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A/N: sorry guys for the slow updates, had to deal with life. LolBut I'm back and I'll be updating more often henceforth. Again thank you for reading. For all of you asking about Phana in this story, here you go 😊

After the competition, I received a text from Ai'Kit that they were heading to the house party being held by Forth and his friends.I was really uneasy about it when I heard about.Especially, knowing Beam was going to be around Forth. As the new Moon, I had to stay after the competition for photos and also go over my up coming duties as the new Moon of the University.

Afterwards, I texted my friends to find out if they were still at the party. There was no response from Beam, and Kit's phone went straight to voicemail. That made me concerned, I hope they were not up to any mischief. Frankly, ever since we started University;Beam has been on his best behavior. He has not been drinking and sleeping around with random women like he used. Is this a new Phase of his? Or is this truly the new path he's on.But even for Beam things are a bit too calm nowadays for my liking.

I've known Beam since kindergarten; truth is Beam is actually my first love. Yes!!! That's right and it hasn't been easy being in a one sided love with your best friend.I've loved Beam for as long as I can remember . We became friends when a kid shove him off a swing during recess in kindergarten. I didn't know what got into me, but I sprung to his defense before I could even think about my actions. I've been playing that role ever since. I was there for his parents divorce, and there when he fell into a deep depression over it.I use to steal glances at him in class and always asked him to be my partner on projects. I always wished we could be more, but what  are the odds I'll loose him?

I was young then and didn't clearly understand my own emotions or better yet decipher why I had such feelings for someone of the same gender. Just like that, time has progressed and I've learned to keep my feelings for Beam burried deep down in my heart. I was afraid to loose him as a friend and also don't know how my family and friends would think about my sexual orientation.

But of late, I catch myself impulsively showing my feelings towards him. I honestly didn't mind when he played around with women, but recently I've notice the yearning eyes of the wolf's on Beam. None rubbed wrong as much as Forth😤. He doesn't hide his interest in Beam, and that angered me. Unlike the many that had approached Beam in the past. He doesn't seem repulsed by him, what's so special about him? The thought of it alone,made me hit on the accelerator. I need to get to that Party, and get Beam away from that nuisance.


I noticed Forth suddenly dragging Beam to his room. What did Ai'Can say or do to piss him off like that. I walked over to where Can, Cyril and Lam stood by the counter. " Hi guys!!!...", I said to interrupt their conversation. I couldn't help but notice Lam has been distancing himself ever since his high school friends showed up. " ahhhh, if not the guy who finally fucked the virgin marry🤣"-Ai'Can. I noticed Lam smack him on the head. "SHUT UP!!! WE HAVEN'T D..." Lam stopped in mid sentence. I guess he realized what he was about to say and felt shy suddenly.

"Come here babe, you don't need to get angry. They are just teasing you hahaha." I said pulling him into my embrace. "awwww, didn't know you can be this cute LAMMIE!! hahaha"- Cyril. Lam flipped 🖕🏼him off , then buried his head on my shoulder. I whispered in his ear, " is this why you've been distancing yourself? 😂". He didn't look at me but nodded his head yes. He didn't want his friends to tease him. For his very first relationship,he's doing a great job being cute lol. I can also see how innocent he is based on his reaction right now.

"Wait, where did Forth disappear off to? Did he find an ass to fuck already?😂" -Cyril. Ai'Can shook his head, " Not any ordinary ASS, he is FUCKING BEAM BARAMEE".... " Ooo wow!!! Damn Forth is so fucking smooth, we need to give him his Money. He won this BET"-Ai'Cyril. Meanwhile I stood there frozen with Lam's face buried to my chest. With the other guy's back facing the entrance.Only if the see what my eyes behold right now.

I noticed Phana entering, then proceeded to walk in our direction. Before I could even say anything, Ai'Can had already blurted out the BET placed on having sex with Beam. The fire and fury that permeated from Phana's eyes could be compared to that of hell. He walked towards us, and demanded, "WHERE THE HELL IS FORTH 😤😡?... I could swear I saw steam coming out of his ears.

"Who the fuck wants to know?"-Cyril said and their entire gang stood up. "Hold up, Hold up guys. He's Beam's friend!!!..."Lam said to ease the tension. I approached Phana, "it's not what you heard, Forth really likes your friend and wouldn't do nothing without his consent" I said. As if that was a trigger word, because his eyes bulged out and he sprinted up stairs "BEAM!!! BEAM!!!...." Phana yelled through out the house. We all runned after him. Damn Forth, I hope you ain't fucking this guy. Or we will see blood today 🤦‍♂️I said a prayer


When I arrived at the party, the place was crowded. It seem like the entire university was here. Because of the loud music, I couldn't call out my friends name. I searched through the crowd until I saw a familiar face. It was Park, I recall him being one of Forth's friends. I decided to ass him for my friends where a-bouts, when I overheard their conversation. One of the guys was talking about how Forth won the BET placed on Beam.

I felt the surge of anger building up when I moved towards Park, who looked shock to see me. It took everything in me not to knock out the short guy who asked out *who the fuck wants to know!!* The goal right now is to find Beam and get him out of here. I stormed through the crowd upstairs, opening random doors until I came up on Beam and Forth locking lips.😧

The ache I felt in my heart... before I could even think straight, I yelled "Get your FUCKING HANDS OFF HIM."Then pounced on Forth, next we were exchanging blows.Park yanked me off him.  "They placed a BET on you Beam!!!..." I screamed my frustrations while pulling away from Park. " Huh, what is he talking about Forth." -Beam turned to Forth. " They placed a Bet on who was going to fuck you first..."... " Is that TRUE, are you doing all this because of a BET?"- Beam.

There was dead silence in the room, now everyone at the party have made their way upstairs. Casting his sight on the floor, Forth said, "It started off like that, but I swear whatI said about falling for you is TRUE!!!".. Beam with tears welding up in his eyes stormed out the room. Forth was about to follow him when I stood in his way. " Give him space for now Forth.." his friend Park said while holding him back.

"Ai'Pha! What's going on here?"- Kit. I looked at him in disbelief, he left our friend by himself and now he is acting concerned? "Ask your boyfriend!.." I glared at him and walked off to go find Beam.

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