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These two are really something, Park over there smirking and peaking glances at Lam. Lam on the other hand is blushing in all shades of red. I cleared my throat, " So what's the status? hahaha"... "Park asked me to be his boyfriend and I said YES!"-Lam. Park just looked at him with so much pride. Awwww look at these two all smiles. " Oh!!! I can't wait till next week, when the gang is hear about this. You will not hear the end of this"... Lam faced palmed himself "Forrrrr!!!!😖"-Lam... Park immediately stopped smiling, "Lam!!! Don't ever use that sweet tone with Forth again! You hear me?" He just nodded. I looked at submissive Lam in amazement " Wow!! Boy!!!! You got yourself a possessive boyfriend. Good luck!!"I said packing my stuff and leaving them alone. All that lovey dovey, mushy stuff is hurting my eyes. But above all, I was happy for my best friend, this is the most I've ever witnessed him happy.

"I'll pick you up, in 20 minutes. I'm on my way now"... " Okay, I'm all packed. We need to get groceries on the way"-Forth. I called Forth to let him know I'm heading to his place. I feel like I'm sneaking off to go see a forbidden boyfriend that my parents don't like. Phana already stated his dislike for Forth, Kit have no qualms with Forth. In fact he is so wrapped up in his relationship, that he has not been his usual  nosey and annoying self lately. " Hi P'Beam, are you also going home for the weekend?"-N'Ming. This kid is always here!!! I didn't want to engage in any further conversation so I just said " Yea.. how are you doing?"... " I'm good and nervous as well, I'm meeting P'Kit's family this weekend. I'm here to drive us there"-N'Ming. Oh wow, Kitty is at this stage of the relationship already, he has really kept us out of the loop. " Well drive safely... I've to get going to beat traffic" I said and dashed off. I didn't need Kit to be asking questions, because he knows I don't ever go home. In fact none of my parents are currently in the country.

I picked up Forth and we headed off to get food and supplies for the beach house. " Lets get chicken too, I have this great recipe. I want you to try"-Forth. "So you are chef too?lol" I said teasingly. He playfully shoved me out of the way. On that aisle, was a middle aged woman who has been observing us for a while. When I reached for the veggies, she happened to be next to me and said, " he seems like a keeper, the good ones are hard to find"... " Excuse me?", I asked because I thought she was referring to the green peppers in front of us. " Your boyfriend, you two look happy together" she smiled after saying that and walked off. I was lost for words, that I couldn't bring myself to tell her we are just friends. *what about us made her think we were lovers and not friends?* I thought about it on the entire ride to the beach house.

I drove the second half of the drive, and I couldn't help but notice the change in mood from Beam. He was chatty, and singing along when we left for groceries, now he look like he is in deep thought. "Hey I decided on a song to sing for the talent portion of the Moon and Star"... I said to change the mood in the car. " oh yeah? What do you plan on singing?"-Beam. " My goal is to get the popular votes from the ladies!!! Hahaha... so I'll sing Bruno Mars- Grenade"... " Hahahaha, that song does not match your tough exterior. I really can't wait to hear you sing!!"-Beam. His laughter made my heart smile, the way his face light up when he smile and those beautiful plump lips. Gosh, he is gorgeous... I'm glad he is smiling again even if it's at my expense.

We finally arrived at Beam's family Beach house. " Holy shit, I was picturing a fucking cabin not a mansion by the beach!!!" I said shocked by the impressive architectural building that was the beach house. It was very modernized, with big glass windows that over looked the water. " I didn't know you come from money!!"... " hahaha,  I'm a Baramee!!!"-Beam. Hold up, I finally put two and two together, as in Baramee Corp. They own most of the luxury real-estate in Thailand. " I definitely have to work hard if I want to date you hahaha"... but the room fall into silence when I realized what I had just blurted out. Oh crap, why did I say that out loud. "Hahaha, got ya!!!" I said trying to ease the tension. Beam gave me a weak smile and said " No wonder that lady thought we were a couple, can you believe that, is a couple ?"-Beam. " Huh? What lady? What are you talking about".

Forth blurted out he wanted to date me. He has always joked about me being pretty and often I catch him starring at me, not to forget Phana's concerns with him. But what he says are just words, but based on what a complete stranger from earlier on said and his out burst right now have me wondering . I really like hanging out with Forth, sometimes he cross my mind when I'm lone. I find myself giggling about something funny he had said or just the silly things he do. I don't know if this is a feeling that one has towards a friend but as of right now I can't decipher what it is.There is only one thing I know for certain, and that's the fact that I enjoy his company and I miss him when he's not around.

" some random lady from the store. Can you believe she thought we were a couple!!! Hahaha" I laughed nervously when Forth wasn't laughing along. " hmmm, you don't think you and I can be a couple? I'm not good enough?"-Forth. Okay this conversation went left. He was joking along with me and suddenly he is all serious. What the hell... " No we are friends!!! Besides I'm not into Men" I said. He moved in closer, hovering his lips in front of mine. " I didn't ask about you not being into Men, can you see yourself with Me?" -Forth. He looked at me so tenderly that I felt my heart flutter. " We - we should put our stuff away and get started on dinner!!"- I said and quickly grabbed my bag. " You can have one of the extra rooms up stairs!!" I grabbed my luggage and run  to my room and locked my door. " What the hell was that??? Why is my heart beating so fast??? 💨"... I sat behind the door, replaying the whole scene in y head. " That didn't just happened 😳".

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