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The following Monday I decided to have lunch with Beam. My friends offered to tag along, but I refused. I didn't want to cause a stir up. I knew if push came to shove, and a fight broke up. There was no way Lammie would stay still. I am willing to take on Phana one on one if a fight was to break out.

When I arrived at the medical food stall, Beam's back was facing the entrance and Phana sat across from him directly facing me. I paused for a moment, because he noticed my presence. We exchanged looks, and I was not willing to break my stare. Crazy enough I couldn't read his eyes. They were blank, not showing any form of emotions. Next, he said something to Beam, grabbed his book bag and exited in the other direction. Hmmm,That's out of character for him.

~Phana ~

I've vowed to myself to let my feelings towards Beam go. I know it will take time but it's a step I'm willing to take. I can't avoid him, for the most part we have all of our lectures together. So I decided to endure this heartbreak on my own.

It is lunch time and it happened to be just Beam and I. Kit has to drop off paper work for a fundraiser that we are conducting this weekend. So he will be joining us later on. As I sat across from Beam I noticed a familiar figure looking straight at me. I didn't want to alarm Beam that I noticed Forth on our campus, so I put on a straight face. Pretending to look around.

He looked quite determined to take me on, if any ruckus was to occur. In that moment, I texted Pete to have lunch together. I told Beam I was heading to the Science food stall for my free Pink milk. For which he made fun of me. I just smiled, grabbed my stuff and left. *you did the right thing Phana, let him handle his own battles.*I thought to myself as I walked off.

Both of my friends ditched me at lunch, again!!! At this point I need to make new friends. In that moment I thought of Forth. He was really fun to be around. Even his pretty bestie and boyfriend were cool to hang with. I thought about yesterday when I took the girls phone number. I was wondering if Forth would react.

To my surprise he didn't alter a word. He just ate his food in silence and stayed quiet throughout the ride back his place. Truth is, I deleted the number the moment I dropped him off. I had no desire to entertain new people right now ,my goal is to focus on myself.

After Phana left I heard a voice next to me that broke my thought process. " Hi Handsome, why are you having lunch all by your lonesome?"-Max. What is he doing here? Oh!!! It's lunch time, perhaps he is looking for his next quickie 🤦‍♂️. I can't believe this used to be my life. Having sex through out the day, only difference with him and I, is that women threw themselves at me, I didn't go hunting for them.

" Hey Max, I see you out here to try your luck per usual. How is that working out for you?"... he laughed hysterically, I didn't think it was that funny 😒. " Why settle for crumbs, when I can have you instead 😉 "-Max. This guy really doesn't give up, he keeps pursuing even when he failed before.

Before I could say anything, I heard a loud thud next to me. Forth was sitting next to me, with a tray of food. Without acknowledging Max, he said, " Sorry I'm late, I had to get in line for my food"-Forth. Ummm, I was not expecting him to begin with.He smiled at me and proceeded to eat his food in silence. As if it was an unspoken rule, Max stated " I didn't know you two were still going strong. No disrespect Forth. Bye Beam".

Forth didn't say a word while next to me, he focused on his meal while I focused on mine. Every now and then he would glance at me and smile. What on earth is going here. Suddenly, he placed a bar of chocolate on my tray. " I have to get going or I'll be late for class. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Beam!!!"-Forth. I am still in a daze, what just happened?

For the remainder of the week, Forth stopped by everyday for lunch. He would always bring me chocolate as well. Phana has been MIA during lunch too, he has not made any comment about forth. Even though there has been photos of us floating on social media with people shipping our relationship. It wasn't until this Friday in lecture when Kitty said something.


After I dropped off the fundraising papers, I made my way to the food stalls where I normally have lunch with my friends. To my surprise, I saw Forth and Beam having lunch together with no Phana in sight. I snapped a picture and sent it Phana. "Yea, I'm aware. I'll take your advice and allow Beam fight his own battles." Pha replied. All I could do was smile, so I also decided to have Lunch else where.

This has been going on for the entire week and we have been giving them space. I being the nosy person I am wanted to pry some more. " Hey Beam, you should invite Forth and his friends to the fund raiser on Saturday. They can partake in the auction" I said with a big grin.

Beam froze, while Phana kept flipping through his pages nonchalantly. " Why would I invite Forth?"-Beam. I looked at him annoyingly. " Are you serious? The whole university knows you are an item. There are pictures of you all over social media. Isn't that true Pha?" We both turned to look at Phana. Me looking for confirmation, while Beam looked with concern. As if his DADDY was about to find out he is still seeing the boy he was forbidden 🚫 to see. Instead, Phana just shrugged his shoulders and kept flipping through his notes.

"See!!! Phana knows!! Besides I know a lot of people will place a large sum for that Lam guy. He attracts both men and women" I said. Beam gasped, " unless you want his boyfriend to massacre the entire school, don't consider him to partake"-Beam. I just rolled my eyes. " well I have you down as a participant, and I'll need your help putting up the rest of the posters. How about you take economic and engineer; Pha you can have science since you are always there and geography, I'll take the rest. Bye!!!" I said and parted ways with them.


I was really nervous when Kit brought up Forth in front  of  Pha. I really value his opinion and I didn't want him to be disappointed in me still entertaining Forth. But to my surprise, he wasn't mad or annoyed, in fact he didn't say a word. Instead he grabbed his pamphlet and said " I'll start in Geography , then do science. I'll be having lunch there too. See you later Beammie"-Pha. Although, he still calls me by my nickname, I've noticed he stopped ruffling my hair. Also, he has not been inviting me to spend the night or checking my homework like he used to. Phana has been distant of late, I hope all is well.

I started posting in Economics and once I was done I made my way to Mechanical engineering first. "Beam??? Hey Beam!!!" I heard a familiar voice call out my name, I turned and it was Park. " Hi, what are you doing on this side of the campus?"-Park. He said with a big smile. I told him about the fundraiser. " that's a good course, I can help you post them. I'm done with class, just waiting on Lammie to finish so we can have lunch" he said with a big grin. I couldn't help but giggled when he said "Lammie" this guy is really in love.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Park!!!" Heard a loud angry voice approaching us. I turned around and it was Lam with his arms cross and a look of death. I'm not going to lie I was a bit intimidated by his death stare. Trailing behind him was Forth, who was surprised to see me on their campus.

" Babe!!! I'm helping Beam put up these posters. The medical students are having a fundraiser on Saturday"-Park. As if he didn't hear a word his boyfriend said, Lam kept glaring at me. Then snatched the posters from Park and handed it to Forth. " Tell your boyfriend , to stay away from MINE"-Lam. I almost choked on my own saliva when he said that. He pulled Park away, while he waved" Bye!!! Beam hahaha"-Park


To say I was surprised to see Beam is an understatement, he look so handsome in his uniform. I had to pinch myself from drooling. I cleared my throat and said " I can give you a hand.." I waited for an answer but there was none. Instead, he proceeded to put up the posters.  I took his silence as a yes, and put up more posters too.

" Hey since you are already here, you should have lunch with us... umm, that's if you are okay with that" I said nervously. He looked at his watch, and to my surprise he had on my gear too. I was so happy to see him with it, I didn't wait for his response. I grabbed him by his hand and pulled him to follow me. I was waiting for him to pull back or yell at me. Rather he didn't say a word and followed along. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. *You are gaining his trust Forth!!! Keep fighting!!!*

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