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When I arrived in class, Phana and Kit were giggling and talking about something. Why are they in such a good mood? " Ahhh, if it isn't Mrs. Jaturapoom!!😏"-Kit. Okay, I guess he knows now, arghh here comes all the teasing. " I mean who would have thought, you would settle down. And more surprisingly with a man!!!! Hahaha" Kitty mocked me. I just rolled my eyes and took my seat. I was already annoyed with Forth this morning, I could care less what he tease me about.

" So N'Yo and I are official"-Phana. I turned around, to Kit high five 🖐 Pha. " wait!!! Did you know about the two of them?" I asked surprised that Kitty was not making a big deal as he did Forth and I. " Yea!!!, that kid practically worships Pha. Ming made me promise to have him meet him. I honestly wasn't sure Phana would be interested but it worked out"-Kit. I see a lot have been happening behind my back. " So this Friday is Forth's birthday, and his friends and I are throwing him a surprise birthday party. You guys should attend with your significant others".

" Is it okay if I attend with N'Yo? Your boyfriend don't seem to like me that much?"-Phana. I sighed, "He is harmless... I'll need you not irk him too. Please Pha!!"- I pleaded with him. When lunch time rolled around I was eager to go over to the engineer department. The last time I was here I didn't receive a great reception from Lam. As I walked in, the first person that saw me was Park. " Ayeee Beammie!!! What are you doing on our campus?" he said chuckling.

Why is he putting me on the spot? Although Lam and I are on good terms, he still didn't give me a warm reception. Forth got up and move in to what I thought would be a kiss, but instead it was a hug!! What the hell, he suddenly toning it down. What the hell is going on here.


Waking up, having breakfast and coming in to school together with Beam is a dream come true. Beam in the morning is as beautiful as any hour of the day. He literally is a Beam if sunshine 🌞.Since our steamy session, I've decided to limit my PDA with him. I wanted to grant his wishes and also to prevent myself from loosing control. Beam did come to engineer for lunch as promised . Funny enough he was getting along with my friends, even Lammie was not giving him a cold shoulder. But I couldn't help but notice something was off. Although he was there because of me, he occupied himself talking to my friends and not paying me no mind. Why the change in mood?

After school, Beam me picked up . Again, he had that cold demeanor. " Is everything okay Beam?" He glanced at me from the road. " Why? What makes you think everything is not okay?"-Beam.  Woah, that was a lot of attitude for someone who had no issues. " Do you want to have dinner at my place? I make a great Alfredo pasta" I said. I tried to coerce him with food, I'm really not good at reading people.

" No, I have to meet with Pha for our study group"-Beam. Now I knew he truly want a reaction out of me. We had a talk about this and he promised me he wouldn't refer to him as such. I tried holding back my anger but it was bubbling to the surface. "Hmmm, you guys not working with Kit?" I said trying to verify whether they will be alone. "No!! He has to catch on labs that he has been missing"-Beam. " So its just you and Phana... at the library?" I asked.😒


Two can play this game, Forth refuse to even kiss me on the cheeks. After the lunch at the engineer campus, I tried going in for a kiss from Forth. Again he avoided me, but I knew exactly how to get him back. " No we are meeting in Pha's suite" I said as I pulled up to his driveway. When we arrived he said, "I thought you promised not to refer to him as such"-Forth. I could see him clenching his teeth. " Oh sorry, I forgot"- I said nonchalantly.

"Beam, get out the car!!!"-Forth. I looked at him and smiled. Well look who is angry now!!! "Sorry, some other time Forth, I've to get going ". He quickly got out the passenger seat and swung my door open. " You think I'm fucking joking!!! BEAM BARAMEE!!! GET. OUT.OF. THIS.CAR.NOW!!!"-Forth. Arghh, not this side of him again, I was just messing around.


Beam is intentionally trying to piss me off, he knows how much I hate him referring to Phana as Pha. Now he's telling me he is going to be stuck in a room, alone with him!!! Over my dead body. I asked him to get out the car, but he wasn't budging. I didn't want to use force on him, I reached inside the car and took his keys and walked inside the house. " Forth!!! Give me back my keys. It was a joke!!! C'mon"-Beam. I could hear his footsteps behind me.

I threw his keys into the fish tank, " that's not funny Beam!! right?". I said and walked off to my room. "That's very MATURE of you Forth!!!" He said while fishing for his keys out. I was so mad when I walked in the house, that I didn't notice the two set of eyes watching us with a stunned look on their faces. He got his keys out and stormed off slamming the door. " Trouble in paradise hahaha?"-Park said mockingly. "I'm not in the mood Park" I said walking to the kitchen.

I texted Beam a few hours later when I calmed down. I don't know that was something to joke about? He knows how I feel about his friend Phana. There was no response. I took a deep breathe then called him. Luckily, he picked up my call. " Are you still mad about your keys?"... there was a long pause then he said "NO". Oh that response alone mean he is still mad at me. " Ummm, I'll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast" I said extending the olive branch.

"No need, I will have breakfast on campus"-Beam.
" Can I join you for lunch then?" I asked. " No, I have to catch up on lab"-Beam. Wow!!! He is really avoiding me hehehe. " So I won't see you at all tomorrow?". He was quiet, then said " No... I'll see you on Friday, bye Forth"-Beam. I wanted to tell him Friday was my birthday but he hung up. Damn, I'm on his shit list again 🤦‍♂️

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