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" You can have a seat our there, I'll get a first aid kit"- Beam. I nodded as he walked into his bathroom. I haven't been in a fist fight since I started University. That was one of the new leafs I had turned over, when I decided to leave my old life behind. " Phana, is going to kill me when he sees these bruises and scratches on me"-Beam. I looked at his busted lip as he dressed my wound on my arm.

I honestly was surprised at how good Beam was at fighting. When the old asshole called Beam a whore I lost my cool. I threw the drink with the glass at him, and one of his minions snuffed me. Next, we were in a full blown fist fight, with Beam and I back to back fighting off these guys. A lot of things were broken, but then the police came in time. Beam refused to go to the hospital and insisted I followed him to his suite to dress my wound. I ended up with bruises, and a cut on my hand from the glasses that were broken.

" Where did you learn how to o fight like that?"...
" 😊 I've been taking martial arts since I was eight, I hold a black belt...and I've had a lot of practice fighting off jealous boyfriends and husbands hahaha"-Beam.  I watched as he laughed, and then winced with pain because of his busted lip. He dressed his own wounds afterwards and gave me an ice pack. "I've to take a shower, I'll be right back" -Beam.  I looked around his place . He is very neat and organized, his bed was nicely laid and his room had pictures of him and mostly his friends.

"Wow, these guys grew up together " I said to myself as I looked at baby pictures of Beam and his two best friends. There was one with just Phana, starring at him with love struck eyes. I don't know who that guy is fooling, claiming to be straight.Then there was one picture of a beautiful woman and him by his bedside.

She is very gorgeous, I'm guessing that's his mother. " Do you want anything to drink?" Beam said from behind me. He now had on shorts with an  oversized T-Shirt. Damn, he is so cute!!!, I was so dazed that he had to ask me the same question again to snap me out. "Yea ,I'll have a cup of coffee if you have it"... he scratch his head and said " I only have hot coco, will that do?"-Beam. I smiled and nodded.


This Forth kid has one hell of a temper on him. The way he snapped when that old geezer called me out of my name had me shook. I know not to get on his bad side. He took on two men at a time, I believe he could have taken on all five at a time. We left with bruises, but some of those men might be on crutches for a while. We sat in silence while drinking our hot coco. Then I received a text from Phana, *Hi Beammie sorry about earlier on today, you have to admit it was funny*...

Yea funny for him... I replied *Your little hoax got me into a fight tonight😤* Well , it had nothing to do with it but I wanted him to feel guilty 😝. " Are you texting your boyfriend?"-Forth. He knew how I felt about the boyfriend word, yet he chose to say it. I rolled my eyes and replied, " No!! We are not boyfriends.... and if Phana was into boys I doubt I'll be his type".

"Beam!!! I've seen how your "friend" looks at you, if he was into boys you'll definitely be his type"-Forth. *Are you okay??? I'm coming over right now!!!* Phana replied. I looked at Forth after he said that, I never thought much about Phana liking me. "...And even if he did, he would never say it because our friendship means more to him"... I said looking at his reply.

" Well I'll get going Beam... thanks to you, I let out some steam today ☺️. Also, thank you for dressing my wounds" - Forth. He grabbed his keys and proceeded to walk out... "Hey!! Do you like the beach?" I asked. " Yea, I haven't been in a while though"-Forth. " How about we go to the Beach this weekend... if you don't have plans. Phana and Kit are going home for the weekend"... he gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen " it's a date!!! Hahahaha"-Forth.

" 🤦‍♂️ ,No!!! It is not. We will talk about it more as time draw closer, text me when you get home".... he nodded and walked out. What a night this has been, but aside from the boyfriend jokes, Forth is one of coolest friends I've made aside from my friends. I really enjoy his company.


I walked out of Beam's suite with the biggest smile on my face. For once he invited me out. This is progress I guess. As I was walking out I heard, " Hi!!P'Forth, what are you doing here?"-N'Ming. I stopped in my tracks. What is this kid doing here? " I believe I should be asking you that, on a school night two hours from home"... he pretended to scratch his head and laughed nervously

" arghh P'Forth, my Kit-Kat lives here. This distance relationship is killing us. I can't wait to start school here"-N'Ming. Oh Kit lives next door to Beam, I wonder if Phana lives around here too. " When are you going home?" I asked N'Ming who now has his arm wrapped around my shoulder . " Tonight Phi, I'll be back in two weeks with Wayo for the Moon and Star competition. I heard you guys will have a party afterwards"-N'Ming. I nodded my head, it was more like people decided we were having a party and now everyone will be at the house after the Moon and Star competition.

N'Ming and I talked about the competition and family as we were descending down the stairs to the lobby. Then, I noticed Phana pulling up to the parking spot. Oh he lives here too huh? " Hi P'Pha!!!.." N'Ming greeted him. But he didn't bother to reply, instead he looked me up and down then asked, " what are you doing here?"... He has a lot of nerve asking me such a question " Why?you own the building? Who are you to dictate where I can go?" I noticed him ball up his fist, after I said that. Oh how I wish he would swing at me, I have been itching to whoop his ass.

N'Ming noticed the tension building up. " It was nice meeting you P'Pha, we have to get going"... he took a deep breathe, pushed passed me to go up the stairs. I looked at N'Ming who was holding on to my arms. " P'Forth, that's KitKat's best friend!!! You can't fight him. I don't know what your issues are but you might want to resolve it for Wayo's sake"-N'Ming.
" What do you MEAN?" I glared at N'Ming.
" Heyyyyyy look at the time! I have to beat traffic.... I'll see you at the competition. Bye!!!" He said and dashed off to his car. What was he talking about with N'Yo? I shook my head and drove off.

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