he comes from money, but very humble. Although, he was talking to both of us I couldn't help but noticed most of his attention was on Lam. The two followed me to the first Moon and Star gathering, and as if a spot light was placed on him. I spotted Beam Baramee, chatting with one of his friends from earlier. " Wow!!! If that's your competition then you have already lost hahaha" Park said. Yeah!!! I thought to myself, he can win both Moon and Star.

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