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A/N:This is still a FORTHBEAM story, but giving the PhaYo shippers a couple of chapters before I wrapped up this story. Please check out my new story I'm working on titled: THE BOY AND HIS CLIENT. As always, thank you for reading.


I couldn't walk the day after making love with Forth. My ass was so fucking sore from all that pounding from him. I definitely learned not to tease him during sex, because he unleashed this beast mode. Currently, we are back at his place and he is being super sweet to me right now lol. He feels like he over did it, I mean he did, but we both had not had some in months.

I took two days off from school, but didn't missed much because Forth was getting notes from Pha for me. It appears they've settled whatever animosity that existed between them. I'm glad they get along now, because spring break is coming up and I have invited them all to my family beach house . The last time I went was with Forth and he confessed his feelings to me. This time to return with all of our friends, will make it more fun.

~Ming ~

"P'Beam organized a couples trip for spring break, oh this is going to be fun" I said to Wayo as I read the text off my phone. There wasn't much of a reaction from Wayo, normally he can't wait to be around *P'Pha*. "Is everything okay?... You are awfully quiet" I asked genuinely concerned. I can tell he wanted to ask or say something, but was hesitating.

"Ming... ummm h-how... hmmm nvm"-Wayo. I raised an eyebrow, it's not like Wayo not to share what's on his mind. He tells me everything but why is he holding back. So I tried fishing for answers, " is it about P'ha?" I asked and he blushed. Okay, at least I know the cause. I patted him on the head, something P'Kit has warned me never do infront of P'Pha. Apparently, he had expressed to him before how strange our friendship was to him hahaha.But it is a force of habit.

Although, Wayo and I are the same age I can't help but treat him like a younger brother. I'm actually like that, because I'm the youngest in my family, and I've always wanted to be a big brother. With Wayo being the only child, taking on that role came easy for me. He  look so fragile that I just want to look out for him.Aside from being my best friend, I also feel obliged to look out for him too.

He finally built the courage to ask what was weighing on his mind. " Ming how long did it take, for you and P'Kit to ummm" he paused. Lord, he is blushing 😊 so much right now. I think I know what he wants to ask, but I rather he put it in his own words. I smirked watching him fumble on his words, trying to find a way to ask the question. "....ummm for you two, to do more than kissing?"-Wayo.

"Hahahaha, you mean FUCK?" I said making him cover his face with his hands. " Why so shy ☺️ Yo? If you can't even say the word. Then you might not be ready for it. To answer your question, P'Kit and I did things backwards" I said. He looked at me trying to make sense of my words. " We met through grinder,it was supposed to be a one night stand. Afterwards, I just couldn't end things with him. I knew I wanted more with him than just SEX" I told Wayo. He just nodded his head " how would I know if P'Pha wants it?"-Wayo

I looked at him and instantly wanted to save him from himself. He is so pure and innocent. "Wayo... I've seen how he looks at you. Trust me he definitely wants it... but you have to to want it too. Not just to please him" I asked to make sure he wasn't feeling pressured. " I do want it, I feel ready. I just get tongue tied whenever P'Pha stops ,when our make out gets too steamy. I can tell he is holding back because of me" -Wayo. I sighed, I see his point. P'Pha is a gentleman and I can see how he might not want to push him. " You don't have to use your words sometimes , use your body. He is a smart guy, he will catch on to it" I said. 😏 He blushed some more when I said it.

~Phana ~

Beam invited us to his family's beach house for spring break. I'm all packed, and ready to go. We rented a van, that way we can car pool and also enjoy each other's company. Forth is still not my favorite person in the world, but Beam loves him. Therefore, I've also learned to like him. He often leaves the most heinous hickeys on Beam, they are definitely into some kinky shit. But I knew it was not my place to chime in. I wouldn't want another man's opinion about my sex life.

Park will be driving half way and I'll drive the remainder of the trip. Everyone was in the van already, when I got there. Beam was asleep in the back with Forth, Lam was sitting in the front next to Park who was driving. Ming and Wayo were sitting together. Nobody had to tell you Kit was not pleased with Ming,he had a frown that said fuck off.  And he sat right behind Park, on the drivers side. I took my seat next to him. I sighed, just what we need, a grumpy Kitty on this long ride. " Hi P'Pha, I got you some snacks" -Wayo. I smiled at him and took the snack, at least someone on this bus is in good spirits.

We made a stop at a gas ⛽️ station, where Park and I was to switch. I got out to pump the gas, why some random girl approached me. " Hey!!! You are Phana right?" I looked at her trying to recall where I knew her from. She smiled and said, " I'm in school of economics, I mean you are the Moon of the campus everyone knows you. Hahaha"-girl. I scratched my head out of embarrassment. We chat for a bit, I got the gas and got in the front seat. " N'Yo, you can switch seats with Lam "I told him. " No Phi, I rather stay back here" He said pouting.


" Oooo little Yo is mad at you Phana. Hahahaha"-P'Park. I can see P'Pha looking at me from the rear view mirror. " Lam, switch with me hun. There's more leg room for you back here"-Park. Before, we drove off, P'Pha texted me if I was mad at him. I just read it and looked out the window.
Of course, I am mad. He stood there for some random girl to touch on him and flirt with him. He wasn't acting like he was in a serious relationship. I am so mad 😡 right now. When we arrived at the Beach house, Kit who was still in his foul mood, dash off to one of the rooms and took a nap. "Kitty, is not joining us for lunch?"- Beam asked Ming,who just shrugged his shoulders.

Beam then proceeded to share the rooms. Him and P'Forth took the masters, Lam and Park had a room. He was about to say Pha and Yo, when I interjected. " Ummm Phi, I'll room with Ming"-I said. I noticed the moment P'Pha's Jaw dropped. Then he responded with "NO THE FUCK, YOU WON'T SHARE A ROOM WITH MING"😡. The entire room fell into complete silence. " Can I have a word with you, N'Yo"-Phana. I looked over at Ming to step in, " I cannot meddle in lovers quarrel Yo. Put your big boy pants on"-Ming. I folded my arms and walked off and P'Pha followed.

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