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~ Beam~
Forth and I have been texting back and forth. Mostly him, sending Good morning and night text. He also stopped by for lunch this entire week. It worked out, because Kitty was busy being KITTY, and Pha has been practicing his talent portion during lunch break and after school. Finally,today is the Moon and Star competition and although I'm rooting for Ai'Pha, a part of me would like to see Forth win as well. "Beam!!we need to get good seats before the place get crowded"-Kit.

He showed up with his Boyfriend N'Ming and a doll looking twink as well. I'll give it to him, he is very cute. He waved at me, with a big grin and introduced himself when we got to our seats. Apparently, his name is Wayo and N'Ming's best friend. I couldn't help but wonder why Ming never took interest in him. He is practically every TOP's dream boy, he is cute, expressive, adorable and very pretty. Everything that Kitty is not, honestly don't see what Ming see in the grumpy kitty.

"OMGosh!!! He is so handsome🥰!!"-N'Yo whispered to N'Ming when Phana was doing his Martial Art routine for the talent portion. I couldn't help but smile, because he thought he was being discreet with his friend. Not only did I hear what he said, but him along with all  of Phana's fan girls couldn't contain their excitement. The next person to perform their talent routine was Forth. "You've got this P'Forrr!!!!woohoo!!!"-N'Yo. How the hell does this kid know Forth? Is he one of his old flings?😒

I was really nervous to perform, not because of the crowd but the fact that I'll be confessing my love for Beam for everyone to hear. Deep breathes Forth you got this. *Coming up next is Forth Jaturapoom!!! He will be singing Bruno Mars Grenade for his talent.Give him a round of applause * I could hear my heart beat through my chest when I was introduced by the announcer.

"Tonight, I want to dedicate my song to a very special someone in the crowd. I hope my message reaches you" I said and I looked out in the crowd towards where Beam sat. Next to him was my cousin Wayo, who was gleeful , waving and screaming my name. "P'Forrr!!!, Woohoo!!"-N'Yo. I smiled at him, I noticed him live streaming on the phone. Arghhh, my brothers won't let me hear the end of this. They would tease me for the rest of my life!!!😖. I strum my guitar, and belted out the lyrics:

* Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live
Oh take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open
Why were they open
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever ask
'Cause what you don't understand is
I'd catch a grenade for ya (yeah yeah)
Throw my head on a blade for ya (yeah yeah)
I'd jump in front of a train for ya (yeah yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah yeah)
Oh whoa oh
I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes I would die for you baby

"Is he singing to Beam?"-Park. I nodded my head yes. My friend does not only like this guy, he is in LOVE 🥰. This is so out of character for him. We sat two rows behind Beam and his friends so I couldn't make out Beams reaction. All I noticed was an over excited Wayo, swaying back and forth to the music. That kid is just too cute for words. "It looks like Forth gained a new fan hahaha" Park said pointing at Wayo. I smiled and said " that's not a new fan, rather his biggest fan hahaha". I could tell Park didn't understand why I said that based on the quizzical look on his face. *I guess this was the plan Forth had huh? Smh*

"P'lammie!!!! I missed you so much. You didn't even call on my birthday 😤" the cute fan from before, runned up and hugged my boyfriend with no regards to the fact that I had my arm wrapped around his waist.
" Hi Nong!!! Phi is sorry. College has me busy, but I'll make it up to you" Lam patted the kids head right in front of me. " Hello!! You must be the BOYFRIEND. Hahahahaha Our families have been discussing y...." before the kid could finish his sentence , Lam muffled his mouth with his hand.

I raised an eyebrow, what the hell is going on here?
"Ahhhh, Park this is Nong Wayo. Ai'Forth's younger cousin"-Lam. Okay it makes sense, and I grinned from relief. "Nice to meet you, you coming to the party right?" I asked. He smiled towards Lam to make sure he was saying the right thing. "YESSS!!! I'll see you there, I have to go find P'Forth. Bye!!!". -N'Yo. I watched him wave and then he disappeared in the sea of people in the lobby.

