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I kept hearing Beam's voicemail every time I called. I spent my entire weekend perched at his doorway, hoping he would show up. I guess he spent the weekend with Phana . It is Monday now, and I can barely concentrate on my lectures. I keep thinking of ways to rectify my wrongs. I decided to stop by the medical campus during lunch break.

"I'm coming with you then...." -Lam insisted when I told him I was heading to medical to go see Beam. He texted Park to meet us there . When we arrived at the Medical food court, there was no Beam in sight. But then I suddenly heard, "... this is my last warning!!! I don't want you any where near Beam. Now leave, while I'm still being nice"-Phana said standing behind us with his hands in his pockets.

"And what if I don't???..." I turned so that we would be face to face. Phana towers over me by 1/2 an inch, but we have the same built. If things escalates, it will be a fair fight. " I'm willing to risk everything for Beam, I'm in LOVE with Beam". I guess that statement didn't sit well  with him. Because I noticed him clench his jaw and fist. Phana try to portray himself as a level headed guy, who is non- confrontational. But I've dealt with guys like him before.

Truth is he mess around with girls as much as I do. The only difference is the good guy act, he portrays. Out of the bloom Kit showed up. " PHANA!! Walk away..."-Kit. I looked at him fuming and glaring at me. I guessed he noticed the crowd we have drawn. How would it look, for the Moon of the school to be engaged in a fist fight? I gave him a smirk and walked closer then whispered, "... you are a coward!! I will make it up to Beam. If you can't confess your feelings to him, FUCK OFF.


I don't know what Ai'Forth whispered to Pha, but his whole demeanor changed. He went from wanting to kick Forth's ass to having a look of defeat. This was utterly surprising to me, Phana is not the type to be rattled by another person. I wonder what exactly Forth whispered to him.

Luckily, Park arrived on time to drag Forth back to their campus. His boyfriend on the other hand was telling him to allow Forth to stand his own ground. That angelic looking one, didn't appear as an angel but rather the devil himself. The moment his friend walked up to Phana, he was ready to jump in if anything was to pop off.

I have to admit, I had no clue as to what had transpired between Beam and Forth. But at the Party that night, when Ming and I rushed upstairs to the commotion, I was shocked. I knew Forth like Beam, but Beam liking him back was news to me. Beam have never expressed any interest in men. In fact, the reason why I never told them about N'Ming and I was the fact that I feared my friends reaction on the matter of same sex relationships. Yet, he was the most receptive when I introduced them to N'Ming.

Honestly, seeing Forth at our food court confirmed that what ever he had for Beam was legit as N'Ming has been telling me. I didn't bother going home after lecture, I drove straight to Phana's. I want hear Beam's side of the story and seek forgiveness for being such a horrible friend of late. I felt like shit, seeing his puppy eyes weld up with tears.


I spent the weekend watching movies and eating ice cream. Sadly, it was the only thing that could ease my pain. At night, I'll crawl in bed and cuddle on Phana's chest. Times like this, I'm glad he is single hahaha. He gives the warmest hugs ever, and I feel safe in his arms.

I skipped all my classes today, and Phana made sure I received takeouts. I had already received my breakfast and lunch and was waiting for my dinner to arrived. Hence, why I jumped to my feet when I heard the doorbell, but to my surprise it was Kitty. He quickly hugged me so tight. "Kitty!!! I. can't. Breathe....hahaha." He let got with tears weld up.

"I'm so sorry Beammie, I had no idea what you were going through. I've been a horrible friend "-Kit. Argh, why is he so dramatic. " Truly Kitty, fine..". He pulled away, then said "really!!! Is that why your phone is turned off?"-Kit. He said as he shoved me to the side and made his way inside. Now that's more like the Kit I know 😆.

"So when did it happened, how did it happened and how long has it been happening?"-Kit. Why is he suddenly bombarding me with questions. Wasn't he the same person who was concerned a minute ago 🤦‍♂️. "Well to answer your questions, I agreed to his confession that night. We hanged out a few times, and now it has ended". He looked at me as if searching for the truth in my answers.

"You know Beammie, out of all the years I've know you. This is the most I've seen you distraught about another person. If it is over, why are you skipping classes? Turning off your Phone and hiding at your DADDY's?- Kit. I just glanced at the floor as he rant on. " Do you know Forth spent the entire weekend perched in front of your door?"-Kit. I looked up from the floor when he said that. Did he really do that? 😟.

" He was there the night of the incident too. Banging on your door. Damn near woke up the entire floor. Ming had to convince him to go home"-Kit. I listen in silence. I felt me heart ache a bit when I heard that. " I even overheard his conversation with Ming, you know what he told him?" He asked rhetorically, while I just sat in silence. "... that he had forgotten about the BET when he confessed to you, I didn't want to believe any of it until he showed up to our food court today"-Kit.

My eyes lit up, he did what. " he almost...". -Kit.
" That's enough KIT! Don't you have a boyfriend  to tend to?"- Phana suddenly interrupted Kit in mid sentence while glaring at him. " if you don't have nothing better to say but spew nonsense, just leave"- Phana. What on earth is going on between my two friends? " Pha you know Beam is not as fragile as you make him out to be. Allow him to fight his own battles"-Kit said then stormed off.

" What happened today Pha?!"... as if he didn't hear what I said. " Here is your dinner, it is your favorite. I took good notes for you  for physiology. We have a quiz this Friday"-Phana. He walked off on the bathroom, without answering me.What happened today? Where did I put my Phone, I searched for it frantically. I need to get to the bottom of this.

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