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I looked at Beam who seem loss for words, trying to say something. " Forth this is..."-Beam was about to say something when the woman covered his mouth with her palm. She is very touchy and a bit too comfortable around Beam. I was honestly starting to get pissed at him too, because he was not fighting off her advances.

" Oooh, this evening got more interesting!!! 😂"-Strange lady. Did she just laughed in my face.
" Dammit!!! Where was you 2o years ago?😉... I didn't catch your name" she asked making herself comfortable at our table. I grabbed Beam by the wrist and moved him closer to me. The lady just looked at the two of us in silence.

" So why haven't you been picking up my calls handsome? I stop by your suite yesterday and was greeted with a mess you call a room"- she started talking casually to Beam, disregarding my presence. "I went out of town for the weekend" Beam responded nonchalantly to the woman.

Okay, I know of Beam's past being a player and all. Also, I knew he messed with married women. But for his one night stand to go to his suite and have a key!!Now, that's pushing the boundaries. Then the woman said, " I transferred some funds into your account, I'll be out of the country for a month"-she said flicking the ash off her cigarette. Her actions was really pissing me off.

Then she turned her attention to me, "Simmer down princess, I eat boys like you for lunch... how long have this been going on?" she asked. Okay this is a tad bit strange. Before, I could answer, Beam beat me to it and responded " this is our first official date 😊". I leaned in closer to Beam, noticing the slight resemblance now that I've studied the woman for a bit. " Who is she to you?" I asked.


When we pulled up to where we were going for our date, I couldn't help by sigh. Of all the restaurants in Bangkok, why did it have to be this one. I hope and pray she isn't here today. Hopefully, she is off to one of her many vacations per usual. But deep inside, I doubt it because I returned to a stocked fridge and my suite vacuumed and the bathroom looking spotless.

Hence, she was definitely in town. Forth look so handsome this evening, he is wearing a bottom up white shirt with his sleeves slightly rolled up. He paired it with a nice watch and some dressy shoes. He was really looking the part and I'm glad I dressed up to match him.

As soon as we sat our table, I heard those heels clacking towards us and I knew she was her. Dammit!!! I've been sending all her calls to voicemail. I really been avoiding her since our last encounter during my birthday at this very restaurant.

" Well hello handsome!!!" She walked over and kissed me in the lips. As if that's a normal way for a MOTHER to greet their teenage son!!! Yes!!! My mother kiss me on the lips. It was cute when I was younger, but now when she does it in public; people assumes I'm her boy toy!!

My mother and I don't have the typical mother and son bound. If anything she treats me like her younger brother. She travels for business and recently Started dating some heir who owns the restaurant we are at now. She shows up at random times to check in, and I knew she was in town because she normally hire people to clean my place whenever she visits.

But right now, she is crushing my first official date ever. I haven't even had the chance to introduce Forth to her, arghh. " So is this out of curiosity or you've switched teams?"- She asked waving the waiter over. I noticed forth tensed up, sitting next to me. He went from ready to fight, to piecing a puzzle together.

" No!! This is legit. This is my Boyfriend, Forth. Forth... this is my Mother!!" I said. I could hear when he gasped, and that sent my mother into a frenzy of laughter. " Who the fuck did you think I was to him?" She asked Forth. " Sorry!!! I didn't mean to call you out of your name"-Forth said nervously.

" Hmmm, so have you two fucked yet?"-Mother asked as if that was casual conversation. And for the very first time knowing Forth, he looked like a tomato. He was so shocked 😳 to hear my mother's question that he choked on his water. Meanwhile, I'm over here face palming 🤦‍♂️ ready to leave.
" MOTHER!!!! You can't ask such questions" 😤. She took a drag of her cigarette, and blew the smoke in the air smirking.

" Well I'll take that as a NO!!! ... I'm no mother Theresa, but make sure to use protection.... and Forth!!! Just know I have a bullet with your name on it"-Mother. She walked over to me hugged me tightly and kissed me on the forehead. " Take care of yourself baby, I love you.I have to go" she said click clacking away in her Jimmy Choos. *I love you too Mummy, you are not like many but I wouldn't want you any other way☺️*


After dinner, I was still recovering from what took place during the drive back. This is definitely going to be a memorable first date. Call me crazy, but Beam's mom is not your typical mom. She is the polar opposite of my mother, who is strict and play the stereotypical role of a wife and Mother.

Then you have Beam's mom, who is in her 40's but could clearly give the 20 year olds a run for their money. She is very beautiful and as time progressed, I picked up similarities between Beam and her. From both of them being lefty and that jawline and pale skin. She is practically Beam in a wig!!!

Beam has been quiet since our encounter with his mother. He seemed a bit embarrassed by her, but there is no doubt the love he has for her. Their relationship is a bit odd, but they clearly care for each other. When I pulled up to Beam's place he said, " I'm sorry about tonight, I didn't know she was going to be there. We can redo our first date!!! This time I'll take you out"-Beam

I watch as Beam fiddled with his fingers and addressing what happened tonight. " Well we should call it a second date, because this is by far the most insane first date I've been on and I wouldn't want to redo it". He smiled now looking at me for reassurance. I nodded and leaned in closer to kiss him.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning; let's have breakfast together before classes okay!!" I said. Beam looked so enticing and I truly wanted him to invite me upstairs but I'll wait. I'm his first man and I want it to be special. Also, there was too much packed into this weekend and I need to unwind.As I drove off, it dawned on me. *Beam's mom is dating P'Tharn!!!! Lam's uncle. Wow he is only in his late 20's. She is definitely one interesting woman*

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