"Three cheers for Ai' Forth... hip hip, hooray. Party at Lam's house!!!wooohoooo" said Cyril, their friend from high school. Forth didn't win the grand prize, but you would think he did based on all the cheering that was going on right now. His rowdy gang from high school came to support. I can only imagine what the house would look like after this party 🤦‍♂️

Phana won the Moon title and I was not surprised. He had both girls and boys drooling at him. Not to mention this very one who is now cuddled up on Forth's chest right now. The Wayo kid must be one of his boy toys, from the way he waved and winked at him on stage. I was so bothered by it, I couldn't pay attention to his performance. "We are heading to the party, are you driving or you want to hitch a ride wit us?-Kitty asked and snapped me out of my daze.

I ended up riding with them because I knew I'll be drinking a lot. I felt like shit!! All this week Forth was all lovey dovey with me and now he had a twink in his embrace smiling and laughing. I should have known better. He probably gave up on me, and went back to fucking cute boys. I stood by the counter drinking by myself, since Kitty was making out with his boyfriend in the bathroom. I mean they claimed they had to use the rest room, but I knew better than that. "You seem bored, why you don't like the music?"- a suave looking guy asked me. " Hello, my name is Can. I'm Forth's friend from high school." He reached out his hand to shake mine.

"P'Forr!!!! Congratulations. I need to take more pictures in your sash for Auntie Sheila" -N'Yo. My mom sent him on a mission I see. I won the popular vote for my performance. I hope Beam understood my feelings better. " Congratulations!!! Forth. You should have won Moon lol. You were better than the other guy" Cyril said handing me a beer. I couldn't help but wonder if Beam attended the party. I searched the sea of people but to no avail. My phone had died, and I couldn't reach him that way.

"Are you looking for BEAM?"-Lam asked. I guess he noticed how my eyes was tracing into the crowd. He tapped me on the shoulder and pointed in a direction. " You better get to him, looks like Ai'Can is making a move on your Man". I felt the blood in my face drain as I speed in their direction. Without saying a word, I grabbed Beam by the wrist and glared at Ai'Can. Who had a smirk 😏 on his face. "WE NEED TO TALK 😤"

I dragged Beam to my room and slammed the door shut. He looked at me with questionable eyes, as if he didn't know what he did wrong!!! " Why the hell are you so mad for???"-Beam. I glared and yelled " YOU TELL ME!!!AFTER I CONFESS MY FEELINGS TO YOU, YOU HAVE ANOTHER GUY FEELING UP ON YOU?!!!".😤

WTF is he yelling about, "FEELING UP!!! You are the one cuddled up with that cute boy. To think I - I I... you know what! Never mind I'm leaving!". I proceeded to walk out, when he calmly said, " that's my cousin Wayo. The cute boy you talk of"-Forth said looking me in the eyes. Next, he wrapped his arm on my waist. " I confessed my feelings for you on that stage for everyone to hear Beam.Couldn't you tell?"-Forth. OMGosh 😧... I was so occupied with everything else. " that was a confession for me?" I said looking him in the eyes. He smiled and nodded.

"I'm head over hills for you Beam"-Forth said looking me in the eyes. Suddenly I felt so warm all over, and my heart was palpitating again. I couldn't make sense of it the first time, but I get it now. After how jealous I was, I know what I feel for Forth is LOVE. I smiled and tears started streaming down my face. "I hope those are tears of joy hahahaha... Can I kiss you?" -Forth asked hovering in front of my face. I just smiled and nodded. He pulled me closer, tilted my head and planted his lips on mine. In that moment, I felt like time has paused. Then there was a sudden, BANG!!💨. The door swung opened, " Get your fucking HANDS OFF HIM!!!"... I gasped "Pha??? What's going on???😳"

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